More ILs?
6 years ago
Texas, USA

Some categories here could work with ILs. Jumpless, min captures any%, min captures world peace, and min cap throws are the categories I think are the best options. I'm not trying to force this onto the leaderboards or anything, I'm just wondering if anyone other than me would be interested in this or not. :)

gnrts, Thog_n och 3 andra gillar detta

Mayby All moons first visit?

MSLaFaver och IwerSonsch gillar detta
Maryland, USA

If more people are interested I can add them.

Imaproshaman, Weegloogi och 4 andra gillar detta
United States

it would be interesting I would try to run it for fun!

Christopballs tycker om detta

Obviously, like everything else on this board, this suggestion needs runners (or 2+ former runners who have lost their vids)

Minnesota, USA

Tbh this would be kinda interesting and it would maybe start to get me back into this game.

United States

I would like to see the future of these runs


This would be interesting! Not sure if I'll run them though, @Coolboy1738 Would that be All Moons NPG?

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

@Scientific_Guy No, first visit means you don't leave the kingdom at all until you're finished. Like the Seaside/Snow/Bowser's painting in NPG, the painting is always excluded because the intended way to get that moon isn't available firstvisit

United States

This sounds like a cool idea, probably may try it out

Christopballs tycker om detta
United States

Here are all the ideas for IL runs: Coinless Jumpless Minimum captures Minimum cap throws Minimum captures WP Feel free to add anymore you think would belong

United States Here is a link to me doing cap kingdom coinless

Imaproshaman tycker om detta

All purple coins All purple coins NG+ (with no moons required) All first-visit moons All pre-peace moons All captures All sub areas NG+ Minimum story moons ASM Each of these obviously needs runners to be established

United States

I wold love all of these categories.

Christopballs tycker om detta
United States

also all purple coins already exists

Christopballs och IwerSonsch gillar detta
Texas, USA

would all captures ILs require all captures available in that specific kingdom? That would be interesting

IwerSonsch tycker om detta
United States

Probally a good base line would be all the full game runs but for individual levels, and only a few new ones

United States

Softlock% in other kingdoms besides cap would be interesting

United States

If this catogoires need more runners to be on SMOCE i could make a individual level SMO on should i do that?

United States

No. Why would you create a third SMO page for ILs that nobody will run?

IwerSonsch tycker om detta