Finding diamonds
3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

I just spent almost 3-4 hour try to get this and i want it to be officle


You mean a record or just a decent run? Also it all depends on which run you are doing, are you doing a set seed or a random?


no sadly this has been propossed before but that isnt gonne get added as a category

you should look at the lb before running a cat, finding diamond won't ever be added officially because it's mine diamond with 1 less step

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
EmiCh321 tycker om detta

@dimaond_speedz there is an IL for obtaining diamond in the obtain item leaderboard, and it can be done with and without structures.


@dimaond_speedz there is an IL for obtaining diamond in the obtain item leaderboard, and it can be done with and without structures.

GoldGamer32 tycker om detta

dude i get diamonds in 3 minutes and obsidian in 12 seconds but idk how to sumbit it :(

I got diamonds in 59 seconds

kurdigamer7772 tycker om detta
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago


  1. No one cares
  2. No one cares
  3. No one cares
  4. Don't make a post in a year old thread
  5. No one cares Lessons learned: don't brag and don't necrobump 😊
YUMmy_Bacon5 och Gaming_64 gillar detta
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