Game rules have been updated:
Use in game time wherever possible, if not available go bell to bell unless otherwise stated. Finishers and settings must be kept to default except difficulty, entrances and arena/mat. Medium/Hard runs must show difficulty during the video (Usually at the end of the run). Count out/DQ wins are not allowed.
These changes wont effect previous runs except the matches won by countout/DQ but i havnt removed these yet until wer in agreement.
I know there is a few runs that win by count down are we in agreement about the new rule? not really a challenge to just get a countout.
Where do we stand on CAWs? Should we allow them for all runs, certain categories or not at all?
Anything else we should add or change?
Notes: Youl also see now that most of the matches have been moved to levels. I kept the more competitive/challenging categories on full game. There are also 3 new challenges.
There are no DQs in smackdown 2 by default, but countout wins shouldn't be allowed
You should also be able to show your difficulty before your run like in smackdown 1
@holipigicowi Yeah there is no problem showing it before a run but its better just to encourage to show it after because it wastes less time if u have to reset.