Ontario, CanadaMASH4 months ago

Please upvote and show your support to have them consider making this an option directly through steam. Currently as the game is being developed, atm speedrunning the game and wanting to track it via boards is ultimately pointless currently since its going to lead to some very exhausting management and changing constantly as the game evolves without being able to sort via certain build versions/patches.

Steam Discussion Post Currently the lasted version removed the ability to drop progression/ key items or any items in general to skip and bypass for example the chase and stealth section which current voids and makes all existing runs prior to the change not currently able to be competitive and worth listing on the boards as is.

Items dropped are now move into the player bag once the cutscene triggers, which Understandably this prevents major issues for casual and general experience for the game. But I want to make sure this is known and hopefully the Devs will address this and support the hobby among other good reasons to have the ability to do so.

KekcBoi och x_reyz gillar detta
Ontario, CanadaMASH2 years ago

Main Topics;

Submit-able segmented runs for Drakengard 2 being allowed.

Secondary Topics;

Breaks being permitted in single session submissions.

This post for the Discussion will be updated to reflect any and all points given. You do not have to be an active runner to have a voice here, everyone is welcome. The goal is to make running DoD2 easier and more enjoyable for anyone who wishes to.

Primary discussion for the community is being discussed within our discord in the Drakengard 2 run_talk channel, any and all discussion here is relevant but will be easier to communicate and and relay from primary to secondary. You do not have to join the discord if you do not want to. I will do my best to also communicate and update here as things evolve.

DrakeNieR Speedrunning Discord:

Please keep all conversation civil and an open mind to all viewpoints.

Ontario, CanadaMASH3 years ago

NieR Replicant v1.2 Rules have been established and discussed within the community to cover the current core set of rules and that of the Any% category at this time.

Please join our Community Discord to learn about the game and speedrunning and discuss all manner of speedster related topics with us.

DrakeNieR Speedruns Discord

Again we of the community for the series thank you for your cooperation and understanding during the time of release while everyone was initially playing-through and learning about the game. <3

Jel, Bloupeuh och 4 andra gillar detta
Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

This thread will serve as focus to openly discussion the board and future updates and or changes as time moves on.

● Please keep stick to relevant topics in discussion in this thread or make a new one if necessary.

● Keep discussion civil, we don't want to get into arguments because that is not fun and takes away from time better spent running or doing other things.


Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

Updates and or Changes to the Origin Leaderboards will be posted here for reference.

If you would like to discuss the Leaderboard please either do so in the "Leaderboard Discussion" thread or feel free to contact a moderator for the board if necessary.


Ontario, CanadaMASH4 years ago

I'm making this post in regards to giving some input on the current IL structure.

The "Campaign" and "Any Boost Level" categories are completely unnecessary and should be removed. If at some point someone does runs of the "Extra Boost Levels" for the them then it would make more sense to add/rename it to something along that line.

Main "Zone Play" category ruleset is proper as with any IL category it should follow a general NG+ ruleset that would apply for its case. No one will do a boost level lower then 9 which is the highest achieved during normal play unless they are attempting it as more of a challenge so it so probably have the rules updated to say "Maximum Boost Level 9".

I would suggest adding in "Boost Level 1" as a category that would be fun and challenging for IL runs as a replacement to the ones being removed.

Keeping the "Normal" and "Hard" as sub categories.

Anyways I hope to continue to do more runs of this fun game and Should the suggestions go through likely expect submissions for those in the near future and for the main Full-Game runs.

Cheers and Good Luck!

Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

##We now have a leaderboard Extension for Killing Floor 2! This board will be used for all other runs outside of the standard IL runs.

Any Existing Collectible runs on the main KF2 board have now all been moved over to the new Extensions Board!

I will be updating the Rules and cleaning up the boards and going throw all current submissions once these updates are done. Any runs that do not meet the baseline requirements or rules for the categories will be removed. I would ask that if this happens to you and should you want to contact myself or Puma and we will be more then happy to chat.

Submit new collectible runs to:

##Extension Categories; 10 Collectible Speedruns Infinite Onslaught Objective Mode

You can find more information on these categories over at:

##Discussion forums for Killing Floor 2 Killing Floor 2 Category Extensions board

Killing Floor 2 Individual Levels board

GKOOPZ tycker om detta
Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

##We now have a leaderboard Extension for Killing Floor 2! This board will be used for all other runs outside of the standard IL runs.

During this time we will be moving over all the currently submitted Collectible runs to the new board once things are set up for it and the other runs we have discussed in the past on the other boards forums.

##Extension Categories; 10 Collectible Speedruns Infinite Onslaught Objective Mode

##Discussion forums for Killing Floor 2 Killing Floor 2 Category Extensions board

Killing Floor 2 Individual Levels board

Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

So with the recently large update across the board of the game that has seemingly addressed allot of the issues with crashes and AI, it also brough allot of changes/re-balancing to various weapons,armor,trinkets,mods and traits. This ultimately changes the game for speedruns going forward even more so with Nightmare having now doubled health as well.

My Question to the community is how do we adapt to this very significant change which we should have expected to come?

Also what sort of future plans do we have down the road for when they add new content like the coming Adventure/Instanced Mode and so on.

I have several ideas that I will share in due time just curious on what others are thinking about right now in terms of this massive update that we got at the very least.

Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

So it seems that Onechanbara Z2: Chaos has a common PC bug to do with the games FPS being tied to the games physics and animations. The game is intended to be played at 60 FPS no more else it appears to alter gameplay significantly creating a large uneven playing field with certain hardware.

I cannot 100% confirm why it is happening or with what hardware specs yet but further investigation will take some time. We do know that currently like another game I know that has similar issues "NieR: Automata" that FPS breaks the games physics and animations which is not suppose to be happening regardless of Hardware specs.

At this time if PC runs are being submitted they must show an FPS counter and must be clearly visible in the recording, this will not affect previously submitted runs that show no signs of FPS playing a part in the games physics and animation speeds being significantly faster.

If anyone else has any insight on this feel free to let us know. Once we have an better understanding of this problem with the PC version we will look at retooling the games ruleset for PC runs exclusively where its necessary going forward, this also may require a complete split on the categories for PC and Console.


Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

MASH is hosting an open Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Randomizer Tournament. Participants must join The Long Library discord server to remain eligible to play in the tournament, Players must already understand how to play and use the SotN Randomizer created by @3snow_p7im .

This Tournament will be using Safe Logic and be completed Glitchless with SpikeBreaker. Top 3 players will be awarded a prize for placement after the tournament has concluded.

This tournament will be Online, matches will be streamed to an audience on Twitch, Players should remember to respectful during the course of the tournament or risk being ejected.

All participants will be responsible for scheduling when their matches will occur with their opponents and the tournament officials, If players fail to do so they will be given a lose for that match after prolonged period.

Also consider joining the SotN discord community for discussions on both the game itself and the randomizer. The Long Library is not directly affiliated with this tournament.

The Long Library Discord: Challonge Community: SotN Randomizer Tournament: Tournament Rules and Proceedings :

Sign ups are currently Closed and matches during the tournament are open scheduling, Done between Players, Restreamers and tournament Organizer. Schedules are subjected to change during the course of the Tournament.

If you have any additional Questions you can reach out to me on discord or my socials. Twitter: Twitch: Discord: MASH#3149

TalicZealot tycker om detta
Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

I was wondering if any of the current runners and or mods have any notes for the Hanzo run and clarification for the rules. I've been getting into the senran games since iv had them for some time, I have run similar games like onechanbara and other Xseed or Marvelous titles.

Mainly the runs are in Japanese and i cannot exactly see what is being done on the fast menus. I am working on runs with Re:Newel and Splash currently as new titles for me in speedruns.

Ontario, CanadaMASH5 years ago

So i have been interested in this game for a long time and only really recently started to speedrun it since I did submit it to a marathon. But I did notice this board does not have rules or full categories set up yet.

So my initial assumption on timing was start on control and end on losing of control. It does seem like it takes about 2.25 seconds from the last screen before the first stage starts with minor testing to help with accuracy with timing runs.

I will test this more to get a more accurate start, and also look at other improvements since I plan to continue this small game in the future and possible look at coop runs.

ARPGME Organizer, RRLAT Tech Admin, Marathon/Event Staff and Volunteer for many others.
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9 years ago
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