тема: Speedrunning
Englandsixfour1 month ago

Finish runs of Zelda 2 100% All Keys 1CC, Mario 2 warpless, Elite (NES) any%, Link's Awakening 100%

Zanum, grntsz, и Merl_ нравится это
тема: Blades of Steel
Englandsixfour6 months ago

Leaderboard added, cool - now extremely certain that sub-7 is possible, just did a 7:05 offline (accidentally, press start stream in future you idiot)

тема: Elite
Englandsixfour7 months ago

Similarly, once in range of the space station, aim for a spot close to the station but in line with the planet, the entrance is always on that side. Keep going at full speed and only engage the docking computer (if you don't have the upgrade, always keep 5 credits spare to dock) when you're roughly in a line with the station and the planet. While you're coasting to that point, move your hyperspace point to the other planet on the local chart, and check commodity prices to see if anything is suddenly profitable. Also move the cursor to the trading option once docking computers are engaged to save a little bit of time.

Don't do this, just start the docking computer then hit fast forward to immediately dock. Why didn't anyone tell me this before?

рекорд: Tetris (NES)
Englandsixfour8 months ago

Run starts at 6:40

тема: Elite
Englandsixfour8 months ago

Once you've got the beam laser, you want to switch out Diso for Riedquat - this is a much more dangerous system, but it has higher profits and will start to get you some kills. You'll probably run into enemy action most of the time when jumping towards the planet - packs of up to three enemies can normally be dealt with using just the laser, if you run into four, I'd immediately missile one of them, then run away so they're shooting at the aft shields and not the forward ones. A pack of four all shooting at the same place can drain your shields VERY quickly, so get them down to three (I've never seen a pack that size have ECM), then try to isolate a single one of the enemies, clean them out, and you can likely just use lasers directly on the other two from there.

Riedquat has the same trading situation as Diso in that it's an agricultural planet. Keep trading things back to Leesti and bring back more and more computers. I've not looked at market prices for what Riedquat has for sale in great detail, so there might be more efficient things to sell, I'd need to look at that a bit more.

Keep doing the same trade route until you're at the stage where you're able to buy the entire stock of computers. Once there, you can look to spend the excess on upgrades. First thing I'd look to buy is docking computers just because they're cheap, then an extra energy unit (basically provides better defences which is always useful), then just power through until you get up to 6k credits and can buy the military laser. Get that, with the refund buy an ECM system (not that the types of enemies you'll face going forwards use missiles that often, but better safe than sorry) and you may as well get fuel scoops to allow you to pick up cargo from destroyed ships.

Once you've got the military laser, just jump to Riedquat, keep doing short jumps not getting close to the space station, and kill anything that moves. Should be able to rush through to competent fairly quickly from there.

Small optimisations I use while in flight are to hit hyperspace immediately upon leaving the station then while you're waiting, up your speed, point away from the planet (no idea if either of these prevent the hyperspace, but in some versions they did), then move the cursor all the way right to quickly be able to start jumping towards the planet. Similarly, once in range of the space station, aim for a spot close to the station but in line with the planet, the entrance is always on that side. Keep going at full speed and only engage the docking computer (if you don't have the upgrade, always keep 5 credits spare to dock) when you're roughly in a line with the station and the planet. While you're coasting to that point, move your hyperspace point to the other planet on the local chart, and check commodity prices to see if anything is suddenly profitable. Also move the cursor to the trading option once docking computers are engaged to save a little bit of time.

тема: Elite
Englandsixfour8 months ago

Want to throw out some thoughts as to what I see as the best route as of right now, if anyone wants to come in with opinions or possible optimisations then go ahead.

First part of the game I think is a rush to the beam laser - I'd start by immediately filling up with food at Lave (remainder being textiles - by the looks of things the stock/prices available initially at Lave are fixed), selling it all at Leesti, buying computers there, and then starting a run to and from Diso, returning with primarily beverages, food to fill the cargo bay if needed, then when more money is acquired you can look to switch to furs if they're on sale at less than 60 credits for greater profit margins

There's greater potential if you want to deal in illegal items, three things (robot slaves, rare species and firearms) will upgrade you to offender, which may result in greater attacks from bounty hunters but if you just defend with missiles you should be fine. Slaves work great on the very first run out of Diso if you can get them at under 10 credits, otherwise the profit percentage-wise is better on food and beverages work out about the same in terms of credits per ton. Firearms look to be pretty much comparable with computers for profitability so can be ignored, but rare species in the Leesti to Diso direction might be viable, although volatile. I wouldn't buy for more than about 45, but they'll frequently sell for 80-100 credits.

Defend with missiles early on. The pulse laser is pathetic and if you get into a fight it's quicker to just take the hit and missile the other guy immediately. Diso and Leesti are both pretty safe planets so it's fairly rare that you're forced into a fight which is the primary reason why I suggest this route to stay safe while you rush up to a beam laser.

You probably want to get the large cargo bay almost ASAP to maximise trading profits, but clearly you don't want to buy it at the first opportunity as it's pointless without the money to fill it. I would wait until you have enough cash to fill up with beverages, complete another round trip, then buy it - you'd be starting at about 500 credits, that'd get bumped up to about 600 at Leesti when you sell, which ought to be enough for 8 tons of computers which'll sell for around 750. You'd then get knocked down to 350 upon purchase, but you're back up to a comparable spot fairly quickly from there.

Then it's a case of rushing to the beam laser. It costs 1k but you get 400 back from trading in the existing pulse laser. That gives you some money to continue trading with it, but I'd wait until you're up to about 1300-1400 while docked at Leesti, then buy it and we move on to the second half of the run (new post)

Englandsixfour1 year ago


Typically do runs without a timer - had a situation yesterday where OBS dropped connection briefly, so the run (all stunt jumps if relevant) is split into two VODs. Fortunately the issue happened during the drive to the mall while doing Shakedown, so it would be easy enough to work out the real time somewhat accurately - probably just going to do another run as the run was shit anyway, but if not, would the run being split over more than one vod with a short missing period be an issue?

тема: Tetris (NES)
Englandsixfour1 year ago

Yeah, I don't know what the fastest time anyone doing the big 20 tomorrow has got, but I would guess based on the first completed run I did that a mid-7 should be extremely easy to do - the attached is a 7:40 which is sloppy as anything so anyone half competent should be able to sub-8. Obviously if the competitive scene became interested any decent roller would just do 19 all the way

тема: Tetris (NES)
Englandsixfour1 year ago

I'd probably do some runs of this if it was added as a category

тема: Blades of Steel
Englandsixfour1 year ago

Yep, sub-7 can clearly be done - just done a run which finishes within the first period in 7:22, which includes the huge mistake of conceding a goal costing about 15 seconds, and then two separate instances where I think a fight is being started but I just knock the other player down and inadvertantly shoot, so with a clean run a 6:xx should be easily possible. Obvious thing I just realised today is that you'd want to finish the run with a goal to skip the final animation which you'd have to watch if you finish on a fight, so probably optimal play is to take the immediate free goal the game gives you, then try to chain two fights together with a goal to follow up, alternating fight-goal from there but taking fights if they obviously occur


тема: Blades of Steel
Englandsixfour1 year ago

OK, updating on progress, sub-8 has been done - very nearly a single period clear, just got somewhat screwed over trying to get the last fight, I had the setup but a team mate kept interfering. which cost 20 seconds straight away, then had four spells where there's at least 2 minutes of in game time with nothing happening, which if we can cut those down to save around maybe as much at 10 seconds each time, then I think sub-7 should be just about theoretically possible

тема: Blades of Steel
Englandsixfour1 year ago

Picking this game up again having played it as a kid back when it was first out, tournament % doesn't really interest me and 10 goals isn't something I'm interested in grinding, so if anyone wants to do something different try this - it's an extension of 10 goals, you also have to win 10 fights.

Timing starts at the same point as 10 goals on selection of the teams, and ends either when the tenth goal is scored or you land the final punch in the tenth fight you win, whichever is later.

I'm posting runs to Twitch (day 1 - , day 2 - ), I'm going to try to bring this down to sub-9 having got 9:12 earlier today, first run of the second video. I'm guessing it will be possible to complete the run within the first period, the 9:12 I mention above starts the last fight with over 12 minutes left in the second period, assuming the opponent AI doesn't unnecessarily screw you over I'm going to say it can be done.

Englandsixfour2 years ago

I liked the bit where you got busted on pizza boy

L0UIE нравится это
Englandsixfour3 years ago

Cheers people, I'm just trying to get an idea of whether it's realistic to get it done in one go. I think I'm def going to have to work on a bunch of stuff before i can make an attempt, but just useful to get a guideline. Clearly I'm just looking to get into a spot where i can get a run recorded to be honest

Englandsixfour3 years ago


Thinking of doing a 100% run some time in the near future, at the moment I'm just derusting the game, and as I only ever did any% fairly badly way back in the day, actually learning the missions that I never did as well as the locations of all the packages, USJ's etc then working out some sort of routing.

I don't intend on doing any sort of duping or other major exploits - how long would you all estimate a first run to take? To give an idea of where I was at back in the day, I'd got any% down to just over 2 hours back when Cone Crazy was still a run killer and nobody had worked out free assets etc. Just wanting to get an idea of whether I can realistically get it done in one sitting

Mhmd_FVC нравится это
Englandsixfour10 years ago

as posted elsewhere, i think how things were when we just had free assets was perfect because no CC, i don't know what to think about the CP clothes glitch as it became obsolete before i really saw it in action

Englandsixfour10 years ago

yeah, any% is kind of broken now. while it'll be fun to see how far this can be pushed for a bit, it's effectively a joke category like OoT at this stage and a category that goes back to allowing free assets to skip CC seems necessary

Englandsixfour10 years ago

i don't know how the game works out how to trigger the phone call from ken to start CTC, i assume it needs 7 distinct assets - wondering what happens if we try to buy an asset again given the purchase marker seems to still be there post-glitch and if we can do boatyard 5 times with printworks + vercetti estate

Englandsixfour10 years ago

yeah, getting a second monitor isn't really an option, i've got one of those windowing programs that i'll try, otherwise i'll just run without splits showing. wanted to try this method first as i do prefer to play full screen. thanks guys

edit - yeah, that didn't work, came up with an error as soon as i tried to launch. that i'm using the steam version probably doesn't help

О sixfour
10 years ago
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