just wanted to ask real quick, if PC runners can use QS / QL for clipping again :) Just out of curiousity, so i know whether or not i'm the only one searching for another clipping method.
Related to this, I QL when a grenade was exploding, and I my legs got cripped (no speed boost), so cripped legs glitch won't work I think.
Okay, at least i'm not alone :D Thats a huge relief :) But i found something. I doubt it will be usefull, but you'll never know so I'll just share it with you :)
In adition to what you said DrT. i found that you can use the item climb to get yourself locked into a corner from where you 100% cant get away from. Save -> Load -> OoB
If needed i can provide a video of me finding this :)
Even tho this might be useless, it seems to me that you should still be able to trick the collision detection on Loading. I'd figure my hitbox must've been 51% in the wall and while loading the game seemed to have "corrected" it and put me on the other side of the wall...
consistently? nope :S I only did it around 3 times in a corner in Vault 81. I still have trouble doing it, but if you want i can give it some more shots when i finish the game tonight
DrT, correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I remember, you never get your legs cripped after a QL. Or you failed and a have a normal speed, or you suceed and you have increased speed. I didn't trained it so much so I may be wrong.
I played a bit with QSQL a bit too, but didn't find anything.
A quick google search led me to this video : Don't know if it's legit or reproducable, but it can be something. May be related to the stealth boy.
interesting. But while watching i didnt notice anything special, so i wonder how one might reproduce that. If it is indeed related to the stealth boy, how would we get one during the run? I need to watch that video again when i get home, am at work right now, so i dont have any sound. Anything i might have missed in the video? Only thing i noticed were:
- Character gets locked in one part of the movement animation, loses collision detection and effects of gravity. I've not come across such a thing. Anyway, does anyone know where this place is? Maybe its specifically to that "ramp" where he first notices he clips through.
Kellogg dropped me a stealth boy, don't know if it would be on the route though. I don't know where that place is either.
I did some further research on glitches, I found an infinite caps glitch (usable on any ammo vendor), infinite xp (infinite lockpicking in fact, slow but working) and the infamous elevator glitch from skyrim (since it's the same engine).
Now to found if those would be useful ...
PS: Was wondering, do someone have a route already ?
Infite Caps glitch -> Already planing on using it in my route (get some good gear quickly) Elevator Glitch -> Already have a planned route to skip a good part of Hunter / Hunted (have a video up if interested). Only thing missing is a door clip to load into the area Infite XP -> Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow and basically not useful at all :S You get like 15Xp for 1 min. So if you need 3000xp for a level up, thats 200min. Good luck getting that many Bobbypins.
Regarding the route: Not yet, but if i can get my hunter / hunted skip to work, and we could actually hit the quest trigger inside the building we could in theory jump from vault 111 exit directly to hunter / hunted. Which is approx 60 - 70 % into the MSQ.
We already know about the vendor glitch and the item climb(it actually wasn't in skyrim, not sure why everyone thinks that). And yes we pretty much have a route already that employs the item climb in multiple spots, no big skips though.
Infinite XP would be completely useless as the main story quests give you more levelups than you can really do anything useful with.
You can't enter the Hunter/Hunted building until you are on that quest, the door isn't there before.
aimlez, I believe that place is the cave of the Federal Ration Stockpile, far north of fort Hagen.
ouw sweet, i might be able to look into it tonight :) As for the door isnt there before you have the quest - it is there, i checked it yesterday. Its just locked via Terminal. So, pretty much, clip the door or the wall and the loading will trigger. I did something similar in Diamond City as a test, and i was thrown into a loading screen, hence i'm pretty sure that the "hunter / hunted" building will behave the same way