European Union110 months ago

Not sure how many people care, but I think all the original donors should be aware of this

grnts, ü и 5 другие нравится это
European Union11 year ago

Here's my dog https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/832036429626081281/1014296161605136565/39F0369C-91D8-4909-8EE9-7FD60709577C.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/832036429626081281/1014296642343669780/B053E9D9-C70B-4848-8701-D22765A983AF.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/832036429626081281/1014296768780963950/E4FDBD53-6182-41E0-9566-97A0EEE11603.jpg

Gaming_64, CaveSpider и 6 другие нравится это
European Union12 years ago

I am no longer going to be a mod here.

The site is shit, the owners are a pain to communicate with, and they do everything I don't want them to do.


cheg, LordParoah, и landus нравится это
European Union12 years ago

Heres my dog back when he was a small boy


landus и VyPr нравится это
European Union12 years ago

Basically what the title says. It would be great if we could use the API or something similar to obtain a users profile picture. Previously I would use https://www.speedrun.com/themes/user/<USERNAME>/image.png but this no longer works :/

The only way at the moment I can think of is to grab the URL by webscraping a users profile, but thats against the sites terms of use (why??)


bigfoot, Shiinyu и 10 другие нравится это
European Union12 years ago

For whatever reason the page numbers seem to not line up.


Merl_ нравится это
European Union12 years ago


Responding to this here because you weirdos like to lock threads lol.

[QUOTE=Moderation Rules] Preferential treatment of any type (moving runs up in the verification queue, verifying runs that do not meet standards, etc) is forbidden, especially if associated with payment or favors. Failure to remain impartial may result in moderator removal. [/QUOTE]

By verifying faster runs quicker, you are giving preferential treatment to faster runs. This is against the sites moderation rules which can be read here: https://www.speedrun.com/knowledgebase/moderation-rules

As you guys are moderators/verifiers I would have hoped that you had familiarised yourselves with the moderation rules.

European Union12 years ago

Can we get %death% please? 🤙👁️

PomaGIER, kingdinocharge и 4 другие нравится это
European Union13 years ago

I've added a discord server (you can view it on the sidebar)

Hopefully if you guys have any questions itll be easier to ask them now.

European Union13 years ago

idk I just wanted to flex my dual spotify links

Hi, ü и 3 другие нравится это
European Union13 years ago

Hello I was censored for no reason on these forums why was I censored???

Literally 1984


Bob-chicken нравится это
European Union13 years ago

They stick ads in your mod message https://i.imgur.com/ouHwXDB.png

They give you annoying alerts https://i.imgur.com/xv9MOYa.png

The non-web based ones discriminate against non-windows users (yeah I dont have a photo for this one)

Here is the URL: http://retime.mcbe.wtf Here is the git repo: https://github.com/Mango0x45/no-ad-retimer Here are my changes (ranked by importance):

  • Dark theme!

  • Custom mod messages.

  • The default FPS has been changed from 60 to 30, which is a more popular FPS for runs.

  • Removed the alert that appears when copying the mod message.

  • Better Google Drive support.

  • You can toggle the text and titles on and off, useful for small screens.

  • The "about" section has been removed, as it only took up space.

If anything doesnt work as expected please harass me over on discord (Mango Man#0669)

Nordanix, Bob-chicken и 12 другие нравится это
European Union13 years ago


Get some sort of custom CSS browser extension, I use "Stylus" on Brave (its on all chromium based browsers), and I believe it is also available on Firefox.

Point your custom CSS towards speedrun.com (duh) EDIT: If using the "Stylus" extension, select "URLs starting with" and put "https://www.speedrun.com"

Put in the CSS from here: https://hatebin.com/hhhclkygus ( credits @SioN ) or put in the CSS from here: https://hatebin.com/dpfqwkoums ( credits @1UpsForLife )

It works for me, if it doesn't work for anyone else please reply here so I can try to find a fix.

EDIT: @dha had a bug where the leaderboard was moved to the bottom of the screen. Apparently if this happens you want to make sure you set your browsers zoom to 100%

YUMmy_Bacon5, Riidolsk и 41 другие нравится это
European Union13 years ago

Always nice to see all the tournaments and races going on :P Heres to 100 more!

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
European Union13 years ago

I cannot find Valhalla in the country list, was it removed (why?) or am I being stupid and looking in the wrong place?

Bob-chicken нравится это
European Union13 years ago

Just a post for those concerned about the amount of no-proof runs I have been adding. All the runs I have added to the leaderboards do actually have proof associated with them, they just aren't on the site since they're deep in some very old discord chat logs. There are 2 or so runs without proof though. If I have the time I'll try to find the proof I can for these runs and add them here again.

NuruddinPlays нравится это
European Union13 years ago


Fill out all the boxes on the form. Don’t write an essay, we like to see clear and concise things. Also make sure to use proper English.

LordParoah и Conea64 нравится это
European Union13 years ago

@Elo pls read the feedback thread

Shiinyu, Bob-chicken и 2 другие нравится это
Ex-speedrunner. Video games are evil, go to the gym, start a business.
6 years ago
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