tópico: L.A. Noire
NorwaySeductiveSpatula17 days ago

Hi there,

Apologies for the late response. Steam is generally the easiest as there have been issues with the no-loads script when used with other versions. No downgrade is necessary as there are for all intents and purposes no useful glitches or exploits in the run.

You will want to download LiveSplit and add the no-loads script available in the community discord; we can help you find the file you need.

As far as DLC is concerned I am not entirely sure how this all works these days as some versions of the game come with the DLC included, however I do believe others have managed to work around this issue if memory serves me right.

I hope you enjoy the game, and if it catches your fancy give the run a shot :)

nwa4life curtiram isso
tópico: L.A. Noire

Sure thing. Just submit and I'll go through and remove loads after the fact

KingNoctis420 curtiram isso

I have to say I fully agree with Sasam. Having runs separated like they currently are is really awkward, and I think putting all runs on the same board, even if this means having RTA only on the bottom, is a better solution.

If that's not satisfactory, then honestly I'd rather just have RTA as the standard and IGT as a secondary timing method, even with loads being inconsistent between players. I'd of course prefer if IGT was the standard, but that preference most definitely comes second to having a united leaderboard that is better to navigate.

The game isn't and likely won't be hyper competitive and regardless of whether RTA is entirely competitively fair, the reality is that there are more runs on the RTA only board than the IGT board. Consider the fact that if every run currently on the IGT board was submitted for the RTA one as well it would be totally legit and IGT would just be a niche at that point. To add to this; 5 out of the 16 up-to-date runs on the leaderboard were ran on console. If timing for these are not adjusted, to make up for slower loads, these will never be fully competitive anyway. If the sole objective is fairness, all runs would technically have to be separated into individual categories based on platform as well, which I think we can all agree would be a horrible idea.

It might not be perfect, and I think use of IGT should be encouraged, however I think the leaderboards should reflect how the community is running the game rather than pushing an ideal that the majority of the community isn't following.

To reiterate, in my opinion the best solution would be to put all runs on the same board and simply make RTA the default. That way the whole community is represented together and if anyone wants to, they can simply sort runs by IGT and easily ignore the rest.

BlueSnipeD curtiram isso

I'd say just update the submission with the new times and add a MOD comment saying that timing has changed. That would be the easiest, and has happened a lot on different leaderboards.

DrStruggles curtiram isso

Awesome. The time of existing runs would need updating then to reflect the new timing rules.

I would suggest changing timing to start on skipping the last of the intro cutscenes rather than selecting 'new game', as this should make PC and console more comparable.

Compared to your 12:31 Switch run, I save about 10 seconds just due to the initial loading, and changing the start time would eliminate this advantage entirely.

DrStruggles curtiram isso
NorwaySeductiveSpatula2 years ago

These times are the remains of the individual levels leaderboards on which has since been removed.

Most of these runs were done with recordings that are no longer available and the vast majority were simply taken from the game's in-game leaderboard, which has been proven to be unreliable and inaccurate and as such is no longer considered.

NorwaySeductiveSpatula3 years ago

Alright so I don't actually care much about this, but I want to establish some facts.

You're not actually skipping anything, you're just choosing not to play the levels since you're playing on a completed file (even though you select 'new game' on the main menu). If you were to delete your save, you would not be able to do the same thing. Now any run that uses the speedrun mode is of course, by default New Game+, as this option is only unlocked once you complete the game.

Whether this changes anything or not, I leave up to you. I personally think the new any% category is pretty much pointless, as it's the exact same as the already short all levels run just with less gameplay, and it separates the already practically non-existent runners, but if people wanna run it that way that's all fine.

If people are, however, going to run this way I would recommend just opening the menu and exiting to the map during the opening to the first level. There's no reason to do the first section.


NorwaySeductiveSpatula4 years ago

Sure, I don't see an issue with that. However time would of course end on the last enemy dying and the "You beaten all the enemies!" message pops up, rather than jumping off the edge

GuildMasterTV curtiram isso
NorwaySeductiveSpatula4 years ago

This entire run is a meme and was never intended to be a serious thing which is why everything is so dumb and the reason for the lack of info. I honestly have no idea why this leaderboard hasn't been deleted as I've seen more serious games be flushed from the site. The runs were all done over 5 years ago and because of changes Twitch has made to vods, all videos of these have sadly been lost. The only example we really have of the run is one I did as part of the awful games block at ESA a couple years back:

An actual any% run of this would just involve resetting until you get 3 spider spawns and timing would end when these are killed, but this was real dull so we came up with a bunch of arbitrary requirements to add some actual gameplay to the run. As for what constitutes touching an object, it's literally just having your character model touch the object and that's it. Once again not very serious and the whole thing took place in one evening when we were just hanging out together on Skype and was run entirely by honor system.

For timing we started as you press start, however you were not allowed to move before doing so (essentially making this starting point 'first input'), and ended on either touching the tree that's for some reason placed inside the castle walls towards the back or jumping out of bounds in the respective categories.

If you're interested in doing something with this game go for it, otherwise I'll probably just contact a site mod and request it removed, because honestly it has no business being here.

GuildMasterTV curtiram isso
NorwaySeductiveSpatula5 years ago

Another great event, and I'm truly digging the location both geographically and in terms of the venue itself. Having attended since 2015, these past two events have definitely been the best I've seen of ESA, and I'm as always already excited for the next one.

I will primarily be talking about my views and concerns regarding stream 2, and then the end will just be some quick points about other stuff.

-STREAM 2- First allow me to just say that I absolutely love stream 2 and ever since Liva got on and has been in charge it's been a damn delight both as a viewer and runner. This year I only interacted with Liva and Thiefbug, but both of them were super helpful, friendly and did such a great job of making things comfortable for you as a runner. This has been my experience every year I've dealt with stream 2, even when I made a bit of a mess for Liva and crew last year, and I can't state enough how much I appreciate this.

I understand that the technical setup is considerably less complicated than stream 1, but it's so nice to just have things run smoothly and have whoever is at tech be nice and accommodating. That's not to say tech on stream 1 is not, but it can often feel chaotic and hurried. Once again I understand that with the complexity of stream 1 this is likely inevitable, it's just a point of note.

Alright, on to the meat of this section.

Having both streams in the same area is naturally a double-edged sword. On one hand it's nice to have them in such close proximity so people can hop between the two with ease, however the bleeding audio and distraction is unfortunate. I have no idea how big of a deal this was for the stream viewers, but on-site this fluctuated between minor inconvenience and a very real issue.

I assume the primary reason for putting the them so close is to show that the two streams at ESA are equal, but let's be entirely honest; they're not. Let me explain what I mean and why this isn't necessarily a bad thing:

The two previous years in its own, smaller, room, stream 2 has had a way more laid back and comfy feel to it. This is something I personally absolutely treasure, but I realise it might not be important to a lot of other attendees. By moving the stream to the big hall this feeling is completely lost and replaced with... what exactly?

Stream 2 has fantastic games every year, but the schedule has and will most likely continue to favor stream 1 (I don't see why it wouldn't), and as a result stream 2 generally has less stream viewers as well as a smaller physical audience. Well one of the things we got by moving to the big hall was more chairs, which just means more empty seats for most runs, which is always a sad sight.

Next I think the text-to-speech donations are fine and has a decent meme potential, but beyond that it just adds to stream 2 feeling like less of a priority.

In my opinion having the bigger "main stage" stream 1 and the smaller, comfy stream 2 gives the event a nice variety, and I would personally love to see ESA double down on this rather than try to force the little kid to stand right next to his bigger, more successful brother. Maybe there could be a middle ground between last year and this one. Stream 2 still in its own area, but maybe a bigger room than last year if possible. I think that would be wonderful.

I would also like to echo something other people have mentioned. I feel like having a set of games on stream 2 that could move to stream 1 if they end up ahead, will leave a way better taste in people's mouth than being "downgraded" to stream 2 because of delays.

As one final note I feel like stream 2 was horribly under-advertised on stream 1. I know that sponsors are important but hearing the same ad read 2-3 times in a 1 hour run seems a bit excessive and one of those reads could certainly be dedicated to just briefly reminding people that there is a second stream going on as well. I forget, but I do seem to recall squad streaming being used this year, which is great. I just feel like we can still do more to advertise stream 2. An idea I talked with some friends about was during intermissions maybe showing a picture-in-picture with a live feed of the other stream. I think this could be a great addition and something to consider.

-QUIET PRACTICE ROOM- I honestly have no idea what horrible tragedy happened that turned the room into what it became, and maybe the reaction was completely warranted. However from my point of view it came off as excessive and frankly hostile at times. Basically having to ask for permission to enter, while minor, is another hoop to jump through and the whole situation made me feel treated like a school kid. Then having what was essentially a guard at the door just added to this feeling and made the entire experience very off-putting. I witnessed people doing their necessary communication at a level barely above that of your average mechanical keyboard and getting yelled at for it. Yes, it's supposed to be quiet practice, but this isn't a library.

If it's gonna be like this, you might as well have a time sheet where people can sign up for blocks of practice, and maybe add a comment if they actually need to practice commentary or communicate with fellow runners or commentators so people who need absolute silence can just avoid those slots. I just think there are better ways to deal with this area than passive aggressive signs and having people guarding the room.

-PC ROOM- Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Not enough computers, not enough space, people put a bunch of other stuff in the room for some reason, and machines just kept disappearing.

For practice concerns I am well aware that people can just ask to use machines when people are doing other stuff, but the thing is a lot of people won't and they shouldn't have to. Will there ever be enough pcs to satisfy everyone, probably not, but it can definitely be a lot better.


  • One thing that I miss from both streams is a dedicated monitor for chat. I'm not sure if this is something other people care about, but I quite liked having it for keeping up or checking in on chat both as a runner, commentator, or even just spectator.

  • Street Boyz were loud boyz. Awesome that you're having a great time, but you are for some inexplainable reason right next to the stream - have some restraint. Everybody knows this by now, and I doubt something similar will happen again.

  • Setup for games on stream 1 this year seemed like a bit of a mess. Constant big delays and tons of small issues. Gamefeeds being swapped, no game audio for the majority and even entirety of certain runs etc. Also the buttons for starting and stopping the timers also didn't work out at all for races.

  • There wasn't enough communication between tech and runners. For several runs, the runner would be live and not be aware for a good few seconds and it's all just kinda awkward.

  • With the way stream 1 was physically set up this year there were way less seating and for some of the bigger hitters, there simply wasn't enough. It also in my opinion made the event appear way smaller on stream.

  • I suspect this will sadly forever be the case, but guys, take care of your own frigging trash. Most of you are in your 20s, it's about time you start acting like it. Already on the first day the floor in the main hall was covered in popcorn and there were paper cups absolutely everywhere. Embarrassing honestly.

  • I have no idea how plausible this actually is, but it would be sweet to have access to stream 2 on the hotel room TVs as well.

Maybe this seems very negative, but if this is all I have to comment on, then from my perspective you're doing pretty darn well :P See you next year folks!

NoobSalmon curtiram isso
NorwaySeductiveSpatula5 years ago

We tested this a little bit at ESA and it unfortunately doesn't work optimally yet.

In its current state the script only counts time you actually have control over Aurora. This means that during small cutscenes where you can't move her and, more importantly, in combat, the timer will not be running.

However Rythin and I have already talked about this and if she's interested in working some more on the script, I'll give her access to my game since she doesn't own it.

tópico: Shenmue II
NorwaySeductiveSpatula6 years ago

Personally I think the HD remake should just be a separate leaderboard anyway and splitting up the platforms then wouldn't look nearly as bad that way. It would make the leaderboards look way cleaner and much easier to navigate.

tópico: Shenmue II
NorwaySeductiveSpatula6 years ago

I would just like to clarify that running on a softmodded console doesn't mean you're running off of the harddrive, and as such banning softmodded consoles don't make a whole lot of sense. Just require running the game from the disc.

Sticking with RTA, at least for the consoles, would be my choice. As for PC, I don't really have a preference.

tópico: Shenmue II
NorwaySeductiveSpatula6 years ago

Is that THE dap? PogChamp

I believe most people play either on the original xbox or xbox 360. As far as I know only Freddy has done stuff on Dreamcast. Lastly xbox emulation isn't really a thing just yet - I know people are working on it, but it has some serious challenges if I understand it correctly.

tópico: Shenmue II
NorwaySeductiveSpatula7 years ago

Not as far as I know, sorry. Community is pretty dead so I doubt many people would join if there was one :P

But if you got any questions or anything, anyone would be more than happy to help I'm sure :D

tópico: L.A. Noire
NorwaySeductiveSpatula7 years ago

Welp. I guess we'll figure it out then

tópico: L.A. Noire
NorwaySeductiveSpatula7 years ago

I will happily go through and do my best to manually remove loads from any console run like I have done in the past, rather than add more categories.

The community is limited enough as it is, and I don't think splitting it up is gonna be a good thing. Console runs are also gonna vary a lot depending on the platform (I'm not gonna claim to have tested many platforms but let's consider facts like the Xbox 360 version involving disc changes) so I don't really think it would be much of a solution.

If people don't agree with my views on this then obviously I will change/add things, but as it stands I think dividing up an already tiny community would do it a disservice.

tópico: L.A. Noire
NorwaySeductiveSpatula7 years ago

Sorry for the late response. It's been dead here for a while so I've completely forgotten to check.

I'll add the new platforms right away. Hope to see runs soon :)

NashSuper600 curtiram isso
Sobre SeductiveSpatula
10 years ago
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