Time Attack in 0m 46s 340ms by
Why My Old Middle School SUCKS! By Joe Mama
Clyde Boyd Middle School is a school in Oklahoma and it sucks massive donkey balls and here’s why.
One, the bathrooms are HORRENDOUS. Like actually disgusting. You walk in and all you can smell is pure shit and piss. You may ask yourself, “It's a bathroom headass of course it smells like this.” You would be right, but my god it's worse than you think. You see shit and piss on the floors all the time in those bathrooms. You would literally have to spread your legs really far apart at the urinals due to the copious amounts of piss puddled up on the ground. Like c'mon man, the urinal is literally 3 nanometers in front of you cunt. That is nothing compared to the amount of shit on the toilet seats and walls you would see in those bathrooms. Whos idea was it one day to take their hand, grab some shit, and smear it all over the walls. What kind of joy do you get from that? Now you got shit on your hand AND the walls. These people are looking like Tom Pearl right now. That’s pale in comparison to the amount of crazy shit you would find in those bathrooms.
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Time Attack
Beach Level
2-7 Tidal Terror

Real Time Attack
0m 46s 340ms
Calm before the storm + LRT v2
Today is December 22nd, just 25 days before the release of DKCRHD. We're getting new trailers for the game, and speculating about how the game will work (and why the visuals are oddly disappointing...). There will likely be a lot of activity upon release, so I highly recommend joining the Discor
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