Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup1 year ago

I do it, Discord: Bawkbasoup

crisdoile2, Jakeeenator och 5 andra gillar detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup5 years ago

Stairskating makes me feel physically Ill and I still vote no.

SephJul, Zero och 5 andra gillar detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup5 years ago

Yes allow it & make it only available to (PC TWN). Anyone who hates it can just run the Japanese version, the time difference is very small. There was so much controversy over the TWN version in general, why not just stick the two argumentative things in the same game/category. The only people this really affects are those higher up on the leader board and I believe all of them also want the tool.

People keep referring to making a tool for EVERY random component in the game as a counter argument, but none of the actual runners grinding ever protest about any luck based events besides the locker. I don't think a single hardcore runner of this game would want tools for everything. The RNG is what makes this game exhilarating and extremely entertaining to watch.

Its hard to understand wanting this mod to be the norm unless you have 500+ hours resetting on a locker that chooses your category(ESPECIALLY in Nemesis%). We want to promote this as a FUN speed game not one for the mentally insane.

seed, giaNco och 7 andra gillar detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup6 years ago

Awesome! I'll add an arcade category asap!! I'm really sorry I haven't been around the forums lately, I'm adding another mod to the game to help out with decisions and verification. You guys are amazing pushing this game to its limits, I never ever thought this game would reach the popularity it has reached when I started back 3+ years ago :D

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup6 years ago

Hey Joker :D

Another runner did research a few months back on a few different emulators and found that they were inconsistent and mostly faster when it came to load times, decided to just ban emulator to make it fair for everyone who paid good money for console and game etc etc. I also didn't want to make too many meaningless categories for this game since there was only a couple runners at the time.

Joker_Of_God tycker om detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup7 years ago

A speedrun should never ever be pay2win. We should be encouraging a healthy competitive community, not a divided one based off of individual pieces of plastic that save more and more seconds based off how much of money you have to dump. I vote either make Amiibo a misc category or a sub category. Main any% run should just be booting up the system and pressing new game.

bobakanoosh55555, LonTr0 och 19 andra gillar detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup8 years ago

Hey everyone :D

Just wondering how everyone plays this game off of steam. Default setup for me is next to unplayable (crashing, no alt tabbing, window mode not working etc) Any help would be amazing :')

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup8 years ago

Anyone ever see this?

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup8 years ago

That was an amazing change Julian!! Thanks for taking the time to do that, hopefully its considered for RE2 as well

Love it :^)

tråd: The Site
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup8 years ago

Hello :) Could you Make the B in Bawkbasoup Capital? Thank you so much :')

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

The only reason I brought up the topic was... https://gyazo.com/1dfda03e6a694f8dac0a0c3f39dc5522 GGboysGG

JayBoneElite tycker om detta
Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

I Don't race toddlers Kappa

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Oh trance :) You're so lovable :')))) Keep up the great work :) :) :)

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Yeah that sounds fun, if it was just level 3 I could just put some garbage times up for some consoles to encourage competition and fill the boards :) Guess we will see what happens though

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Yeah I honestly don't care what happens but I just thought it was something good to bring up since there are people talking about it every single day off the forums .

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Sounds good to me :) Great points Furry

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Just taking up space, Doesn't seem like it will ever get competitive. Just an idea to make the boards more clear. Less competitive then All Scenarios and thats gone now :(. Any thoughts or am I crazy

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Wow Zenix... The best thing that was ever said on these fourms right there. I love u :)

Prince Edward Island, CanadaBawkbasoup9 years ago

Thank you for the answer Shunpuk :) Sorry about that time post, it was a stupid thing to do.

Om Bawkbasoup
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