Any% (Glitchless) (Abraless route) - Exarion - February 15th 2017
Any% (Glitchless) (Abraless route) - Exarion - February 15th 2017
Güncelleme tarihi 6 years ago tarafından Exarion

Properly formatted version:

This is a guide for running the Abraless route using Mudkip 1026, which has a Naughty nature and IVs of 21/23/29/30/30/29. The Abraless route is likely NOT the fastest way to beat this game, but it is much faster than catching Abra on average, and thus a better option for most new runners.



  • You are allowed to save & quit. New runners are strongly advised to save before the following fights: Rival 2, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate & Liza
  • Spinners can be dodged with 100% consistency with proper strats, which are explained here:
  • Watch the top runs on the leaderboard to learn the basic movement paths. There is too much to explain in a written guide, and it's mostly intuitive anyway.
  • You will save a LOT of time by practicing movement (even basic running and biking paths).
  • Trainer AI is explained here in terms of this run:
  • The cursors for the main menu and inventory never never reset unless you save+quit (so no point in swapping items to the top of your inventory).
  • You cannot buffer inputs in Gen 3, so it is generally best to menu immediately after an event, rather than during movement.
  • When Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert's HP is at 1/3 or less, its Torrent ability will trigger, which boosts the power of Water-type moves by 50%.


  • Plug in the GBA wireless adapter if you have it. This saves about 2 seconds in lag
  • Clear the previous save file by pressing Select+Up+B on the title screen
  • Set the text speed to FAST, battle scene to OFF and battle style to SET
  • Open two timer files. One should be your main splits; the other should be set to -17.09 (-17.20 if you are not using the wireless adapter)


  • Choose the girl
  • Give yourself a 1-character name


  • Skip the PC Potion


  • Save in front of the Mudkip bag
  • Mudkip extended manip tutorial:
  • Synchronize a soft reset (A+B+Start+Select) with starting your secondary timer. Release A+B+Start+Select as soon as possible
  • When you reload your file, select Mudkip in the bag when your secondary timer hits 0.00
  • You can usually tell if you got the correct Mudkip without checking its stats (a 5-second loss):

    The correct Mudkip has 21 HP and is male The Zigzagoon is always male The Zigzagoon has 13 HP, and you do 6-8 damage with Tackle at -0 (5-6 at -1). Zig's HP will turn yellow at 6 HP, and red at 2 HP The Mudkip that is one frame early (Careful nature) does 5-7 damage (4-5 at -1). One frame late (Quiet) does 6-8 (4-5)

ROUTE 101/103

  • Kill a L2 or L4 Wingull if you see it
  • Rival 1: Tackle x4


  • Take the mom heal with <7 HP


  • If you killed a L2 Wingull, consider killing a L2 Zigzagoon or any L3 encounter here (but watch your HP; you want at least 6 for the next fight)


  • Calvin: Tackle x3 (finish with Mud-Slap if low rolls)
  • If you killed a L2 Wingull, consider killing a L3 encounter here if you see one. Otherwise, consider killing any L4 encounter or a L3 Lotad/Seedot. Again, watch your HP


  • Shopping: Buy 4-5 Potions and 3 Repels

    Buy 5 Potions if you skipped experience buy 4 Potions if you got at least 29 experience (anything except a lone L2 Wingull)


  • Never cut through the grass
  • Before entering the grass before Petalburg Woods:

    If Lv. 7, heal to 17+ HP If Lv. 8, heal to 13+ HP Use a Repel


  • Aqua Pooch: Tackle x5


  • Fight all 3 trainers before Roxanne

    If you skipped experience, fight the bottom trainer first (Mud-Slap x6). His Geodude has only Tackle If you got 29+ experience, fight the middle trainer first (Mud Slap x5). His Geodude has Tackle, Defense Curl and Mud Sport

  • Swap Water Gun to slot 1 the first time you use it
  • Two tiles before Roxanne:

    Use a Repel If you skipped experience, heal to 34+ HP If you got 17+ experience, heal to 15+ HP

  • Roxanne: WG/Growl/heal as necessary

    Use Growl turn 1 if you will likely die to 2 Rock Tombs


  • Dodge the first two trainers, then talk to the Hiker spinner (WG)
  • Walk up to the tile 1L and between the two spinners

    When the top spinner faces away, use a Repel Walk through the two spinners, then run manipulate the top spinner to face down so you can fight the other Hiker alone (WG x2)


  • Aqua Grunt: WG x1-2

    Teach MS over Growl if you evolve here


  • Shopping: Sell TM39; buy 2 Super Potions, 3 X Attacks, 2-3 X Speeds and 5 Repels

    Buy 2 X Speeds if you bought 5 Potions in Petalburg Buy 3 X Speeds if you bought 4 Potions in Petalburg

  • Talk to your rival (decline to battle)
  • Run to Mr. Briney's house


  • If you skipped experience before Roxanne, grind for an encounter here

    If the encounter is Taillow or Wingull, catch it, then grind for another encounter Generally YOLO ball a flier here; exceptions are L5 Wingulls (WG), L4 Wingulls as Mudkip (WG), and L4-5 Taillows after 1-2 Growls (Tackle) Teach MS over Growl if you evolve here


  • Enter the center, but don't use it


  • Get the Escape Rope, and use it after the cutscene


  • Get the Soft Sand, and equip it at any point before Route 110


  • Grunt 1: MS
  • Grunt 2: Tackle+Tackle, MS


  • Pokefan 1: MS x2

    If the second Minun lives on 5 HP or less, finish with Mud-Slap

  • Pokefan 2: MS x2
  • One tile before the grass:

    Use a Repel Heal to 50+ HP

  • Get the hidden Full Heal
  • Rival 2: X Speed, X Attack x2, (heal if <37 HP), Mud-Slap, MS+Tackle, Tackle(+Tackle)

    Use the Full Heal to cure burn, not sleep You can't wake up on the first turn you select an attack, so waste this turn before healing Use a Potion on Grovyle at <9 HP (it will use Quick Attack) If Wingull lives Tackle, use a Potion at <4 HP

  • Triathlete: WG in Torrent, Mud-Slap otherwise
  • Psychic: Mud-Slap
  • Get the Elixer


  • Get Rock Smash
  • Get the Mach Bike
  • After exiting the bike shop:

    Teach Rock Smash over Tackle Register the bike Use the bike from the menu Fight the Youngster on Route 118 (WG x3 in Torrent, MS, Mud-Slap x2 otherwise)

  • Wally: WG in Torrent, MS otherwise


  • Use a Super Potion before Youngster Ben at <14 HP, after him otherwise
  • Youngster: MS(+WG), MS

    WG+MS Gulpin if you got Growl

  • Wattson: X Attack, X Speed, MS x4

    Finish Manectric with Mud-Slap if it lives

ROUTE 111-113

  • From here until Mt. Chimney, study top runners' movement carefully. Mistakes can be costly
  • Use one Repel on Route 112, the other on Route 113


  • Get the hidden Nugget in the crater
  • Shopping:

    If you bought 4 Potions: Sell Nugget, then buy 13 Super Repels, 4 X Specials, 9 X Attacks and 2 Guard Spec. If you bought 5 Potions: Sell Nugget and TM47, then buy 13 Super Repels, 5 X Specials, 1 X Speed, 10 X Attacks and 2 Guard Spec. Since you only need 4 X Specials and 9 X Attacks, you can buy an extra Super Potion if you're low on healing items You can also buy 1 fewer Guard Spec. if you have 40-49 HP (and thus skip selling TM47 even if you bought 5 Potions)


  • If you have a flier, use a Super Repel on the bridge (line up with the Fisherman)
  • If you don't have a flier, grind for a Swablu here (WG to weaken)
  • If you caught Swablu in the first patch of grass, or it put you to sleep, use a Super Repel (and heal sleep if necessary) as soon as you caught it
  • Hiker: WG x2
  • Bag manip the first pass on the spinner (and use a Super Repel if you haven't already)

ROUTE 115-116

  • Use a Super Repel when the first one wears off


  • Hiker: WG x2, MS


  • On the tile 1D, 1R of the sign in the middle of the city:

    Use a Super Repel Heal to 35+ HP Use your Elixer if you have 0-1 Mud Shots remaining Teach Strength over Mud-Slap

  • Bike east to fight the Aroma Lady on Route 118 (Strength x3)

    If Shroomish statuses you, use the Full Heal if you have it (otherwise buy the necessary status healing item in Mauville)


  • The repel should wear off right before the spinner. If he hasn't spun, it's a guaranteed pass


  • Grunt 1: WG
  • Grunt 2: Strength
  • Tabitha: Strength x3, WG
  • If you have 47+ HP, switch your bird to slot 1 now
  • Maxie:

    If Marshtomp is in slot 1: Switch to bird, let it die, send in Marshtomp, X Attack, MS+Strength, Strength, MS If bird is in slot 1: Guard Spec., let bird die, send in Marshtomp, X Attack, MS+Strength, Strength, MS If you have 3+ Mud Shots remaining, use Strength on Mightyena if you can survive 3 Bites (54+ HP) If you have 2 Mud Shots remaining, use Strength on Mightyena if you can survive 2 Bites (37+ HP) Use WG on Camerupt in Torrent


  • Bag manip the spinner. If your bird is in slot 1, swap it back to slot 2 here


  • Before talking to Flannery:

    Heal to 46+ HP if you will have a spare Super Potion after doing so Heal to 60+ HP otherwise Use your Elixer if you have 0 Mud Shots remaining Use a Super Repel if you did any of the above

  • Flannery: WG, X Attack x4, (stall until poisoned), Strength x2, MS

    If you do not get poisoned by the time you reach +4, use a fifth X Attack. You can stall further by using X Specials and Attacks (but don't go below 3 of either), healing your HP, or throwing balls Use Rock Smash on Slugma as soon as you reach +5 (it will lower Slugma's health to a level at which it can't use Sunny Day or Light Screen) Use WG on Camerupt at +4 if in Torrent and neither Sunny Day nor Light Screen is active Use MS on Camerupt at +4 if you have 2 remaining and you can't WG

  • Note your HP after the fight. If it's below 32, you will need to heal after the fight to survive poison through the desert. Combine this heal with using a Super Repel if you haven't already repelled


  • Buy 5 Energypowders, 5 Energy Roots, max Heal Powders (should be 4-5)
  • If you're not on a run, take a break to watch this video:


  • Get the desert candy (and Super Repel first if haven't already)
  • Bike around until you die from poison


  • Use the Rare Candy (safety strat: don't use it yet)
  • Brawly: Strength x3


  • The left side is risky but faster, and it requires only 3 X Attacks. The right side is safe and requires 4 X Attacks
  • Left side:

    Swellow: Strength+Strength Heal to full Spinda: Strength+MS Heal to 68+ HP Zangoose: MS+MS (MS+WG+Strength if the HP bar is green after the first MS)

  • Right side:

    Delcatty: WG+MS+Strength (if WG crits, use X Attack if you have 5) Slakoth: WG+X Attack+MS Heal to 65+ HP and use the Rare Candy Vigoroth: WG+MS+MS (can sometimes finish with Strength)

  • Heal to 60+ HP before Norman
  • Norman: X Attack x3, X Speed, (Heal Powder), Strength, WG+Strength, MS, RS+Strength+Strength (RS+RS+MS+(heal+MS)) if no drop

    If Spinda leads with 2 Facades, kill it with MS, then finish setting up on Vigoroth Do not heal confusion on Spinda with 70-75 HP Go for the 53% MS range on Vigoroth if you currently have enough HP to survive a Countered Rock Smash, but you won't if Vigoroth hits you


  • Bike to the water, then use a Super Repel and teach Surf over Water Gun
  • Get the Rare Candy
  • Shopping: 2 Escape Ropes, 3 X Speeds, max X Attacks (should be ~13)

    Buy 2 Potions first if you have 0-1


  • Use another Super Repel on the spinner bag manip


  • Surf to get the Rare Candy


  • Use another Super Repel as soon as you enter the water


  • You take 5 damage from Strengthing a Carvanha (6 from Shelly's). If you can get Torrent from 1-2 Strengths, go for it
  • Grunt 1: MS
  • Grunt 2 (right): Surf x2
  • Grunt 3 (left): Surf, MS (Surf x2 with <5 HP)
  • Use both Rare Candies on the spinner bag manip
  • Shelly: Surf x2 in Torrent; MS, Surf+Surf otherwise
  • Give Castform a 1-character name
  • Take the bed on the way out


  • Get the Elixer next to the water if you used one before Flannery
  • Rival 3: X Speed, X Attack, Strength x2, Surf+Strength+Strength

    Surf the Slugma if it used Harden

  • When you reach the final patch of grass:

    Use a Super Repel Teach Fly to your flier Teach Shock Wave to Castform over Rain Dance Switch Castform to slot 2


  • Get the hidden Revive
  • Run from the Kecleon


  • Double battle: 1: Strength+SW Doduo 2: Strength Pelipper+SW Swellow (repeat if Protect) 3: Surf+SW Swellow 4: Surf+SW Xatu
  • Heal Swampert to 74+ HP
  • Bird Keeper: Strength until dead, then send in Castform and Powder Snow
  • Before Winona:

    Revive Swampert if it died to Tropius Heal to 20+ HP otherwise Use your Elixer if you have <6 Strengths

  • Winona: X Attack, Strength, Strength+Strength, X Attack x2, Strength, Surf+X Attack+Surf, Strength

    If you get Perish Song, you can switch out on Tropius, but it's probably better to reset if you saved Surf Swablu in Torrent If one Aerial Ace from Skarmory puts you within 8 HP of Torrent at L39, set up the fourth X Attack on Pelipper instead If you will be in Torrent when Skarmory comes out and you have 5 X Specials, use one on Pelipper. If you have 4, RS+Surf If you crit Skarmory, set up the fourth X Attack on Altaria (it usually damages you)

ROUTE 120-122

  • Use 2 Super Repels (one before the maze, one on the Cristin bag manip on the way back from Lilycove)

    Use an Elixer on the first repel menu if you didn't use it before Winona Also use a Potion if you can do so while keeping Torrent


  • Grunt: MS (Strength if the 8 damage will help you get Torrent)
  • Grunt: Strength
  • Double battle:

    If 13 damage will put you below 30 HP at L39 OR Castform will die to a Water Pulse, use strat 1; otherwise, use strat 2 Strat 1: MS+SW Wailmer, Surf+SW - Detailed breakdown in case of Poochyena troll: - You can SW Poochyena turn 1 to save SE text. This works best with 47+ Sp. Atk because you can 2HKO it Strat 2: Strength+SW Poochyena, MS+SW Wailmer, Strength+SW Zubat - SW Carvanha again if it lives

  • Get the hidden Rare Candy if you died to Tropius
  • After the cutscene (or the candy pickup if you got it):

    Remove Swampert's Soft Sand from the Pokemon menu Remove Castform's Mystic Water Fly to Lavaridge and bike to the Cable Car


  • Use a Super Repel on the Hiker bag manip


  • Grunt 1: Strength (MS if <6 Strengths left)
  • Grunt 2: Strength
  • When the repel wears off:

    Use another Super Repel Use the candy if you got it (be careful not to use it on your bird) Equip Mystic Water

  • Grunt 3: Strength (Surf with 14+ remaining)
  • Grunt 4: Strength
  • Grunt 5: Strength
  • Double battle: Surf+PS
  • Tabitha: Strength, Surf x3

    If you're within 6 HP of Torrent, Mud Shot the Zubat until you get it

  • Get the Max Revive
  • If not in Torrent, switch Swablu to slot 1
  • Maxie: Surf, Surf+Surf(+Surf), Surf

    If you led Swablu, switch to Swampert turn 1 (you should get Torrent from Take Down)

  • Use an Escape Rope, then Fly to Slateport


  • After the cutscene, Fly to Lilycove and bike to the Aqua Hideout


  • Get the Master Ball
  • Double battle 1: Surf+SW Zubat, Surf+SW (Strength turn 2 if <4 Surfs)
  • Double battle 2: Surf+PS
  • Matt: Surf x2
  • Get the Max Elixer on the way out


  • As soon as you exit the hideout:

    Use the Max Elixer Use an Energy Root Use a Super Repel

  • Swimmer: Strength x3

    If you have 118+ HP before the final Strength, stall with Mud Shot until you take damage


  • You can fight the first two trainers as singles or a double. Strength both Pokemon either way. Consider the following factors:

    If you skipped the Mt. Pyre candy or lost experience anywhere, you must fight them as singles to get L43 for Lunatone The double is a few seconds faster on average If you fight the double, Kirlia has a 15% chance to hit Swampert with Psychic, and a 15% chance to hit Castform with Psychic Castform dying is very bad The split experience from the double will give Castform an extra level - If Castform has below-average HP and Sp. Def, this will make it more likely to survive a Psychic from Tate & Liza's Claydol, which is good - If Castform has great HP and Sp. Def and is at full HP, this will give it a chance to survive a Psychic from T&L's Xatu, which is bad

  • Psychic: Strength
  • Hex Maniac: Surf
  • Psychic: Strength
  • If Swampert is below 58 HP, heal it to 93-115 HP now (higher is generally better, but the very highest HPs have a small chance of not getting Torrent, which is very bad)
  • Tate & Liza: 1: X Special+Powder Snow (if below 94 HP, X Special+heal instead) 2: X Speed+Max Revive Castform (if Castform has terrible HP+Sp. Def, Surf+Max Revive instead) 3: Surf+Powder Snow (if you Surfed turn 2 and Castform lived, X Speed+Powder Snow instead; if Castform died, just Surf) 4: Surf+Surf


  • Shopping: Buy 11 Max Repels

    Buy 11 Hyper Potions if you have 0-1 Energy Roots Buy 11 Full Heals if you have 0-1 Heal Powders/Full Heals


  • Grunt 1: Strength
  • Grunt 2: Surf x3
  • Grunt 3: Strength
  • Grunt 4: Surf
  • Grunt 5: Strength
  • Double battle: Guard Spec., X Special, Surf until you win (heal as necessary; try to end the fight in Torrent)

    Note: You need 3 Surfs after this fight


  • Upon entering the water:

    Use a Potion if below 28 HP Use a Max Repel Teach Dive over Mud Shot


  • Bag manipping the spinner on the second pass is not worth it, since he has a 1/16 chance to see you and has only 1 Pokemon (Strength if he hits you)
  • When the first Max Repel wears off, use another
  • Archie: Surf, X Speed, Energypowder, X Special, Surf x2

    If not in Torrent, X Special on the Mightyena and pray You can sometimes skip the Energypowder if Crobat low rolls or misses you


  • After the cutscenes, Surf to Pacifidlog

    Use another Max Repel when the first one wears off

  • Once you reach Pacifidlog, Fly to Mossdeep, then Surf to Sootopolis City


  • After Wallace leaves, use a Max Repel, then Escape Rope out
  • Fly to Pacifidlog, then Surf east and then north to the Sky Pillar


  • Bike up to Rayquaza, then Fly back to Sootopolis


  • After the cutscene, Fly back to Pacifidlog and Surf to the Sky Pillar

    Use another Max Repel when the last one wears off


  • Bike up to Rayquaza, catch it with the Master Ball and give it a 1-character name

    Use another Max Repel when the last one wears off

  • After catching Rayquaza, switch it to slot 1, then Fly back to Sootopolis


  • Bike/Surf to the gym island, talk to the bad guys, then enter the gym


  • Juan: Extremespeed, Outrage x4

    If you get a 2-turn Outrage, use a Heal Powder on Whiscash If Whiscash uses Amnesia, use Extremespeed

  • After exiting, Fly to Mossdeep and Surf to Ever Grande City


  • When the repel wears off:

    Teach Waterfall to Rayquaza over Rest Teach Aerial Ace to Rayquaza over Extremespeed Use another Max Repel


  • Wally: AA(+Fly), Waterfall x2, Outrage x2
  • Cooltrainer 1: Outrage
  • Use another Max Repel when the last one wears off
  • Cooltrainer 2: Outrage
  • Be ready to check Rayquaza's stats (look for Attack first, then Speed, then Sp. Atk)
  • Cooltrainer 3: Waterfall, Outrage x2
  • Cooltrainer 4: Outrage x2 (repeat if Protect)


  • Sidney: Waterfall x2, AA, Outrage x2

    With <208 Sp. Attack, X Special on Absol if you have 2 (Outrage like Juan if you don't)

  • Phoebe: X Attack, Fly, AA x2, Outrage x2

    With <217 X Attack, use 2 X Attacks

  • Glacia: X Attack x2, AA x5

    With 257+ Sp. Atk, use 1 X Attack, then Outrage the last two (261+ to be safe) - Note: The second Sealeo is a range at +1 with <209 X Attack With 255+ Attack, consider using 1 X Attack and Fly on Walrein With <223 Attack and 2 X Specials remaining, use 1 X Attack and 1 X Special, then Outrage the last two

  • Drake: X Attack x2, AA x3, Outrage x2

    With 238+ X Attack and 150+ Speed, or 235-237 Attack and <148 Speed, use 1 X Attack With 235-237 Attack and 148-149 Speed, use the second X Attack on Altaria

  • Heal to survive Blizzard
  • Champion: See notes below (always X Attack turn 1)

    If Wailord doesn't hit you turn 1, use an X Attack or X Special turn 2 260+ Attack: X Attack, AA x3, X Attack, AA x3 253-259 Attack: X Attack, AA x3, X Special, Outrage x3 249-252 Attack: X Attack, Fly, AA x2, X Special, Outrage x3 214-248 Attack: X Attack, Fly, AA, Fly, X Special, Outrage x3 <214 Attack: X Attack x2, AA x3, X Attack, AA x3 155 Speed outspeeds Gyarados after a Dragon Dance

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