Does anyone know how the remastered version of this game (DKCR HD) will be handled? I've been heavily considering buying it for my Switch to improve the quality of my runs, be able to run full game, and run screen recording software, but I want to be able to consider my full breadth of options including the future of DKCR HD with regards to speedrunning.
Sorry for the ramble.
DKCRHD will have a separate leaderboard (which I will be in charge of). I made a community post a while ago, detailing my full thoughts on the game with regards to speedrunning:
Any% now finally has load-removed timing implemented. This is something that a lot of people have wanted to see for a long time (myself included), but it took a while for us to get there. It was always known that load times were quite different across consoles, but the exact time difference wasn't r