Should we add a program to encourage the players who quickly reach a winning streak?
I think get high win streak quickly will be interesting, It reduces the importance of luck, take higher requirements for the proficiency of the players.
I think it might be a good idea to set up 5wins, 10wins, 20wins for the new game and 3wins, 5wins, 10wins for the nightmare.
Noita already has 22 categories counting seeded and random seed and this, coupled with the fact that there isn't all that many people actually speedrunning some of them (0 runs so far in NG+28 seeded, which has been out for a year and 2 runs in 33 orbs seeded, which has been a category for ~3,5 years and there's more examples) it's unreasonable to add even more. Unless a great many people gather and collectively demand it, I don't think we should add more categories. Maybe with time and an increase in popularity of speedrunning, but we're far from that.
There's been numerous, but small changes to the rules, whether it's the categories and overall ruleset that applies to any run. They may be hard to notice, so this is just a refreshment of what happened in the last ~2/3 months
- [Fairly old at this point] If you're removing unlocks, both aspects of