Queensland, AustraliaArahpthos1 year ago

Hey there! My name is Arah and I have taken over the moderator role for this game.

As Word Factori had released quite a few months ago, some categories for the game have been long overdue. I have added a few full game categories and intend on rolling out levels as well. Hopefully we can see some activity on this board and give this game the speed running love it deserves.

Queensland, AustraliaArahpthos3 years ago

At the moment, the way that the rules are set up for the All Challenges categories, the Challenge "Have the game powered on for a total of 20 hours." can be completed before the timer starts as seen here:

This can be done by starting the game, and waiting on the main menu for 20 hours (time spent clearing DLC or reading announcements don't count for some reason). You can then close the game and backup the save to the cloud so that you may use it at any point in time.

I haven't applied this in any run that I have submitted to the leaderboard, as I don't think that this is a healthy thing to allow in runs.

On the one hand: We do currently allow the limited time DLC packs to complete 2 challenges immediately as well as majorly impact AC: Spirit Board and WoL categories. This 20 hour trick isn't as impactful as those. We allow regular DLC to clear another 5 challenges before the timer starts The rules state that the timer starts after clearing the DLC and has nothing to say about how long the player stays on the main menu before clearing DLC and announcements.

On the other hand: It really bends the rules of what counts as a fresh save file. Having a pre-beaten challenge is big for certain All Challenges runs where the hammer routing is really tight, especially noticeable in the example linked above. Keeping a cloud save with usable gift spirits from the limited time DLC is allowed as verified runs have shown, however I think that's a healthy thing as it allows runners to actually get runs going instead of constantly resetting for good spirits over and over.

To summarize: There's a way to have yet another challenge beaten as soon as you start the game by leaving your switch powered on for a really long time. I don't think that it should be allowed, however I don't think the limited time DLC should be allowed to influence runs either. Limited time DLC is allowed by precedent.

I am not the only runner of these categories so I would like to know what the other runners think.

Queensland, AustraliaArahpthos3 years ago

There are a number of questions that we get about the SSBU leaderboard so I decided to make a FAQ to just clear up the most common ones. Most are related to Classic Mode, however there are some that cover all categories.

Q: Why are Person X’s Classic Mode RTA times much faster than mine when our IGT is so similar?

A: There are a number of factors that go into this:

  1. Did you die at any point in your run? Be honest. Taking a death in a run can lose 5 seconds RTA and next to nothing (as little as 0.02 seconds) IGT.
  2. Using a character color variation other than their default loses anywhere from 1 second to 8 seconds depending on the character. Always use the default character skin if you don’t want to needlessly lose time.
  3. Some stages (such as Tortimer Island and Kalos Pokémon League) take a random amount of time to load. As far as we are aware, there is no way to control this. Sometimes you just have to eat the time loss.
  4. Some older versions of the game have faster loading times than newer ones.
  5. In order to progress from one round to the next, you have to hit the A button. If your mashing skills aren’t up to par, you can lose a decent chunk of time.
  6. At the end of the round, the game zooms in on the player’s character when it shows the score updating. If the player’s character isn’t on the screen (e.g. very close to the blast zone) the game won’t zoom in. This saves about 0.2 seconds every time it is done.
  7. If your copy of the game is the physical game cartridge, you have the slowest loading version of the game. Switching from physical to digital can save 5-10 seconds depending on the character you are running off of loads alone. If you do have a digital version of the game, make sure it is downloaded to your Switch and not your Micro SD card. Micro SD cards don’t have the data transfer rate that the flash storage built into the switch does. If there is enough space used up on the Micro SD card, it will begin to load slower than even a cartridge copy of the game.
  8. Newer revisions of the Nintendo Switch have a newer Tegra processor than the original. A newer Switch can save 2 seconds in loading over an older Switch.

Q: If there are so many time losses based on loads alone, why aren’t the Classic Mode Leaderboards ranked by IGT?

A: IGT is not the easiest thing to calculate. Thankfully a webapp exists that you can just plug your game timer into and generate IGT: Unfortunately there are still some issues concerning running with IGT in mind:

  1. There are a LOT of runs submitted and accepted without IGT. IGT has never been a requirement for lifespan of the leaderboard, so there are hundreds of runs that would need to be retimed, which is a lot of work for a small mod team.
  2. Some runs would be impossible to retime as they were recorded on a phone with low resolution and/or with the timer not fully on screen.
  3. Loads can vary on the same version on the same consoles. This makes it impossible to tell if you've PB'd IGT until after you've retimed it. This would inevitably lead to either a lot of good runs slipping through the cracks, or a lot of time spent combing through a recording trying to see if a run PB’d instead of playing the game.

Q: How do I skip the cutscenes for boss fights?

A: Just press the B button and you'll get right into the action

Q: I’m new to the boards and I want to know which character I should speedrun?

A: This is entirely up to personal taste. Seriously: just pick a character that you like and run them. All characters are beginner friendly in this game. You will have an easier time running 0.0 but if you do have the fundamentals of the game down, 5.0 and 9.9 aren’t terribly difficult.

Q: I don’t have a capture card or good enough computer to use one? Am I allowed to submit to the boards anyway?

A: While decent quality footage is a bonus (and preferred), it is not required. So long as you have video evidence of the time you are claiming and mods can see what you are doing, even a video recording from your phone is good enough to submit. Mods will not accept a time without video evidence. If said video evidence becomes unavailable, your time will be removed from the leaderboards.

Q: Do I have to have a timer on my video in order to submit?

A: Once again, this is preferred but not a requirement. An accurate timer on the video makes it much easier for the moderators to verify your run, and therefore makes it a speedier process. That said: if you don’t have the capabilities to add a timer to your run, you will not be disqualified from submitting.

Q: I keep trying to get 9.9 in Classic Mode but can’t ever reach it. What am I doing wrong?

A: Any number of things.

  1. What intensity are you starting out at? Starting at too low of an intensity will mean that you will never be able to reach 9.9. Personal anecdote: the lowest intensity I have ever cleared 9.9 from is 3.5. I have only done that once. I consistently can hit it starting at 3.6 or higher depending on the character.
  2. Are you avoiding taking damage? If so, are you beating the fights fast? The amount that the intensity increases is dependent on how quickly you can clear a round, and how little damage you take. You can tell that you have done well when “Nice Play” pops up in the upper left corner when intensity increases.
  3. Did you die? If yes, your 9.9 run is over. Once you take a death in classic mode, the highest intensity that you will be able to reach is 9.8. The only exception is if managed to reach 9.9 prior to your death, and you use a ticket to continue. If you use a ticket to continue and you have not reached 9.9, you will not reach 9.9.

Q: Why does 5.0 exist as a category?

A: 5.0 existed originally to be the "challenge run," but as deaths were allowed it eventually evolved into something else. Every other Smash Bros. game has a Normal difficulty category, so this felt like a good way to keep that tradition.

Q: I have a really cool idea for a category!

A: Do you want to run that category? If not: you have your answer. If so: Do it. Run your category and try to get a good time with it. If you still think it’s fun, Moderator Jaaay has set up a spreadsheet leaderboard for all kinds of whacky categories. You can find out more here:

Q: When running Co-op, am I allowed to pick a different character with Player 2, or do I have to play the same character?

A: The game allows you to choose whichever character you want, so that isn’t restricted on the boards.

Luthy, Jaaay and 3 others like this
About Arahpthos
7 years ago
Games run
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last run 6 months ago
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Last run 4 months ago
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Last run 3 months ago
Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen
Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen
Last run 3 years ago
Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
Last run 1 year ago
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Mario RPG (Switch)
Super Mario RPG (Switch)
Last visit 8 months ago
Word Factori
Word Factori
Last visit 1 year ago
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank
Last visit 1 year ago
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Fusion
Last visit 1 year ago
Star Fox Command
Star Fox Command
Last visit 4 years ago
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Zero Mission
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last action 2 days ago
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Last action 11 days ago
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Last action 2 days ago
Word Factori
Word Factori
Last action 4 months ago