Postad 16 days ago av


after the shocker that was today, we'd oughta bring you up to speed (lol pun) what's been happening the past day for Swap Mode.

A major trick was discovered for Swap Mode (1P and 2P) titled Dora.

In short on how it works: In Swap Mode, if you start running (has to be Mach 3 or higher if Player 1 is playing Gustavo), taunt and press up and down on the same frame when entering a door, level gate, rocket or taxi, the state usually applied on the first frame of entering any of these, is overriden by the taunt swap transferring states between the two players. (thanks to vani for the writeup)

Essentially, Dora is a highly versatile trick that will most likely shake the entire route for Swap Mode for both 1P and 2P categories. The trick Dora itself is not banned for Unrestricted or NMG, and may be used in either. However, Dora allows for an even crazier trick where we must take action: Progression Transfer.

It sounds exactly as scary as written out. Dora allows any progression item that count towards your overall % (toppins, secrets, treasures) to be collected in one level, and be "carried" over to a completely separate level.

As a result, the latter level will have the progression item unlocked, despite entering an entirely different level beforehand.

Effective immediately, Dora may be used in NMG with the exception of Progression Transfer. Unrestricted is not affected by this.

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Postad 4 months ago av

Hello folks.

Since No Major Glitches is by far the more popular and enjoyed category for full-game runs, we thought we'd protect IL runners from having to contend with that side of the game if they don't wish to.

This is open to change if the interest is there, but for now, individual level runs must adhere to No Major Glitches rulings, effective immediately.

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Postad 5 months ago av

We're opening the floodgates! The leaderboard shall now accept runs performed on the Nintendo Switch version of Pizza Tower!

Do keep in mind that the same rules still apply, and that video proof should be of good enough quality! Show us what you've got!

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Postad 6 months ago av

A port of the game for Nintendo Switch has just come out!

Naturally, with these changes we will be updating the leaderboards to accept Switch runs. However, we will hold off from accepting any of them for a couple weeks, both to get a chance to handle any big glitches that may present on release and to somewhat mitigate the initial flood of runs.

A new patch has also been released on PC, now introducing official translations to the game, as well as a list of technical changes to movement!

The technical changes to movement are as follows, according to fellow runner Cocoasprinkle (aka. Vani):


a bug where leftward uppercut momentum doesn't properly carry in some states has been fixed, which allows for:

  • leftward high jumps
  • leftward hyperwallboosts (hywoosts)
  • erics performed from right-to-left and all other direction combinations

as a side effect of this bugfix, the spinstaturn tech no longer works


if you aren't aware, in old version of pizza tower, you would gain small amounts of air after finishing a wallrun which, while often a hinderance, allowed for instaturn and eric setups along with making certain sections that normally require precise jump timings after a wallrun to begin wallrunning on another wall much easier this was patched out in the noise update, but has now been brought back with the catch being that it only activates when you hold a grab input in one of the following means:

  • if you begin to hold a grab input within 8 frames of exiting a wallrun, you will buffer a pop-up grab. this is useful for instaturn and eric setups
  • if you hold this input for longer than 8 frames before exiting a wallrun, you will buffer a regular pop-up boost. this is useful for spots like the pig city 2f jump after the last escape taxi

you can either begin holding grab while wallrunning or during a long jump


every single wallrun in the game now saves 1 frame compared to pre-update. this is because the wallspeed is now translated to peppino's horizontal speed as soon as you exit a wallrun, without the single frame of this speed being frozen to 1. this also applies to noise's corner correction mechanic

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Postad 8 months ago av

We noticed that the rules did not specify that the ingame timer should display three decimals. This had become an expectation on our part, but it seems we overlooked reflecting this in the rules. This has been fixed.

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Postad 11 months ago av

Noise has arrived to the leaderboards, alongside Swap Mode, both in normal game and CE. You can now submit runs as the gremlin! Go ham or go stupid! Whichever works! No additional rules are given to either categories, yet.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks, sorry for the holdup...

After letting the survey sit for a couple of weeks, the results are quite telling. A decisive majority of the responses, both at the novice and expert level, have voted to extend the ban. The sentiments presented in the opinions box also align with our suspicions, and have failed to provide a compelling argument against the ban.

Thus, we shall update the rules and enforce the extended ban on pause abuse, effective immediately. As a refresher, the following instances of pause abuse will be banned, which should effectively make the glitch completely disallowed:

  • Extending button timers.

  • Preserving enemies that should've died.

  • Jumping off of water rapids.

  • Dodging the pizza box transformation. (Specifically using pause abuse- dodging it through other means is fair game.)

  • Preventing enemies and projectiles (and cheese balls) from spawning

Thanks for bearing with us and good luck in your future runs!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks. We might need to talk again.

A couple months ago we created the No Major Glitches category in response to Floor 5 Skip. While we also took that opportunity to ban some of the more blatant cases of pause abuse in general, we allowed some applications to stay.

However, after some time of exploring these possibilities, a number of top runners have expressed concerns that a few of the things still possible don't really align with the purpose that the No Major Glitches category was created for.

We're considering to add the following instances of pause abuse to the existing list of banned uses. This would make the list include all currently known uses of the glitch, and effectively ban it completely:

  • Extending button timers.
  • Preserving enemies that should've died.
  • Jumping off of water rapids.
  • Dodging the pizza box transformation
  • Preventing enemies and projectiles (and cheese balls) from spawning

We want to be transparent and give everyone a chance to voice their opinion on this. But at the same time, because pause abuse is a technique that only top runners really use, we would like to give their opinion more weight on this particular matter.

To do this, we're taking people's opinions with a Google Form, which will ask for your opinion and a link to your SRC profile. Note that, while we're particularly interested on what top runners have to say, we will still be considering everybody's opinion!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks!

We're going to be hosting a community tournament for Pizza Tower Any% NMG races in our Discord server! The tourney starts in one week from now, and we have 19 slots remaining!

If you'd like to join, you'll need to join our Discord server to register and for communications over the course of the event. We also have pretty chill people who are happy to help anybody interested in improving, so if you somehow haven't already joined, here's your excuse to hop in!

For more info, you know where to go:

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Postad 1 year ago av

Ah, yes one thing that slipped our minds on the last announcement- Performing CToP Skip will not be allowed in the Individual Level leaderboard. Hosting a whole leaderboard with runs that amount to performing a certain glitch once is not the most competitive thing ever.

If enough of these glitches are found to justify it, we may also do a No Major Glitches split for ILs but until then, we'll just... Not...

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Postad 1 year ago av

Alright, deliberations and polls in the Discord server have concluded and the decision has been made!

We will be introducing a split called No Major Glitches, that bans the following:

  • Bans OOB glitches, including but not limited to: Floor 5 Skip, CToP Skip and Pizzaface Skip
  • Ban the Unfocused Extended Pause Abuse glitch.
  • Additionally, we will effectively ban Manual Extended Pause Abuse by disallowing all major uses we currently know of. This list will be updated to catch any other specific instances that the community would rather see gone.

This split will be done not only for Any%, but also True Ending and All Secrets. Each of these categories will now have a traditional version where anything goes, and a restricted version that will be more curated going forward.

100%, 101% and Snotty% will remain untouched for now, but we will monitoring if similar measures are ever needed.

Finally, as a separate action, we will lift the ban on the use of Steam Input. Needless to say, the restrictions we had in place to avoid people from making macros will still be in place: You may bind any number of actions to any one button, but you may not introduce any delays or timing elements into any of your binds.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks!

A new major glitch has been discovered that allows skipping to the game's finale immediately after reaching Floor 5: Mansion Skip. While initially thought to be a TAS-only glitch, means to make the trick humanly viable were found shortly thereafter, but only on a controller. The way to perform the trick is as follows:

  • After reaching floor 5, go into the mansion hub secret

  • Then, drop back down into the floor 5 hub while charging up a superjump, and as soon as you go through the screen transition, begin doing frame-perfect pause buffering. Frame-perfect pause buffering has a number of peculiar effects and properties. This can be made humanly viable on controller only by holding pause, then unfocusing the game. This causes the game to apply the input every frame, effectively creating a bootleg turbo button.

  • You must start the pause buffer after entering the room, but before the fade-in from black finishes. Pause buffering will cause this fade-in to never end, which is important.

  • Once you land from the drop, release the superjump while continuing the pause buffer. You should faintly see Peppino fly back up from behind the pause screen.

  • If performed correctly, Peppino will now be stuck inside the transition trigger, but not actually enter the Mansion hub secret, all the while gaining vertical velocity from the superjump.

  • Our goal is to build enough speed to move past the transition is one frame (minimum 92 speed?), but not so much that you overshoot and trigger a void-out.

  • Build up enough speed to clip past the transition, then focus back into the game and quickly shoulder bash. Then maneuver your way through out-of-bounds into the finale.

Not too long ago we discovered Pizzaface Skip, but deemed the trick not significant enough to warrant a category split, but this is very different. This glitch is a game changer for Any%, allowing runners to skip a total of 30 toppins. True Ending and All Secrets will also be significantly affected.

Staff is currently planning on making a category split: A true Any% where anything goes, and a more restricted category that bans Mansion Skip. We are also considering to remove Pizzaface Skip from this more restricted category as well.

We have not yet named this restricted category something like "No Major Glitches" or such- this is a deliberate choice. We want to enable you guys to compete however you like best, not argue over semantics of what should technically be allowed. Would you like Pizzaface Skip to also be banned from this more restricted category?

We also plan to make a similar split for True Ending and All Secrets. Would you guys be good with that?

Currently we're letting the glitch simmer down a bit and letting people discuss on the Discord server. We will also be throwing some polls there in a few days to decide some of the specifics of how we decide to handle this. If you would like to participate in those, feel free to join!

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Postad 1 year ago av

A new variant of the double revolver glitch has been found.

First you must charge a revolver shot and taunt as the shot finishes charging. This should cause the revolver chamber to spin in reverse. Then, as the taunt ends, quickly release and press the fire button. If done correctly, two charge shots will come out.

Since this particular variant of the trick does not need multibinds to be performed, it shall be allowed to use in runs. The original version of the trick which requires multiple grab binds will remain banned. The rules will be tweaked in order to reflect this distinction.

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Postad 1 year ago av

A couple days ago, we discovered a glitch that allows skipping the Pizzaface fight and sneak into the first room of The Crumbling Tower of Pizza to trigger the finale. The glitch is performed as follows:

  • First you need to go into WAR 2nd lap to lose the shotgun and regain your grab.
  • Then grab an enemy and throw it into one of the terminals that give you extra time, making sure to exit level just before the terminal is destroyed.
  • If you did this correctly, the WAR timer will carry over to the hub with 30 seconds.
  • Then, quickly jump off the balcony leading into the Pizzaface fight and let the timer expire.
  • You will respawn out of bounds, on top of the ceiling of floor 5 hub. Maneuver your way to the start of CtoP and trigger the finale from there.

It is worth noting that, since you need to unlock the door leading to Pizzaface to perform the glitch, this only enables you to skip the final boss- not all of floor 5. However, since you do need the toppins to unlock the Pizzaface fight, this does mean you need to play WAR twice- once for the toppins, and then a second time to perform the glitch. It should also be pointed out that the timing for breaking the terminal has not deemed too tight, and it can be made easier still to perform by using pause buffering, making the trick relatively easy to do.

This trick is estimated to save about a minute and a half if performed effectively in Any%, True Ending and All Secrets. The trick is not useful for 100% and 101%, since defeating Pizzaface is required for completion percentage.

After letting initial reactions cool down and deliberating for a bit, we're faced with a choice. Since the hobby of speedrunning has never been a stranger to breaking games in the name of speed, banning the trick would make very little sense, which leaves two other options:

  1. Allowing the trick with open arms or
  2. Making a leaderboard split for affected categories.

While making a leaderboard split might seem like an obvious choice, we would have to make this split for three different categories, all to account for a trick that only takes place at the very end of an otherwise completely normal run.

Staff simply does not find the difference significant enough to take such a drastic decision, and thus ultimately concluded that we should just accept the glitch for future runs.

If more significant glitches are found in the future and the creation of a glitchless category of some sort is deemed warranted, we will definitely be revisiting Pizzaface Skip to consider its inclusion, along with whatever nonsense triggers such a decision. But for now, this is what the game will be like for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for your understanding!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hey folks! A simple heads up.

Runs submitted to the Pizza Tower leaderboard should be performed on official releases and versions of the game on PC. That means no mods, and certainly not any mobile ports of the game. A clause regarding this will be added to the rules.

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Postad 1 year ago av

When adjusting the game's rules after the Halloween update, one of the changes that we had made to the rules was that ALL categories would now require Peppino's judgement and final results screen to be shown.

While I had mentioned this in the announcements channel for the Discord server... I had neglected to mention that detail here... Oops. So yeah, do look out for that! A clause regarding this has now been added to the overall game rules.

(Snotty% would be the exception as the run does not finish on the game's ending.)

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Postad 1 year ago av

Quick update folks.

We reached out to staff and looked into other potential solutions. However, editing all the existing runs to use the "Ingame Time" field is just currently not feasible. Thus, we will get rid of the "Ingame Time" column on the leaderboard and continue recording our times in the "Time" field we had always been using.

Just to be clear, runs will still be timed using ingame time! It's just that the times will not be recorded as "ingame time" on the leaderboard. It may not be perfect, but correctness is only worth so much trouble lmao.

The Category Extensions leaderboard will continue to use Ingame Time, however. Being a lot more new and having less runs on it, a full, proper transition was already made.

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Postad 1 year ago av

It seems that any run that uses IGT is being shot up to the top of the leaderboard over all runs that only use RTA.

This is not what we had hoped for and we're currently reaching out to staff to help us sort this out; probably by copying over the RTA times in old runs as IGT, as we had previously proposed.

In the meantime, expect the leaderboard to be a little wacky for a day or two. Thanks for bearing with us.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Alright folks, time for a very important wrap-up!

We've let the two polls sit for a while, and the results seem to be next-to-unanimous on both fronts. Thus, it seems pretty clear what we must do.

We will not enforce further restrictions to multi-binds. Anything you can arrange with the ingame settings (except Double Revolver) is fair game! Of course, this is subject to change in the future, but we'll address those problems as they come. Looking forward to see what you guys can really do.

Additionally, the leaderboard shall now accept IGT times and use them as their default. After toying around with some leaderboard settings it turns out we won't even have to change anything about the old runs- any submissions will use IGT if available! Any runs on patch 1.0.5951 and beyond should be edited to include IGT. Any runs before that will not, and must only use RTA instead. Staff will try to go back and edit any submissions in the last couple days, but if you could help on you guys' end by editing your pending submissions, that'd be neat.

Individual Level runs for Boss Battles and Tricky Treat fall in a bit of a weird area, however, as the ingame timer we have available when time stops only has one decimal. We will continue using RTA for these ILs, as it should hardly make a difference.

Snotty% runs also find themselves in a weird gray area. Given the less competitive nature of this leaderboard, we shall use IGT with rounded to the nearest tenth- the best that the ingame timer can currently provide. In the rare case more precision is ever needed, staff shall go back and count the frames for a more precise time.

With that said, this headache of a chapter is finally over. Thank you guys very much and have fun!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Meant to announce this earlier here too, but we now have CEs! These leaderboard house some of the more... out there suggestions for categories, which means we now have room for more silly ones if you think that tickles your fancy.

Please do note while that we now have a platform for more categories, this will not mean that we can add your suggestion immediately. We need to balance work load evenly.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Having multiple GRAB buttons allows you to shoot the revolver while simultaneously charging up a shot, allowing you to basically double your DPS. It is also possible to charge up to big bullets at the same time, allowing for an overwhelming burst of damage. While this only affects two boss fights, we estimate that might save as much as 15 seconds by doing this, simply for being able to bind multiple buttons to fire the revolver.

After some discussion, Double Revolver was deemed better left behind: Those in favor didn't mind much missing out on the glitch, while the people who were against were very strongly against it.

It was for the most part strictly a binds check that didn't add anything terribly interesting to the run, and it put controller players at a distinct and rather arbitrary disadvantage. We understand that traditionally this is something that sometimes happens in speedrunning, but having the unique opportunity to catch and correct this issue early, we took the approach that seemed most satisfactory overall for the runners.

The bug has been patched out (mostly), and it shall be illegal to use in runs effective immediately. Runs using the glitch will be denied, perhaps retroactively. Discussion on multi-binds at large will continue on the Discord server

Thanks for bearing with us!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hey folks.

It would seem that the game allowing multiple binds has been allowing FAR more shenanigans than we could have anticipated. It's only been a couple days and we're already starting to see some worrying things become possible, giving an overwhelming advantage to keyboard players and cropping up some rather uncompetitive patterns and strategies.

We don't want to ban this sort of thing outright, as it can legitimately make the game more accessible. However, we clearly cannot leave it completely unregulated either and let the whole speedgame become a wild west of "macros".

We've been considering putting a limit to how many different keys can be set to have multiple actions, or having a specific list of combinations that are legal to assign to any one key. Maybe both. We are also considering to have a hard limit to how many different buttons can be assigned to any one action.

We plan to put this up to a poll on the Discord server to see what approach we go with, but we'd also like to hear what ideas you might have to come to the best compromise possible. So, whatcha guys think?

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Postad 1 year ago av A new update for Pizza Tower is out! With this patch we have a number of changes to the rules:

  • Runs are now required to have the Speedrun Timer setting turned ON. As usual when making this sort of change, we will allow a grace period of a week or two before we start denying runs for it.
  • The leaderboard will continue to use Real Time for now. We may look into also including ingame time on the side now that it's been FIXED™.
  • With the new ingame inputs allowing for multiple inputs to the same button, the previous rule on this matter has been overhauled. Moving forward, using third-party software to configure macros is disallowed. Otherwise, anything binds that can be configured within the ingame settings is fair game.
  • Individual Level leaderboards have been created for the two new levels! The Halloween level will have some special rules, so do pay attention to that before you get grinding!
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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks.

If you exit a level as you grab Mort, Peppino's walk cycle is replaced by the Mort transformation walk animation. This persists across save files and levels, and only ends when resetting the game or entering Fun Farm.

While this glitch seems to be purely visual, for the sake keeping runs on a vacuum and avoiding potential shenanigans in the future, setting up the glitch before the start of either a full-game run or an individual-level run is not allowed.

Thank you for your understanding!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hey folks!

We're adjusting the rules of the Snotty% category to specify that time ends when the save icon is displayed on the bottom right after killing Snotty. We had been using this method for some time, but realized that it was not specified in the rules, therefore nothing has quite changed.

Thanks for bearing with us.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Alright, folks! I had teased it some time before, but it is finally happening- The Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki is now live! This site will take the compendium's role as the go-to place for players of all levels to learn make funi pizza man go fast!

The Wiki is far from done at the moment. We've already ported all of the contents of the main document and the debug mode cheat sheet, but most of the contents of the level guide document are yet to be ported over. Thus, we will need your help to fill out the level pages.

  • We were unable to download all of the images within the document in a convenient fashion, and saving them individually is a bit of a process. More manpower would be appreciated.
  • The wiki can now host videos of up to 10MB, as well as youtube videos! This should make much easier to present clear demonstrations of all tricks. Let's finally upgrade from those GIFs!
  • This also presents a good opportunity to run a "relevancy check" on all of the contents of the level guide, as some at least some of it is bound to have become obsolete in the last few weeks.

The compendium will stay for some time while we move everything over, after which it will most likely be phased out. Make sure to join the discussion at the Pizza Tower speedrunning Discord server. Thank you all for being awesome!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Good day, folks!

We've been seeing a few people dabble on a category that seemed to have some potential. After some discussion with the community on Discord and some deliberation among staff, it's been decided: An All Secrets category has been added to the leaderboard! Think of it as a category similar to 100%, but without the score aspect and the stress that often comes with it.

For now it's only a miscellaneous category, like Snotty%, allowing people to check it out while keeping the main focus on the pre-existing 4 main categories. Have fun!

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello folks! As you might now, the compendium has existed for some time as a resource and reference for runners of all levels. Me and the rest of the techkeepers couldn't be more happy to hear just how much help these documents have proved to be for the whole community.

However, the compendium has grown far larger than we could've ever anticipated... bloated even!. The guides are having trouble loading and they have become somewhat cumbersome to actually use.

In response to this problem, staff has been working behind the scenes putting together a wiki to take the compendium's place, as well as refine and expand on the mission it had set out to do! We're still getting the main structure of the wiki together and getting it all nice and presentable, so it will be a bit longer before you can actually see it. That said, do know compendium 2.0 is well on its way.

Thanks for your understanding and cheers to all of you. :3

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello all. We've taken a moment to reorganize the way the rules are presented on the leaderboards, in hopes of making them more clear. These changes include moving some of the rulings and notes specific to TCToP and each of the boss fights so that they only show up on their corresponding leaderboards (and not ALL of them).

Because of this, while the rules might look different, nothing has actually changed... With only one exception: 100% and 101% runs are now required to show the Tower Completion percentage and judgement at the end of the run. As usual we will offer a couple days' grace period before we start enforcing this rule. Thanks for your understanding.

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Postad 1 year ago av

We've been receiving a few runs that skirt around some things we had thought to be reasonable assumptions. We hate rejecting runs for seemingly trivial reasons, but also want to ensure posted speedruns adhere to a standard of quality for the sake of fairness, integrity and enjoyable viewing.

  • Full runs will be required to clearly show the file select screen and the intro cutscene of Peppino and Gustavo looking at the tower when starting a fresh save. Videos that begin right as Peppino enters the tower will be rejected.
  • Videos of Individual Level runs will be required to show the act of restarting (or entering) the level. Videos that fail to show either will be rejected.

Any runs already approved are good to stay, but these rules will be effective immediately for any runs going forward.

Also, we would like to remind you that using the debug console in runs is strictly disallowed. Our verifiers are busy enough as is, so please respect their time and refrain from posting blatantly invalid runs for a cheap laugh.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Postad 1 year ago av

With the recent rise of tech such as fastfall and high jump, which require multiple buttons to pressed on a single frame, the question of allowing macros to make these inputs more convenient and accessible to perform has come up a couple of times.

However, we expect the game to receive more updates in about a month or so (no promises just yet), with a few updates that us in particular might really like!

  • More freedom when setting binds (Which should hopefully settle this macro business without need for external programs.)
  • Better ingame timer (Which is always nice. Furthermore, if this timer is deemed reliable enough, it might even be possible to switch our timing method from RT to IGT, but we'll see.)

However, these updates are still some ways away, and the specifics are not even quite set in stone. Until the day these changes arrive, the official ruling will be that **buttons may NOT be bound to more than one action, through Steam's Controller Configurations or otherwise. You may still bind several different buttons to a single action. **

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Postad 1 year ago av

One of the current rules requires the results screen at the end of the run to be showed. Because of this, using Results Screen Skip (RSS) would be indirectly disallowed. However, this rule fails to account for how Tutorial doesn't really have a results screen. What happens if you do RSS then?

To keep things consistent and to avoid the headaches of working out exactly when the pause screen shows up and when to end time, we've decided to explicitly disallow RSS from being used for all IL submissions. A note will also be made on tutorial's particular case.

Thanks for your understanding!

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Postad 1 year ago av

In order to make verification easier and to make runs harder to cheat, we're tweaking a rule regarding the ingame timer: For full-game runs, the ingame timer must be enabled and set to the "per save" setting, NOT "per level". Any runs submitted before this rules change will still be verified.

We understand this is probably going to be a hassle for people who hop between Individual level runs and full game runs, but we believe this is for the best overall. Thanks for your understanding!

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Postad 2 years ago av

Well... We were planning to do this eventually, but chose to wait to not push people to bite more than they could chew and let them tackle the challenge in their own time and by their own initiative. That said, it looks like "eventually" came a hell of a lot earlier than we thought!

In response to a 101% run having been completed, we have now added a 101% category to the leaderboards! Furthermore, in response to more than a few requests, we have also added a True Ending category to the leaderboards!

Looking forward to see what you got- Good luck!

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Postad 2 years ago av

Hello there! An update on the update situation

After hearing opinions and thinking them over for a day, we've decided that we won't be taking any action. The update will ultimately just make runs faster, so there's not much reason not to stick with the new update. The game is young, so the current records would've probably become obsolete regardless simply through better play.

As such, no leaderboards update is planned.

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Postad 2 years ago av

If you restart a level while climbing a ladder, Peppino will skip the level enter animation on his next attempt.

To keep each attempted run in a vacuum and to spare runners from the pain of looking for a ladder to perform the glitch on each and every "real" attempt, the Ladder Restart glitch has been banned from use in Single-Level runs.

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Postad 2 years ago av

Attention folks, this update is kind of a gamechanger.

With 9 toppins now being skippable, up from 5, the route for Any% is sure to change dramatically. We would like to have everyone's opinions on what, if anything, should be done with the records we have until now.(Even if they're not even a couple weeks old)

Apparently some levels have also seen slight changes, but we don't know the full extent of them. Keep on the lookout for which levels might've changed and if such changes would have a significant impact in single-level speedruns. We'll discuss and address these differences as they're found.

It's unlikely we'll have a lot of changes this big in the future, but it might be a good idea to consider options on how to handle this sort of situation should it repeat itself.

We moderators are trying our best, but we don't have a ton of experience on this sort of thing. Insights and ideas are welcome now more than ever.

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Postad 2 years ago av

Somewhat important news!

We had originally created the Toppin Trackers spreadsheet as little more than an aid to optimize the route for full-game Any%. However, we've had a few people compete there regardless simply for the fun of it.

Because of this engagement, and the reasonable number of differences to Any% and 100%, we've made All Toppins a proper IL category on the leaderboards! We'll continue to update the Toppin Trackers spreadsheet as a nice visual aid, but we'll mostly take future submissions from the leaderboard from now on.

We'll keep the update form for now, and keep checking for submissions there but it'll be mostly phased out of use from now on.

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Postad 2 years ago av

We've decided that having music enabled is not necessary. However, you must have at least the sound effects be clearly audible.

Additionally, the ingame timer must now be visible at all times (either per save or per level is fine). The Game HUD must also be enabled and visible at all times.

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Postad 2 years ago av

Ok! It took a bit and I wasn't sure if it'd get approved, but we were able to get a new leaderboard dedicated to the full game! The old leaderboard will now be dedicated to demo runs and nothing else.

We want to keep track of all the runs submitted until now, so we please ask you that you resubmit all your old runs to the new leaderboard. After a week has passed (or all submissions are moved over), we'll have the demos leaderboard to be just for demos.

You can find the old leaderboard here:

Sorry for the inconvenience! Looking forward to see more runs from you guys!

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Swap Mode: Progression Transfer banned for NMG


after the shocker that was today, we'd oughta bring you up to speed (lol pun) what's been happening the past day for Swap Mode.

A major trick was discovered for Swap Mode (1P and 2P) titled

In short on how it works: In Swap Mode,

16 days ago
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