Alternate video link due to Twitch highlight limit:
You can do it pretty easily, but it won't be legal to submit to leaderboard. Keyboard is a digital input, so you'd run a foul of the controller restrictions at the bottom of the rules section if you switched mid-run.
Wii has more modern a/v out capabilities. To get 480p video out of a gcn (in the US) you needed to use the digital out port, which was an expensive cable you had to order from Nintendo that had a digital-analog converter built in. Nowadays you can do it with a Carby or similar but it's still more expensive than just using a cheap component cable on a Wii.
Not a lot of downside to using a Wii over a GameCube unless you want the expansion ports for modstuff.
i think you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist. No one is submitting runs like that, and they aren't competitive if they are. You're welcome to start submitting runs for the game and work your way up to leaderboard mod if you'd like to.
Use one of the allowed emulators and Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to record. You can add splits to the OBS window as well.
The No BLJs rule in 70 star exists so the category makes sense. If you are allowed to BLJ, the entirety of upstairs becomes unnecessary to do in the first place.
It helps a lot to think of 70 star as the 'No Sequence Breaks/NMG' category. It's about beating the game as fast as possible, in the path the designers intended to follow. You have to get 8+ stars, then do bowser1, then get 31+ stars, then do bowser2, then 50 stars, then 70, then bowser3.
0/1/16 are all any% (16 being a bit weird but its accessibility means a LOT of people run it so it's worth keeping around in that sense)
I believe the reason the rules are written the way they are, rather than requiring certain movements in categories, is to allow for innovation. If, for example, SBLJ was explicitly required to clip through the 30 star door in those respective categories, there is no incentive for people to look into new possible ways to get through that door. Ban the things you don't want to leave new possibilities available, rather than requiring 1 specific move and limit discoveries.
SBLJ is broadly banned in category extensions, unless explicitly allowed.
No. Only Rosalie's Mupen GUI, Project 64 1.6, or OpenEmu are legal. You can find the rules on the Super Mario 64 page.
Yeah don't switch. Even if you do the slide skip, the ccm stars will be faster using beginner strategies.
You don't want to purposely learn slower routes because it's slightly easier. Aim to do the fastest strategy you can.
Yeah, wkww isn't that bad. The for the beginner strategy where you fall all the way down from level spawn, it's pretty easy, xcam time around 16-17s should not take you long to get with a little practice. Once you're ready to start the sideflip into wall kicks, there's a little white circle texture on the wall that works as a great spot to aim for, hitting the wk from there usually makes me fall into the star.
I actually have never screwed up Lost Penguin, it's that easy. Grab bird, slide down the hill in Mario cam, land in the puddle. The only thing to be aware of is going too far right over the gap can trigger a breeze that will flip you on your belly, and drop the bird into the abyss.
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