i know its faster than walking the distance that you normally do but in the grand scheme of the run i have no idea, good luck with your testing!
its just the screen that shows the time and the mission complete/side objectives complete if you are running 100%
thanks :) i love killing bile titans, hopefully when i do it again i can take the first one down faster
It's correct only mistake is you putting no on RNG Modifier, even if you haven't put any settings on within the mod it counts as rng modified as we have no way to verify that you didnt have RNG settings on but thats okay ill update it and verify it for you :)
God i just want to let you ramble on but you making these accusations of me is to much, i dont want to let people get away with cheating, i also don't want to burn someone down if im not 100% sure there cheating.
You claim i don't like competition? You had no competition before we came, someone would do something new and you'd use them for free coop world records, myself and Luna included.
I always showed you anything you wanted to know, we never broke any rules by not having a client POV and the game has YEARS of runs with just 1 POV with glitches being preformed with 0 issue.
In a year and a half ive clocked almost as many hours speedrunning as you have in the game overall and have held world records in almost every category across the Main Boards and CE your calling me inexperienced?
In 1 message you've claimed most of the main pillars of payday 2 speedrunning in recent years to be cheaters and again i'm the one who hates competition?
Once upon a time i respected you but it became clear to me long ago that you considered payday 2 speedrunning to be yours and yours alone and everything you've said across both threads has done nothing but prove that.
They’re literally the same gun nasuper like cmon seriously?
Hi, im the supermod that was asked to step in by star and id like to give my side of the story, i've speedran payday 2 for roughly and year and a half now and while that may not seem long ive clocked almost 3,000 hours just speedrunning the game (with 2800 before id started speed running and played the game on and off since shortly after release) and have been one of members pushing the game forwards in new glitches and strategy's.
Myself and other runners have had issue with the previous super mods transparency for a long time, they'd change rules without telling anyone was one of our biggest gripes, as well as in the past us having to beg for a vote on a glitchless category and then a few months later adding a new category with 0 input from the community.
In regards to the cheating accusations, nasuper informed me and i in tern, knowing pizza passed the accusations along as i felt as though if someone's being accused of something they have a right to know, pizza made a video in an attempt to prove these allegations false, as lag and network desync can cause some wacky stuff to happen in payday. nasupers purely using numbers here and as far as im aware has never attempted to recreate the claimed issue (the game lagging).
I also tested this with another runner to confirm as well as while yes i am friends with pizza im not going to defend someone purely off of that, here's the host perspective:
im irritated as i cant find my perspective to show that no cheat mods were used in an attempt to fudge the test (i redo this with both povs when irokwe is available as i have no clue how to cap my cpu). I even agreed with nasuper that the run was right to be rejected for being suspicious, the potential is there but it is not concreate enough to prove out right due to the run being coop, having game lag as well as potiental desync issues
Any time youve brought an issue to Rek, we have all taken it seriously and tryd to resolve the issue, you recently brought forward more accusations of one of the new supermods Arustik having a cheated run. I didnt simply ignore this claim, i looked into mods that might achieve what you claimed, i watched the video dozens of times and in the end i figured out the issue to be a video compression issue and you agreed with my conclusion, and even then i asked him for the raw footage of his run to make completely sure there was no funny business and provided you with a link to verify for yourself.
I am not a puppet and have taken my job very seriously since i was asked to step in, i asked you not to speak to me any more as you were trying to force me to reject and verify runs in an extremely hostile way, i didn't mean for this to be forever sorry if i didn't clarify that at the time.
hopefully i didn't miss any of your points
just so you know, you arnt allowed to use RNG modifier in crimespree, you can only use the speed run mod, sorry i have no info to help you with your crash though
we used something called warping to get into the vault early, thanks to an over sight by the devs getting a bag of loot and securing it will trigger the escape so you don't have to do any of the other objectives
Going out of bounds is automatically a major skip. Unfortunately we don’t have a skipless category but it doesn’t mean you can’t run it, I believe for GGC there is a coop run that is skipless on the main leaderboards but this means you can’t skip anything, you even have to wait for the civ to stop walking to be sick after you spike his drink in stealth. When it comes to new category’s being added you need at least a decent demand for it as moderators can’t just add new categories every times someone asks for them and there is already so many for payday that we have 2 sets of leaderboards for them