Category Request Form
5 years ago
Maryland, USA

With the recent community-decided change of format to the SMOCE leaderboard, we will be approaching the SMOCE leaderboard with a new manner of category moderation.

You will notice there is a "category" called Pending, this is where newly verified categories will be placed before either meeting or failing to meet certain criteria within a reasonable time frame while giving as much exposure as possible. Runners are allowed to submit their own runs to these categories under the Pending tab. 3 runs/runners = move from Pending.

We will ONLY be adding possible new categories that are submitted through this form here: It is not guaranteed that your category will be verified, please refrain from submitting ideas that do not make sense, similar route to an already existing category on the leaderboard, etc. Verification will mostly be decided on other runners' input of the category (unless some show interest and do complete runs) before the decision is finalized amongst the CE mods.

We prefer Category Idea/Request threads to maintain discussion on the topic, if we see any small talk/irrelevant chatter within these threads or a single user constantly creating threads within quick succession, we will contact you directly. Please refrain from clogging people's notifications up by doing this, if you wish to extensively discuss about a category, please join our discord server.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
nonowahoo, NoahMJR och 43 andra gillar detta