Reasonable estimate for 100% run?
3 years ago


Thinking of doing a 100% run some time in the near future, at the moment I'm just derusting the game, and as I only ever did any% fairly badly way back in the day, actually learning the missions that I never did as well as the locations of all the packages, USJ's etc then working out some sort of routing.

I don't intend on doing any sort of duping or other major exploits - how long would you all estimate a first run to take? To give an idea of where I was at back in the day, I'd got any% down to just over 2 hours back when Cone Crazy was still a run killer and nobody had worked out free assets etc. Just wanting to get an idea of whether I can realistically get it done in one sitting

Mhmd_FVC нравится это

with no major glitches, om0, duping like you said, I'd say like 10-12 hours. Ofc it also depends how well you play.

You can check cazpersky's run in hundo leaderbords, it has no duping, om0 stuff at all if my memory serves me.

Edit: ok just checked, he does jury fury dupe and also does para and pizza with om0 help so he can teleport to a nearby house but nothing else major really.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
sixfour нравится это
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

A modern day run with no major exploits will take you around 7h if you're good and use modern routes (shanz had around 8:30 iirc in around 2014), but if you're still coming back to the game after a long break it will take a lot longer.

I'd definitely plan for >10 hours as Mehmet said.

sixfour нравится это

Cheers people, I'm just trying to get an idea of whether it's realistic to get it done in one go. I think I'm def going to have to work on a bunch of stuff before i can make an attempt, but just useful to get a guideline. Clearly I'm just looking to get into a spot where i can get a run recorded to be honest

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