Any% Route
8 months ago
Oklahoma, USA

Has a generally accepted Any% route been nailed down yet? And, if so, does anyone have it written out somewhere? Scrounging around online only brings me videos of full runs, as far as I can find.


the game only came out just over a week ago, the route is still evolving a lot.

Washington, USA

This is especially in the air now that world 2 skip and world 3 skip just got discovered

South Carolina, USA

With the Discovery of World 2 skip and World 3 Skip, can we get a leaderboard split?

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100% and All Badges Leaderboard Changes

Hello Wonder runners!

We have just concluded our poll in the SMBW Speedrunning Discord regarding the "All Badges" category, and it has been determined that the category will now be under the 100% subcategory "No Standees." This also means that true 100% runs will be found under "100% - Standees."

4 months ago
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