Wouldn't it be cool to make a category for speedrunning Pizza Tower with different characters (if it's possible) ?
You could also just speedrun it yourself. The lack of a category for it isn't stopping you lol
there will never be separate categories for game mods here on the main page and there are no plans to make category extensions for game mods either, the closest adjacent is the separate page for CYOP custom levels but i doubt there'll ever be a page made specifically for character mods
But what about full game mods with additional characters? Such as the upcoming 2.0 Scoutdigo with Vigilante, or Final Round. Along with new characters, there's also new bonus content and levels being made for both as well. Or would this still fall under the "No dedicated category extension for mods" gimmick?
Some full game mods literally feel like a DLC for the game with additional characters, like the Noise Update. The only difference is that it is fan made. It would be nice to see other people playing full game mods and finding new skips for different characters. I don't think McPig will release another major update. The mods already add all the "missing" characters, as well as bonus content.
to answer smashcrafter's question, "no mods" includes all mods, including reworks like final round and scoutdigo, partially due to a lack of demand and also how the official leaderboards (main categories and category extensions) are strictly base-game only
So it is basically some kind of "tradition" to do base-game only. And since this "tradition" is followed by everyone, there is no demand for these mods. We will probably just stick to the base-game for the next years and we will see the same instaturns, the same ghost skip and the same erics over and over again, until someone beats the game in three and a half seconds.
not really a tradition but mostly js common sense, since this basically applies to almost all other popular speedgames on the site, if there are mod categories they will almost always be moved to category extensions (if its a game which already has a million category extensions, we don't) or a separate board for mods, neither of which we rlly have any kind of demand for right now, so for now i don't see mods getting separate categories on any official pt speedrun boards
So we would just need more demand for a potential mod category to get official. Good to know and makes sense. We just need some more people to start wanting and demanding that stuff!
even if there is demand i highly doubt we'll actually make a category for it, from what ive seen theres a pretty universal sentiment across verifiers and staff that mods shouldnt really be on the main boards so i doubt mods for the game (outside of those that help with verifying base-game runs, like the 101 IL mod for 101% IL submissions on the category extensions leaderboard) will ever be on speedrun.com unless somebody else makes a separate mods leaderboard themselves
If you really want a speedrun.com page for the mods you like, do it by yourself, this specific page is made for the base game Pizza Tower, nothing else nothing more, but there are other choices out there, CYOP and Sugary Spire have their own SRC page for people to submit their runs as long as they follow the rules.
And about the other part, that's just how speedrunning works my guy, people spend time on developing knowledge and strategies over time, which doesn't mean there will be "the same instaturns, the same ghost skip", some strats will just stay there forever and that can't be changed because they save time and if you want faster times you have to do them, what changes is the consistency each person has for them, and that's where people find the fun in speedrunning, slowly learning each tiny thing in the game but feeling a huge accomplishment whenever they get a PB, or just finding new stuff for everyone in the community to learn and use it, which always happens no matter how much time passed.
And you might have not seen it at first glance, but there is a pinned thread in these forums explicitly mentioning that we are not taking any sort of category suggestions into consideration.
Yes, I did not see that thread. I was not complaining about "seeing the same instaturns ...", I just wanted to emphasize, that a bit of "New Things", like mods would be nice to have. I did not mean to critisize the fact, that we use the same strats over and over again. I DO LIKE THAT.
I did not know this website is for base-game only, since there was a category extension for CYOP. Everything is clear now. Thanks for responding!
after the shocker that was today, we'd oughta bring you up to speed (lol pun) what's been happening the past day for Swap Mode.
A major trick was discovered for Swap Mode (1P and 2P) titled
In short on how it works: In Swap Mode,