tråd: Malice
CanadaVG_JUNKY1 year ago

I saw your run and feel dumb that i thought you needed double damage boosts, it appears you only do 1 and still get the same result.

Also the boosting oob looks cool, i have plenty of ideas now, ive really wanted to skip more, like the gloop river, pipe n drums, and the brown cogs in memory maze.

NiceGuyDomm tycker om detta
tråd: Malice
CanadaVG_JUNKY1 year ago

2 things about xbox is its the better version for soul% as the ship you jump on isnt solid on ps2. And when you get the club you can mash A and you'll be able to move before malice is back. Other than that xbox just losses time on robot maze.

tråd: Malice
CanadaVG_JUNKY1 year ago

I made a guide of my discoveries https://www.speedrun.com/malice/guide/34l66

Also you can stack damage buffs to delete the queen bee boss and speed up other bosses. https://www.speedrun.com/malice/run/y9x36gey

And do a quick key pickup in a few bosses, tho the dog boss is the easiest https://www.speedrun.com/malice/run/mkd5vrxy

Also Ive done it twice now but you can clip through the door in juju mans cave without handing in the keys. Still not sure how that one is done.

From doing a full run of xbox you cant clip through the 2nd robot puzzle level and it seems the other side is actually active in that room so the clip might not be as useful as on ps2.

I look forward to seeing your run and hope you found stuff I havent.

tråd: Malice
CanadaVG_JUNKY1 year ago

When I first started running the game I tried the xbox emulator xemu and during cutscenes the game slowed to a crawl then ran fine during gameplay. Now that issue is gone, all that remains are graphical and lighting issues but they're minor.

The xbox version has atleast 2 extra skips over the ps2 version that I currently know about. I'll write up a full post documenting my discoveries/differences between versions with videos in the near future.

tråd: Malice
CanadaVG_JUNKY1 year ago

With so few runners and the current wr being on the second console listed, It kinda sucks to look at ILs and not see any runs by default.

Not trying to be greedy and selfish, just the board appears more empty than it actually is. So far from my playing there isn’t too much of a difference from xbox and ps2.

Loading times and xbox has a few tricks that ps2 doesn’t but I don’t know if a full board split is the best way to have the leaderboard.

Maybe a variable with the console would be better.

CanadaVG_JUNKY2 years ago

Join the discord to discuss this topic. We will add new categories when people start to run them, the rules need to be agreed upon in the discord.

CanadaVG_JUNKY2 years ago

It's been added, we will continue to add new categories when people choose to run them.

CanadaVG_JUNKY2 years ago

If console players run we will consider a split board. Need like 2-3 runners to make it worth while.

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