рекорд: WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2009
I thought this was the fastest undertaker run because I only checked the emulator runs.
рекорд: WWF SmackDown!
I never thought about doing this one in a steel cage and I think I created this category.
You should also be able to show your difficulty before your run like in smackdown 1
Jaggybabs нравится это
I like that idea might ad it in
These are some great ideas. I think Title% could be the easiest to implement.
Jaggybabs нравится это
тема: WWF SmackDown!
Smackdown 2 is finally here on
Jaggybabs нравится это
тема: WWF SmackDown!
I have submitted a request for smackdown 2 if it gets accepted it i will link it in a post here
Jaggybabs нравится это
I've updated it
ill update the rules now
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