Denna vy beaktar endast underkategorier som gäller för alla nivåer. Det finns 7 fler nivåspecifika underkategorier som gäller. Du kan hitta mer information genom att klicka på en nivå.
Minor Edit To Recent DSS Changes
Following the recent DSS changes, a minor edit has been made to the new DSS submission rules;
You may submit a run with DSS on your planet if it is inactive (show on video), or if all POVs are shown, and no stratagems or other benefits provided by the DSS are used.
Senaste omgångarna
Nivå: Neutralize Orbital Defenses
Nivå: Neutralize Orbital Defenses
Nivå: Blitz: Search and Destroy/Destroy Illuminate Warp Ships
Nivå: Blitz: Search and Destroy/Destroy Illuminate Warp Ships
Nivå: Conduct Geological Survey