BnH2476 years ago

If you don't mind, can you pass me Mod so I can update everything or at the very least correct the release date of the game so I can submit the vod for my run. Thank you in advance.

WiiSuper likes this
BnH2476 years ago

The categories have already been discussed on discord and IL's are available through the washing machine but no one has completed one or has a video of a run to warrant putting up a leaderboard for it yet, when someone submits a video of a WM run whether a single battle , an entire world, or a full game WM run then I will put it up.

IlluminaTea likes this
BnH2476 years ago

Most discussions are taking place in the discord channel and a turn list seems like it would be helpful but for some maps it's definitely not because the faster strategies are several turns longer for various reasons and then you have to consider that RTA timing is what really counts so some strategies with 6 turns can be lower RTA then 4 turns if executed correctly and you don't get screwed by rng.

SalmonBuffalo likes this
BnH2476 years ago

Routing this game has been cancer so far, I attempted to get a run done but it's long since you are basically trying to speedrun chess and RNG can fuck you on like 3-4 maps REALLY bad so this will definitely be a game that needs major help from all members who are interested to find strats, team combos, and rng manipulaiton per battles of the sub worlds ie: battle 1, battle 2 of world 1-4 etc.

Once I complete a run, myself and anyone else interested in running the game can analyze it for improvements and what not but I do have a rough draft run I am once again attempting today with a lot more time slotted it cause I ran out of time at around 7 hours for the first run but if theres some maps have 100% tile to tile manipulation and routing without fail then a decent chunk of time will be saved per battle that this is applicable for.

Edit: normal mode sucks, easy mode will be a lot more fun and especially for routing the strategies.

BnH2476 years ago

I've never supported forcing people to pay extra money just to be on a fair playing field for running the game, more DLC is going to be added to the game later which to most people would warrant a separate category anyways. SR3/4 communities were also in favor of making the main category as having no DLC content where the with DLC category just got moved to Misc because it wasn't as popular.

In terms of numbers most agents average 8-13 minutes depending on the RNG of what pre-missions you get and other factors like vehicle rng for chase downs, delivery and traffic. Best case scenario, including Gat in the route saves about 10 minutes or less tops and that's only due to the Agency experience brick wall you encounter twice throughout the run where you are forced to do races for vehicle unlock xp along with x3 agents leveling up with 600-1.3k mid game and 1.5-3k experience late game rewards in 1-2 minute increments.

Then if someone comes along and finds a way to glitch xp leveling agents to 20 super quick Gat would then not even be needed since you would have enough agency xp to continue throughout the story missions with the natural agent unlocks.

That's just my reasoning and what I'm standing behind and I have the DLC already, I just don't support it for the runs.

BnH2476 years ago

I can add a dlc category, thats not an issue and I already know which agents are the fastest and what the best route pretty much is. The only thing to really cut time off of the run is to find an experience exploit to pop agents up really quickly other then doing races late game on max difficulty.

BnH2476 years ago

Same, if you want to pass mod to me as well I'm currently working on this game and have some things to talk to other runners about as well.

thread: Hover
BnH2477 years ago

Glitch hunters, if anyone can figure out how to pop 500 rank really quickly you will be cutting this runs time in half or more, a possible item collection, reloading and doing it over and over, a glitched sign, something that is within the Haven District. A slower alternative would even be getting into the admin district early to do high rank missions if they spawn.

Other ideas include checking the orbital tower to see if its possible to slip into there and activate a trigger that spawns the admin.

Possible unlimited energy storage but this seems pretty far out there but there may be some kind of tech to perma hold max energy.

Anything else helps

BnH2477 years ago

I mean I would understand if you want to do Act I,II,III runs because you can conveniently select them that way but you would essentially have to play through the acts over and over to get to the specific mission that you wanted to run and if you mess something up then resetting isn't going to be very fun, but that's just me. I would add it to the leaderboard if you have runs done for majority of the missions since most of them average from 7-14 ish minutes with the rules being where you start the timer on player control and stop as soon as you see the mission complete screen.

Scpk likes this
BnH2477 years ago

Sorry, I just read this cause I don't have some games on follow but we would have to see how long it would take to determine if it would be segmented.

thread: Yooka-Laylee
BnH2477 years ago

No, legitimacy is only verified through videos and do you know how good people are at photoshop lol? I mean seriously I had a friend link me a picture of some guy who photoshopped an impossible time that a TAS couldn't even do so generally no video is highly, highly, frowned upon.

Shade667 and simozx like this
BnH2477 years ago

Changing that is not an issue but there needs to be runs submitted before any further action is taken to be honest, I created the IL's and the people who said they would do runs never did. If anything I would just make with/without Red Bricks a value to select since there isn't much interest in this game for it to matter too much. Having run the game though, there is more potential for time saves and skips with invincibility so you would want to consider that as well, going for these time saves can take some practice to master.

WiiSuper and Levi_Gurgel like this
BnH2477 years ago

It would be in free play mode so you would beat the game first, then go back and select the mission that you want to run.

WiiSuper and Levi_Gurgel like this
thread: Speedrunning
BnH2477 years ago

I really enjoy routing and running most Co-Op games because the strategies and synergy required can be really fun and challenging. Every now and then I run into some nice opportunities to do some runs with people who are running a new game solo and want to try Co-Op but I wanted to see if there is one or even a few souls out there that want to conquer a multitude of Co-Op games listed/unlisted. I've had a lot of good memories thus far and just want to continue building a legacy with whoever may be interested.

If you're interested just message me on discord, steam, twitter or whatever is easiest for you.

Delekates and Tron_Javolta like this
BnH2477 years ago

If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me on discord.

I am also interesting in doing a PC Co-Op run if anyone is seriously interested in doing so.

About BnH247
8 years ago
4 years ago
Games run
Last run 7 years ago
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Last run 6 years ago
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Last run 6 years ago
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus (2018)
Last run 6 years ago
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 7 years ago