тема: The Site
European Union19 months ago

Hot take but why should Elo care about a one time donation you made to a different guy 3+ years ago

@ShikenNuggets it’s not about whether or not they should care. To me it’s more so about the fact that they introduced it to make people happy, and then promptly removed it for no reason while conveniently forgetting to mention it whenever they talk about the site changes they’ve made.

CyanWes, SioN, и YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
European Union110 months ago

I have hard strong erections like the masculine man I am

тема: The Site
European Union110 months ago

Not sure how many people care, but I think all the original donors should be aware of this

grnts, ü и 5 другие нравится это
European Union110 months ago

Testy test

Zanum нравится это
European Union110 months ago

I very rarely have anything positive to say about new post-Pac owners of the site, and I take a lot of issues with many, many, things you guys have done to the site. I also always had massive issues with the absolute lack of quality control, and the fact that just about every site update was insanely bugged out.

That being said, I think for the first time ever I am actually impressed. As a software dev I know how big of an undertaking a complete reworking of a site like this is and I want to say good job! I did of course find a whole lot of bugs within the first 5 minutes but this is still so much better than I would have ever expected from you guys.

For once, I am happy with an update! Kudos!

XavizardKnight, SpeedyFolf и 3 другие нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union111 months ago for life my guy. Why would I ever use a chess website that shows me ads and limits functionality unless I pay money, when I can use a free- and libre-alternative instead?

Gaming_64 и grnts нравится это
тема: The Site
European Union111 months ago

I made the mistake of not having an adblocker on (got severe trauma as a result) and got an ad for fleshlights.

Good stuff ELO! Nice to see you’re just as useless as you always were!

Also where are those moderation tools promised to us 2 years ago? I’m still waiting!

Gaming_64, Walgrey и 7 другие нравится это
European Union11 year ago

Why would you put % in the name?

Gaming_64 нравится это
European Union11 year ago

It's easy to say we need moderators, but try to find me people who are trustworthy, well known enough, and have the time. Everyone that's competent enough and who's actively said they want to be a mod (or who has become a mod) is too busy, or not interested in moderation anymore.

Additionally, most new moderators have a huge dip in activity and basically quit after the first 2 or 3 weeks.

Gaming_64, jackzfiml и 4 другие нравится это
тема: The Site
European Union11 year ago

[QUOTE=CyrilTheOwl] Is it kind of possible to delete those runs if they were submitted by me or not? [/QUOTE] I believe this is possible using the site API

Gaming_64 нравится это
тема: The Site
European Union11 year ago

Probably a dev trying to advertise his game and not a bot, but I think it still counts

Edit: Page 69, nice.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 и 4 другие нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union11 year ago

I always say these same things and everyone always wants to push back and call me „out of touch“ or „dangerous“ or other nonsense, but I want to reiterate that my goal when I say these things is to hopefully empower you all to fix the problems in your life.

Are you depressed? You can fix it! Are you socially anxious? You can fix it! Are you fat? You can fix it!

If you have a problem in your life, don't ever listen to the people that say that you can't improve or that you can't fix your life. You can fix your life and you can improve your mental health. It'll be hard but it is possible.

Don't try to fix your symptoms, fix the causes. Don't spend your whole day playing video games because it distracts from your depression, go out there and face the world head on and beat your depression! You can be that same warrior you are in a video game in real life, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Gaming_64, grnts и 5 другие нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
European Union11 year ago

why did the clown with the advert link get more likes than me

Gaming_64 и Merl_ нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union11 year ago

[QUOTE=CyanWes] @1 I'm sorry but I actually laughed at "Do you lack friends? Start developing social skills" because you see there's this thing called [social] ✨anxiety✨ and you can't just magically start being social because you're brain is being illogical most of the time and worrying about everything. [/QUOTE] I know, and social anxiety is a very real thing. I myself struggled with HARDCORE social anxiety for YEARS, but again, it's something you can fix!

I started by just holding more eye contact when speaking to my friends, then I started saying “hello” to people when I entered school. I started forcing myself to share my thoughts when the people at my table were having conversations.

The point is, I had the humility to realize that I had a flaw (my social anxiety) and instead of crying about it I tried to take baby steps to improving it.

And you know what? I am still not perfect! When I'm at the grocery store and can't find something I still triple check the entire store before asking an employee because some of that social anxiety comes back and makes me not want to talk, but when I catch myself doing this I will force myself to go and speak to them to develop better social skills.

You can do the same, I believe everyone here can do the same. You just need to be willing to put in the effort, play the long game, and most importantly, you need to believe in yourself.

Also yeah, if you have bad social skills “just improve them bro”. I know it sounds unhelpful… but its the truth. You are not going to magically wake up one day and be better socially. You need to force yourself to be around people, you need to keep failing over and over and over again in social situations and slowly leveling-up your social skills until you start gaining more acquaintances, friends, and even people you would call a brother/sister.

[QUOTE=HankSchrader] edit: your bio "Video games are evil, go to the gym, start a business." screams "I'm an epic sigma male" 😂 [/QUOTE] To be fair, it isn't the best way to present myself, but it's mostly a meme. I say “mostly” because going to the gym is objectively a good thing to do (or at the very least, getting physical exercise), but yeah it's just a bit of a meme.

Gaming_64, TheSecondTry и 6 другие нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union11 year ago

I was going to write a giant list of pros and cons, but I don't think anyone cares so I'll summarize.

Speedrunning fucked up my real world life so bad that I took the initiative to quit video games as a whole and become the best man possible, and now my life is amazing.

So overall speedrunning was a good thing, because without it I would have been mediocre, but now I am exceptional.

grnts, Gaming_64, и cheg нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union11 year ago

[QUOTE=HankSchrader] @1 that may be true, but video games are the only things that distract me from my extreme depression [/QUOTE]

You might be joking, but I am going to say this here for all the other depressed people to read (because this is a serious issue that most of us have experienced).

Depression is not some magical virus that you catch out of thin-air for no reason. Depression is a symptom of your shitty mental health. The solution when you have depression is not to take pills, to distract yourself with video games, or to smoke weed. The solution to depression is to recognize what bad habits you're doing and to stop them, while also doing good habits.

Are you smoking weed? Stop it. Are you spending 16 hours a day on video games? Stop playing them. Are you watching porn? Stop browsing PornHub.

Are you going to the gym? No? Start pumping iron. Are you eating shit food? Start eating clean. Do you lack friends? Start developing social skills.

I have never in my life met a depressed person that only did good habits and not the bad ones.

Stop running away from your problems because nobody is going to save you besides yourself.

Depression sucks, and it gets hard to just get out of bed in the morning, but if I could do it then so can you, and I believe in all of you.

Gaming_64, TheSecondTry и 3 другие нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
European Union11 year ago

Movement is insanely underrated. Focus on your movement.

Make use of the practice mod to practice different levels individually.

Focus first on good movement and control before learning new strats and glitches.

The GIF database is very useful:

Checkout the glossary:

Gaming_64, RaggedDan, и Merl_ нравится это
European Union11 year ago


CyanWes, Gaming_64 и 2 другие нравится это
тема: Talk
European Union11 year ago

I quit gaming, and honestly I think it would do a lot of people good. I won't be one of those clowns that says you can absolutely never play video games ever again in your entire life or you are literally destroying yourself, but I honestly think there is just so much better stuff to do in the world than play multiple hours of video games every single day after work/school

Gaming_64 нравится это
European Union11 year ago

Why does this bullshit always happen with fucking Roblox games.

Gaming_64 и Merl_ нравится это
Ex-speedrunner. Video games are evil, go to the gym, start a business.
6 years ago
9 months ago
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