tråd: The Site
United StatesSoopaPhastMan5 years ago

Looks like yet another website I enjoy using has been infected with the "make everything look boring" virus. It's a straight up downgrade having every single page look the same. If it's because some pages looked fugly, why ruin it for everyone, considering you can just turn on the theme override? Why is the text so small now, especially on the front page? Plus, why is the default color scheme a green banner and white background? Makes it look like a dead forum from 2004.

chaos42666, ZoeTbh, och Imaproshaman gillar detta
United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

I noticed that the upcoming 3DS version is not mentioned anywhere on this game's page. Should it be here, or should it get its own page?

United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if I do not have a device that can get a direct-feed of the game (e.g. capture card, DVD recorder), is it okay if I use a camcorder? It's 480p, so is that good enough?

tråd: de Blob
United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

The game is also available on PS4 and Xbox One, with a Switch version coming very soon. Why aren't they listed?

United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

That's what I'm thinking. There should be separate sub-categories: "With DLC" and "Without DLC", plus maybe an extra one that lumps both types of runs (which is all we have at this moment).

Super10ZX tycker om detta
United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

Other games get categories for old patches, like Cuphead. But I see where you're coming from, since this game doesn't have a very big speedrunning scene to begin with. The rules should at least say "Play on the current patch" if the mods don't find much reason to differentiate.

TMLink tycker om detta
United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

https://www.ssbwiki.com/List_of_updates_(SSB4-3DS) Glitches, character balancing, and AI improvements.

United StatesSoopaPhastMan6 years ago

Would a run done on the original version be accepted now? If not, shouldn't there be sub-categories for "Legacy patch" and "Current patch"? There are some runs here that were played on older versions from years ago. Same goes for the Wii U version.

Om SoopaPhastMan
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