Germanyaimlezz5 years ago

Hi there, i just picked up this game in a collection and I wanted to give this a shot. However, under windows 10 it doesnt seem to be working at all! And also I cant really find any Information on the internet regarding how to get it to work. Anyway, i saw that the last run was done about 8 months ago, so there must be a way to run the game. I know there is a steam version, but i cant get my hands on the files used to patch that game. Any ideas on how to get it to work?

Germanyaimlezz6 years ago

Hey everybody,

i know i'm late to the party, but i only could start today when the steam early access released. Plus i gotta work and all, so i dont have as much time as i'd like, but i wanted a thread where everyone interested could post things they have found. Mostly as a means of replicating for others, as well as a jumping off point for people further into the game. Anyway, first off, i found this OoB in the skull cave (first cave you get into really early on) but i couldnt work a way further in, but i'm sure if someone has the time to look there, it might be of help.

Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Hey there,

since the game recently came out on Ps4, i thought i'd give it a go and was working through the Any% tutorial + having a look at the current WR, but for some reason, i just cant get that damn death-warp on Slate to work :/ Does it maybe require a higher framerate than suicide #1? It seems like i just cant get it. If anyone would have an additional tip, that would really help me. For reference i made a video of how my approaches normally look:

Thanks for your help in advance :)

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

Hey there,

i'm sorry i need to post here again and ask you for help, but since it worked so well the first time, i thought i might give it another shot :D Anyway, so this time (hopefully the last thing i'll need help with before i feel confident enough to run this seriously) i need help with figuring out what to do early in chapter 2. So, after we come to the area where we need to climb and push down that huge rock, i saw runners go into a corner and then doing a weird double-jump to grab a ledge and climb up there. I've been able to do this, but its extremely inconsistent for me and i cant really figure out what exactly we're trying to do. At first i thought we'd try to get a jump of the right wall, but then it also looks like nathan does the double jump off something inside the wall. I know i'm not doing a great job of explaining here, so if it helps i can make a small video :D

Anyway, the other thing that keeps bugging me is clipping into the submarine. About 8/10 times i do that, i try to wait for the area to load but then i take a step to my right and the game crashes. Any tips for that? Those two are the main reason i only got a 1:05 on my first timed run, so i though i put the timer aside until i figure those two parts out.

Thanks in advance for any help, its greatly appreciated :D

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

Hey everyone,

today i finally got the Collection for ps4 because it was on sale, and i immediately started to learn the Any% route by watching a few runs. Everything went smoothly so far, but now i'm in Chapter 6 i believe and after i clip the wall, i somehow can't advance anymore. I think i may unintentionally skip a loading trigger, because even when i make my way to the balcony where normally the cutscene starts after which you're normally in the jeep, nothing happens. No checkpoint, no cutscene, no enemies. Maybe someone can help me figure out what i'm doing wrong. To help show what i'm doing i recorded this video, starting from my last available checkpoint. Thanks for your help in advance, this run really looks like a lot of fun and i'd love to add it to the games i regularly run :D

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

Hey there,

so, by now i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who even tries to run this game on consoles, but nevertheless, i hope at one point i wont be alone anymore. I had very little time in the last few weeks, to even do practice runs, so naturally, when i came "back" today, first thing i did was catch up and i saw that the runs were about 10mins faster as when i left.

Now, i watched Bubble's glitch guide video, and i noticed the wrong warps (also mentioned in the route paste-bin). My question now is, how much time do these wrong warps actually save? The reason i'm asking this is because, obviously thats not possible on console because we dont have a quickload mechanism. As a matter of fact, i dont even know why we have a quicksave button, if we cant quickload. The only thing that wasnt possible on console at the time of me leaving Fo4 for a bit, was the cover slide to greentechs (memory thing), but now with the wrong warps, i just wonder how much difference there is in the route in terms of time and at what point this would justify its own category for consoles. Don't get me wrong, i will enter my hopefully soon to come complete runs, in the normal any% category, but if the difference is huge, like 5+ mins (and we already have 2ish mins from greentechs cover slide), at some point it wont really be fair to compare. But since i wouldnt beat the current top times even if everything was identical, i dont mind. It's just that at least i'd like to know the limitations of my runs.

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

heya, if someone on pc could download the newest patch and tell me if it fixes the following, that would be great:

  • Item climbs
  • Power armor clips
  • Teleports
  • Vendor Glitch

It's a simple backup for you, and a 40gig redownload for me, so i'd appreciate the testing before i download the patch later this week. The reason it's potentially interesting for me, is that it fixes a certain mem-bug that causes the game to crash when entering the area around greentechs genetics. I think this bug may play into console runners not being able to teleport from Museum of freedom to Greentechs like done in the newer runs.


Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

do you do anything in addition to just clipping the wall into the room with the elevator? Because when i do that, my pip-boy is invisible for the remainder of the game, aka it's unplayable

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

Hey there,

so, for a couple of days now i'm trying to produce a decent run to submit. And, for the most parts, it's actualy going really well. For the most parts at least. To keep it short, there are 2 "areas" of this run that either can cost me a lot of time or even kill my whole run. And to be honest, it's kinda getting to me. With higher loading times i found myself having wasted around 2 hours each night in the last days just to see a good run getting killed at the very end. No matter how many hours i train it beforehand, when push comes to shove, i cant seem to do it. So this is why, i'd like to ask for help in order to get more consistent with these two parts. I've recorded a small video each with the problem areas to show exactly what i mean. If you have ANY tips as to how you do it to make it more consistent, that help would really be greatly apreciated.

So, here we go:

First problem area: Whats the problem? I have seemingly no control over where i land after the OoB. Its either a hallway, the same place i startet, the teleporter OR in fact shauns office. It can work 1st try, or it can take up to 5 mins. Any reference points, or movement details would really help:

Second problem area: Whats the problem? Easy, the first ledge to clip (i randomly fall backwards into the building) and the final clip through the floor. The problem with the floor clip is that i either dont clip at all, OR that i dont have enough time to react and let go of holding 'back'. In tests I normally have between 0.5 and 1 second. In runs however i get the invisible bucket glitch 90% of the time, which only gives me approx. 0.1 seconds to react. Again, every input here is greatly apreaciated. I.e. which side do you clip on, how do you prevent clipping the wall behind you etc.

This area ^^ is the absolute killer for me. Instead of 30 seconds you would need, it can take up to 35minutes to get which obviously kills my runs in the very end.

Hope i could make it clear where my problems are and that someone has an idea for improvement, thx in advance for your help :)

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago


after i finally got my 100% i checked out the new route today and wanted to do some runs in the near future. Only question i have: How are you defining loading times? I'm running on console, so a) I have barely enough hands to hit Space for splits while using my gamepad and b) I can't use a external program to determin the loading times. So, my proposal would be that i record / stream my run, and if i'm content with my time i would rewatch it, while recording a second timer whos only job is to time the loads. This however brings up another question: When does a loading screen need to be timed? Everytime? I.e. I save, fuck something up and reload. Unlike QL on PC this sort of loading can actually take a while, so, do i time it? What else needs to be timed? Loading screens in and out of buildings / areas? Only loading screens that are explictly loading screens i.e. showing your level on the bottom left corner, dsplaying a tooltip etc. or also black screens that appear sometimes to load something small??

If someone could clear that up for that would be great, thx in advance

Germanyaimlezz9 years ago


just wanted to ask real quick, if PC runners can use QS / QL for clipping again :) Just out of curiousity, so i know whether or not i'm the only one searching for another clipping method.


Germanyaimlezz9 years ago

Hey to all Fallout 3 speedrunners ;-)

I've just started learning this speedrun and in doing so I've encountered 2 things so far that make running this nearly impossible for me atm.

  1. No Matter what I do, I can't grab the G.E.C.K. in 3rd Person. I have to open the container and grab it :/ Are there any tricks to doing so? I've noticed that in Runs the Character doesn't follow the mouse in 3rd Person, yet in my version he does. Basically he turns around just by moving my mouse. Could this have something to do with it? and
  2. When I've grabbed the G.E.C.K. and exited the room, run down the corridor, the Flashbang doesn't trigger. I thought this might happen since the Quest objective didn't update once I grabbed it, but in the end I really have no Idea why, so if anyone else had encountered this and knows how to fix it, this would really be awesome, since I can't finish or continue the game this way :/

I really hope someone sees this in the not so distant future, every forum I could find was kinda dead.

Thanks in advance, Greetings Aimlezz

Om aimlezz
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