тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

my policy on old updates: does the old update make it impossible to match or beat the time? if not, we can keep it.

i still need to fix all the runs that use old bags, since they're a second or so faster than current bags, but unless the old gmc runs are faster than newer ones, it's not worth the effort

Cuncon47 нравится это
тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

i want to put a creative reference to american psycho here but i haven't watched the movie

i'll do cleanup of all rulebreaking runs over the next few days

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

make a forum post to explain exactly what you mean, 'cause i'm not understanding you

тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

@rms the difference in time is about a second and i don't think that impacts any of the runs we have currently on the leaderboard - nightmare ro-bank is certainly saw-based

тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

Decent point. I thought situational awareness only increased detection speed, but if it, damage, and health can all be reduced, those three are banned. Bomb Squad is similarly banned for Haunted Forest alone. All the others provide purely challenges and are thus allowed.

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

what are you apologizing for

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka1 year ago

playing without audio is weirdly creepy.

Infamous_Noob нравится это
тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

Recently I've found that bags from before the new interaction system were a second faster to pick up than the current one. I haven't had the time to go through and remove all of the runs that do this, yet. When my time frees up (probably next week) I'll do that.

Feuer нравится это
рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

the 31s is still possible.

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

jewelry 21 r&b 5:28 gift 6:01 four 4:37 diamond 12 art 35 robank 6:41 mall 5:24 downtown 5:22 blood 7:49 trans 11:08 shadow 1:28 auth 58 black 3:22 cook 8:57 night 44 trick 4:01 haunted 4:00 ozela 9:31

21+328+361+277+12+35+401+324+322+469+668+88+58+202+537+44+241+240+571 5199 seconds 86.65 minutes 1 hour, 26 minutes, 39 seconds

you appear to have timed downtown bank incorrectly. updated it for you.

EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

so what's going to happen to the current runs that interact before the timer starts

EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

Why are basic interactions allowed (like in Nanovyte's Prison Break 0:17) if items aren't? That's inconsistent.

EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

Runs that take items before starting the game should be classified as glitched runs, not glitchless.

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

jewelry 23 r&b 15:54 gift 16:45 four reset(1:19)+9:27=10:46 diamond 5:10 art 5:37 trick 9:19 robank 9:24 mall 13:49 downtown reset(10:43+2:29)+11:44=24:56 blood 7:50 trans reset d1(7:16) + d2(2:57) + 17:43 = 27:56 shadow 0:10+13:56=14:06 auth 5:22 black 7:00 cook 24:55 night 1:06 haunted 6:09 ozela reset(3:23+1:51)+15:25=20:39

23+954+1005+646+310+337+559+564+829+1499+470+1676+846+322+420+1495+66+369+1239 13629 seconds 227.15 minutes 3 hours, 47 minutes, 9 seconds

resets were counted from when the button was pressed - loading times vary after clicking "speedrun mods hate him" yes they do

рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

restarts are only counted if they're to rectify a mistake or to get better RNG - i've adjusted your time accordingly

jewelry 20 r&b 6:06 gift 5:06 four 4:38 diamond 2:38 art 1:09 trick 5:32 robank 8:59 mall 5:34 downtown 5:20 blood 7:30 trans 12:35 shadow 1:08 auth 1:28 black 5:22 cook 8:52 night 21 haunted 3:57 ozela 10:00

20+366+306+278+158+69+332+539+334+320+450+755+68+88+322+532+21+237+600 5795 seconds 96.5833 minutes 1 hour, 36 minutes, 35 seconds

Infamous_Noob нравится это
рекорд: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

why is this 1080p video at 4 frames per second

тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

There's been a new heist added to the game! Unfortunately, that means any full-game speedruns have been moved to Old Versions. Fortunately, that means you get to subject me to more 3 hour videos!

The individual level has also been added. I haven't had the chance to play it, yet, so any verifications for runs of/including it will take a few days.

Good luck!

DiveXI нравится это
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

Which seventeen are those?

тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

Yup. They don't provide /that/ much of an advantage over normal weaponry, and certainly none that would impact a speedrun.

тема: Notoriety
EnglandCorsaka2 years ago

@Asdasdhack You're right - I've moved those, as well.

Asdasdhack нравится это
О Corsaka
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