Recent changes to the rules
Recent changes to the rules
Yayınlanma tarihi 1 day ago tarafından

There's been numerous, but small changes to the rules, whether it's the categories and overall ruleset that applies to any run. They may be hard to notice, so this is just a refreshment of what happened in the last ~2/3 months

  • [Fairly old at this point] If you're removing unlocks, both aspects of the unlock have to be unlocked/locked. Example: You want the deercoy orb locked away, waiting to be picked up in the snowy chasm. You delete '9' file in AppData\LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00\persistent\orbs_new and also delete card_unlocked_explosive_deer from AppData\LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00\persistent\flags. This goes for all orb unlocks.
  • Acceleration Mod Allowed.
  • Modified the ruleset for the Hitless category to be more speedrunner friendly, as the old set was a relic of the past and didn't fit the dynamics of present day Noita. Examples: Allowing puzzle teleports, hitting a swapper accidentaly is fine etc.
  • Clarified that 33 orb runs can now be won in the end room after killing the 33orb boss. The reason is, previously the end room used not to cause the peaceful world ending, this, since sometime last year has been fixed, hence why the rules used to say altar only. Now possible in both places.
  • Made it so all runs aside from Overfed and Nightmare have to be done in the "New Game" mode, this was always an 'assumed' thing, but now has simply been written down.
  • In the category NG+28, the boss has to be killed in the 28th NG+, while powered by 33 orbs.
  • 11 Orbs can be collected anywhere, not an actual rule change, but still, for some reason everyone assumed otherwise.
  • During gameplay, using out of game key remappers/autoclickers or similar is not allowed - was always the case, just not written.
  • Probably the most important: Update in the wording of the rules, not the rules themselves The timer starts the frame you see your cursor, ends the moment you see the small white text in the middle of the screen 'game completed/you are dead' depending on the win condition.
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Recent changes to the rules

There's been numerous, but small changes to the rules, whether it's the categories and overall ruleset that applies to any run. They may be hard to notice, so this is just a refreshment of what happened in the last ~2/3 months

  • [Fairly old at this point] If you're removing unlocks, both aspects of
1 day ago
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