Basic Training (Scriptless) in 12m 08s by
- Moderator note: NEVER use scripts or anything related with the console command ANYWHERE in your runs, things such as: Kill commands, loadout switches (that cause the effect of teleporting in the spawn on Dustbowl 3 as an example seen in your run); your acts will pass for now, as by the fact that they didn't give unfair advantages, but if in future runs these are present, they will be denied.*
New Category!
There were many threads regarding a category similar to this and now a way has been found to implement it, please read all the rules to not miss anything crucial and send me a message in case something is wrong
Recent runs
Level: Control Points (Dustbowl)
Level: Payload (Barnblitz)
Level: Payload (Thunder Mountain)
Level: King of The Hill (Sawmill)
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