speedrun: Sleeping Dogs
North Carolina, USAChamploo1 year ago

Wei 2 Fast

H1Pur tycker om detta
North Carolina, USAChamploo2 years ago

Sorry I don't have anything like that. Best I can do is just point you to my run for most of the skips. The only other skip I'm aware of that you couldn't find in my run is here https://www.speedrun.com/deadpool/thread/28ps9 And there is some kind of infinite rapid fire shot glitch that I've gotten a few times but never been super sure how to reproduce it, but if someone did find a way to do that I'm almost certain it would save so much time that it would need to be in its own category because it would make most of the FPSish sections so trivial.

speedrun: Sleeping Dogs
North Carolina, USAChamploo2 years ago

Note: The start and end times have changed for this category since this was submitted - the RT has been edited to reflect the new start and end times. However, the IG time I have not calculated as I don't know if the load remover will remove the cutscenes from the time, so I thought it would be best to just leave it be. If a run is close enough with this one we can get more granular with the IGT comparison in the future if requested.

North Carolina, USAChamploo2 years ago

It has come to my attention that some races which don't have any skips are having times submitted for both any% and no skips. As such, I propose a new ruling (which, without objections, will go into effect on the 16th) -

If a race does not have skips, only submit times for the main category (any%)

I'll make this a requirement for all races unless there are objections in 2 weeks (the 16th). Current runs would be edited to be in the any% category if they don't follow the rule.

We can also go in the opposite direction - preferring to submit for the no skips category, but this implies to the unknowing viewer that skips may exist for the level, when in reality there are no accepted submissions.


  • There's currently an any% race category with a slower time than a no skips category, which I think is silly.
  • Some runs don't have skips we know of, and we have submissions for both. This is redundant. Speedrun.com doesn't offer granular enough control for me to disable these categories, but I am capable of effectively removing these categories by not approving future runs and modifying existing ones.
  • The spirit of my opinion: If your run is effectively the same category, it should be in the same category.
  • If new skips are discovered then we can talk about them at that point and move the runs over that don't utilize the skips.

Lastly, assuming we go in this direction, I'll include a list of the races which you shouldn't be submitting no skips runs for in the races, and post it for a brief time here before ratifying it in the rules entry for the races.

North Carolina, USAChamploo2 years ago

This conversation was continued in Discord, here's my response:

-Starting on yes gives a definitive start point to the run. Verifiers do not have to identify exactly what frame input became available to the runner and runners don't have to multitask starting a run while also beginning game input. Changing the timing method will make it confusing to compare old runs to new ones. -You do not need time without loads -If you want to compete with times using the load remover then you need to learn to set it up or ask for help setting (or be faster than their loadless times). -Rules don't change because a game is inactive

Also, livesplit's repository for autosplitters will be updated soon (thanks Riekelt), so you shouldn't have to do as much configuration as you would have before to get the load remover to work.

tråd: Deadpool
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

Took a bit of prodding around OOB with this, the jumps aren't so terribly inconsistent but they're not easy. I think this could be incorporated into a route if you grinded it out. If you could get it first try then I think it would be worth doing in both categories, with NG getting less out of it since you still need points pretty bad at that stage of the run. It would be interesting if we could trigger the next load from OOB and potentially skip more of the game.

Side note: I found that in the beginning area you can use hovering/aerial lights to ascend the slopes. This could be useful in other areas (One use is getting unstuck from the armpits of the Sentinel)

Fcabb tycker om detta
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

As a base principle any skips that take you off-track are considered to be major skips.

For what remains, please discuss what you think constitutes a major skip in this thread.

tråd: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

I've added a category to a board but want to use a different timing method than the primary board, specifically IGT with MS. The only way of accomplishing this that I know of is to add it to all the categories which is what I don't want. How do?

YUMmy_Bacon5 tycker om detta
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

There have been enough people asking for this for it to get added so here it is.

IL Racing Rules: -Any vehicle is fine -Use IGT, be sure your time is visible

  • Because we will use IGT you can technically tie/share a position

Q: Why any vehicle? What about original edition? A: The game goes on sale for very cheap (at time of posting I believe DE is about 2$). Most people are running or are able to run DE. I dislike fragmenting boards and adding checkboxes that obfuscate the merit of one run against another, so unless there is significant demand these will be the rules going forward.

Q: Why does all races include what were DLC races? A: See above; tldr - everyone is running DE

If you disagree with these rules and wish them changed please reply with your reasoning (but you better be submitting runs...)

siyfics. tycker om detta
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

A discord link has been added under the resources, join it if you're interested

loweredmedia och siyfics. gillar detta
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

Sorry for the late response! I just set up a leaderboard for it and will try to add the time myself if I can, if not I'll check back for your submission when I can.

seri tycker om detta
tråd: Deadpool
North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

Sure, just put in a submission where I can see some kind of video recording to verify your run for the appropriate category and you're good!

North Carolina, USAChamploo3 years ago

If there is an existing discord already I'd be happy to add it if someone would post a link to it here or DM me on discord: champloo_musashi#7610

North Carolina, USAChamploo4 years ago

There's not enough melee fights in the later part of the run to make it worthwhile where you don't just go for the ninja kills. If you did some kind of completionist category it might be.

North Carolina, USAChamploo4 years ago

Just sounds like a scripting glitch. To be honest I haven't played the DLCs much but if his AI is trying to reach a target position you could potentially nudge him out of the wall hes running into and see what happens. Easier thing is probably to try to reset with such a short run though (relative to main any%)

tråd: Deadpool
North Carolina, USAChamploo5 years ago

I found a potential Genosha skip. The issue is you get put in the same stuck state you would if you failed the other OOB skip on the level. If it's possible to clip above the level far enough without getting stuck in the ceiling the skip would be doable or if we can escape the stuck state.

North Carolina, USAChamploo5 years ago

I suggest writing a guide for the races. It's not really justifiable to add a category if only 1 person has ran the category. I'm interested in seeing people pick up the category though

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

That's not a bad way to do it. I preferred turning and taking a step to the left without adjusting the angle, the effective input direction was about parallel with the front side of the dumpster. From there I'd go for a perpendicular angle to parkour up. The biggest thing is just making the setup consistent with not getting hit by enemies. I think the trick is easy and consistent if you grind it for an hour or two.

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

he diedededed

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

https://i.gyazo.com/92b98dffb2c6e006ae395f264f65ff2e.jpg Leopold FC750R w/ Cherry Browns. Used to have Cherry Reds but I slam my keys down hard and didn't enjoy the lack of feedback. Been waiting for like 2 months for this group buy to ship new caps although these feel really nice.

tuff_lover, 84th, och TheGreatToddman gillar detta
Om Champloo
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