Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

So when is Become Champion going to be added? I have a 3 player pre-made squad run with all 3 feeds in a single vod sub 20m IGT and Sub 1:30 RTA.

Curious about that, since myself and my speedmates did the run for a marathon, and have been playing together for awhile now.

Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

So my question and possible issue with the current purposed rules is that while a run should all be in a single uncut submission I do not agree or like the fact that Saving and Loading the saved file is not currently allowed.

I have yet to even play the game nor have run a RE game before but so long as saving and then loading a file created during the run, so long as its not any other file should be fine in the sense.

In most cases for many games having this as an option will cost players time regardless but for newer runners or less experienced runners like myself with the game, it at least allows us to have some sense of a run/progress rather then die and have to reset due to taking a death or some other issue like a crash.

This is a big part to why i have not wanted to even bother speedrunning most other games with these kinds or strict stipulations in the past.

I'm Curious if anything at this point because I have been going through the Series of games over the last several months and have thought about doing runs of the many games but these kinds of restrictions hamper my desire to even bother learning the games.

If this is relevant at all I play pretty much all games off console, as well as RE2 when I do get around to it now that I have it.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

So iv been playing quest mode kinda strollin through it and trying things out. Tho I find my self not understanding the mechanics of the game since it does not really explain or teach much if it to the player. Can anyone explain how things work and the current tricks and or stuff that is used in runs as I'm still trying to gauge if I want to get into it, but would like some more information on it. Seems like there is hardly anything on the game and it's parts out there that explains much of anything mechanical etc.

Much appreciated.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

So I've said in the past I am going to be updating the leader boards to look better navigation wise and allow us to see more when browsing submitted runs. IL board setup normally makes sense for allot of games like Killing Floor but the overall look currently with how they are used and implemented is a tad ugly in terms of viewing and navigating, the problem with changing from IL would be that the navigation bar will have more variables listed and can and may look a bit cluttered when viewing all the levels as an example so a few things I am looking at doing to minimize that clutter while still allowing us to easily navigate would be to set levels as Misc by default and require us to hit the show all tab that would appear to show all or to hide them again. I would like some feed back before I would go ahead with these changes, if we do not like this idea or it does not turn out that well before I would be moving runs over then we can always just reformat IL's to look a tad cleaner and continue on as normal. Would very much appreciate everyone's thoughts on this.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

With the upcoming changes I will be pushing in hopes to make the boards look nicer and only using IL for other categories where its more suitable like Collectible runs. On to the actual topic though, I am looking for feedback on the thought of adding Onslaught as a new category were the goal is simple to survive as many waves as possible. I would like to test this category idea out before we make an official thing provided we can agree on some baselines for runs. Some of the criteria i had in mind was to add a variable specific to that category in which hopefully we can track the highest achieved wave and of course the fastest to said wave. For those that are not that familiar with the game mode, its a endless game mode where every 5 waves is a Boss and for each 5 waves after the boss it ramps the difficulty up and throws in objectives and modifiers in the mix which are randomized to an extent. Some of the things that of course will not be allowed in these runs if we would like to see them added would be following the current rules we already have that would apply. Another thing I am going to touch up is the overall clarification on the existing rules and also noting that skipping trade is allowed in runs as its now a incorporated feature and should be taken advantage of where runners see fit to reduce the down time between waves as it does add to the overall IGT. Let me know what your thoughts on this inclusion to be tested in the upcoming changes to the boards.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

So yes while u can cancel the animation while swapping weapons you still expend the next clips and needs to reload again when u switch back. The reason I don't do it is because it's faster to start it and time it to cancel into a run and always be moving if you don't need to run and need to swap to make a kill that's something that can be done. It's nothing crazy but useful. It's a similar trick used in many games when swaping while the reload is started but it won't actually cancel the reload but move the animation window. Does not work on low fire weapons or single clip weapons. But canceling to a sprint from a roll once you reload cancels the strafe which is why it's more important for movement. Strafing is slower while continously firing in most cases.

Yandere_Maiden tycker om detta
Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

Open discussion on either Discord or forums regardless of preference is encouraged, You can use these respective forum threads to discuss as well;

Dissidia Final Fantasy Series Speedruns | Discord - Leader-Board Discussion - Game & Patch Discussion -

Feel free to contact Myself ( @MASH ) or @Ultronimus if necessary here on the forums as well as either Discord or our socials.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

Open discussion on either Discord or forums regardless of preference is encouraged, You can use these respective forum threads to discuss as well;

Dissidia Final Fantasy Series Speedruns | Discord - Leader-Board Discussion - Game & Patch Discussion -

Feel free to contact Myself ( @MASH ) or @Ultronimus if necessary here on the forums as well as either Discord or our socials.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

This thread will server as update notices to reference to any changes/updates regarding Dissidia Final Fantasy: NT

I will be documenting all updates to both the leader-board and the game on the forums in respective threads going forward.

Leader-Board Updates - Official Patch Release Updates -

Open discussion on either Discord or forums regardless of preference is encouraged, You can use these respective forum threads to discuss as well;

Dissidia Final Fantasy Series Speedruns | Discord - Leader-Board Discussion - Game & Patch Discussion -

Feel free to contact Myself ( @MASH ) or @Ultronimus if necessary here on the forums as well as either Discord or our socials.

This Forum Thread is depreciated and will no longer be updated. You can find all official patch notes the the links in the below post.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

This thread will server as update notices to reference to any changes/updates regarding the boards.

I will be documenting all updates to both the leader-board and the game on the forums in respective threads going forward.

Leader-Board Updates - Official Patch Release Updates -

Open discussion on either Discord or forums regardless of preference is encouraged, You can use these respective forum threads to discuss as well;

Dissidia Final Fantasy Series Speedruns | Discord - Leader-Board Discussion - Game & Patch Discussion -

Feel free to contact Myself ( @MASH ) or @Ultronimus if necessary here on the forums as well as either Discord or our socials.

Ontario, CanadaMASH6 years ago

Currently as Gestalt | Replicant is still small we have a channel within the Same server as Automata for the time being till this would change if needed.

Please join myself and the other interested runners for either games;

Hope to see you there!

DaleDukk tycker om detta
ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer for many others.
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9 years ago
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