Multi-binds Regulations Likely On Their Way
Multi-binds Regulations Likely On Their Way
Postad 1 year ago av

Hey folks.

It would seem that the game allowing multiple binds has been allowing FAR more shenanigans than we could have anticipated. It's only been a couple days and we're already starting to see some worrying things become possible, giving an overwhelming advantage to keyboard players and cropping up some rather uncompetitive patterns and strategies.

We don't want to ban this sort of thing outright, as it can legitimately make the game more accessible. However, we clearly cannot leave it completely unregulated either and let the whole speedgame become a wild west of "macros".

We've been considering putting a limit to how many different keys can be set to have multiple actions, or having a specific list of combinations that are legal to assign to any one key. Maybe both. We are also considering to have a hard limit to how many different buttons can be assigned to any one action.

We plan to put this up to a poll on the Discord server to see what approach we go with, but we'd also like to hear what ideas you might have to come to the best compromise possible. So, whatcha guys think?

Senaste nyheterna
Individual Levels runs are now NMG

Hello folks.

Since No Major Glitches is by far the more popular and enjoyed category for full-game runs, we thought we'd protect IL runners from having to contend with that side of the game if they don't wish to.

This is open to change if the interest is there, but for now, **individual level runs

3 months ago