Where can I see on the rules that I NEED to let my game sound open??? My run was rejected but is not on the rules that I can't turn the sound off.
Director's Cut is faster than the Original release.
Must be played on real PSP/Vita/PSTV
PSXjin v2.0.2 or Bizhawk for emulator.
PAL is banned on emulator.
Inputs MUST be shown in the emulator itself. Hand-cams and input display through programs like xPadder do not count. http://www.speedrun.com/re1/guide/lvzdo
Turbo/Macro are not allowed.
NG+ is not allowed.
Jill must be played
Original Mode must be selected
0 or 1 STARS member must be saved
Major Glitches are banned http://www.speedrun.com/re1/guide/qzd0g
It has come to our attention that the current version of Duckstation (v0.1-7675) runs considerably slower than earlier versions. Until we figure out what can be done to either get the current version up to speed with the other times on the board we suggest that runners use v0.1-7294, which can be fo