Intro skip
2 months ago
Georgia, USA

I'm suggesting we add a category extension for intro skip right after getting the lockpick make a save start the run there I feel like this would b a popular category as the first cutscenes r the worst part of the run

killatrayy, DoggieTreatProX and 2 others like this

I both want and don't want this, but yeah cause I fucking hate that long ass string of cutscenes right at the start

strawhatxx420 likes this
Massachusetts, USA

They are also part of the game with ways to save time during them. It might not look like much, but this is a game of frames. The potential frames saved going from start of dining room, to Emblem pickup, to the next hall, to triggering the zombie cutscene, back to the dining room, back to the main hall, and doing the transition can be the difference between saving a second or not by the time the run's over. I am not in favor of this category extension idea, personally.

I'm going to mimic a response that another mod has given to this exact idea being presented before. "Just because you don't like a particular piece of the game you speedrun doesn't mean you just delete it."

I also want to add that when I saw the title of this thread I thought an in game skip was found to skip the beginning and got excited, only to see what was presented. XD


Aye I can get that, and it is true, learning how to quickly go grab emblem, say hi to the zombie and back, then getting the timing for the main hall transition are arguably pretty "big" parts of the run (maybe that's just cause I felt like a wizard making barry teleport). For me it's like I'd love to be able to just start in the dining hall to skip the 50 seconds or so of complete non play.

strawhatxx420 likes this
United Kingdom

RE Curious Dino Crisis runner here... My sweet summer child... lol

S-TWO and Raclesis like this
Georgia, USA

my point for this category was to add a new way to play as a category extension i dont see why this category wouldnt immediantly become popular

liquidnightmare likes this
Georgia, USA

i have talked to several top runners that have long since stopped running and they have told me if this was added they would come back immediantly

Massachusetts, USA

I don't see how skipping ahead a few minutes is considered a "New way to play". For me a new way to play is going from NMG to Major Glitches, or No Restrictions to Knife Only as those change how the route is done, how fights are conducted. All this category does is skip a few minutes of cutscenes, and is only really for Jill. For Chris it's barely even a minute of cutscenes that would be skipped for this category.

As for popularity of the category goes I have no doubt that it would be popular, but it's still unnecessary. In the last month we've had nearly 60 runs submitted with only 3 of those runs being non-PC categories.

I'm speaking as someone who's submitted over 200+ runs between the main boards and the category extension boards, putting times into 96 different main board categories and 29 different category extensions, using 5/6 of the offered platforms over the span of 5 years. Cutting out the beginning up until the main hall isn't a new way to play, it's "I don't like this one part of the game, get rid of it." The rest of the run would be exactly the same as a normal PC run route and gameplay wise.

Gmundy and S-TWO like this
Georgia, USA

re3r did the same thing its an unnessary part of the game that jus wastes time but i could see how u wouldnt want a category extension flooding ur time

liquidnightmare likes this
Georgia, USA

as im 100% sure many runners would find it completely refreshing and very fun but fair enough

United States

RE3R did it because the intro bit involves a ton of mashing and was destructive to hands. There's health reasons behind that one.

Raclesis and Gmundy like this
Florida, USA

If you think skipping the intro is gonna save you from Barry's yapping all game, you are highly mistaken

Raclesis and Gmundy like this
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