Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago


Derpeth e Zachoholic curtiu isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

The guy thought that holding W would nullify any A and D presses for the cheat to activate. So it applies. GTASA is not a teletype terminal.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

You are my new favorite idiot

To quote someone from the SDA thread back in the day: GTASA is not a typewriter

Zachoholic curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

I can provide Frisian translation if it's needed

607, PackSciences e 2 outros curtiu isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Agree. If we allow this mod we blur the line even further. "Why is this mod allowed but not that"

We're already allowing controller fix / windowed mode, and I say end it there. The less exceptions to the 'no mods' rule, the better.

On the other hand, I'm like, whatever. I'm willing to make that one extra exception for this mod still, although I can't really give a good reason as to why, so I'd have a hard time convincing people to also make that exception. The only reason I can think of is 'this mod doesn't mod out the consequences of an action, it just prevents the action from occurring at all.' (action being typing D7A6DWD, consequences being cheat activated) Except I can't come up with a reason why that reason is a reason at all, let alone a good one.

I can tell you however that even if this worked with my game version, I wouldn't use it. And therefore I'm not going to continue trying that hard to defend its usage (even if I knew how to). Patrick's solutions seem much better anyway.

Oh, here's another solution: Don't press DDDDDDDAAAAAADWD

Lxthvl e Zachoholic curtiu isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

If this prevents both WASD cheats AND the specific movements done by the WASD keys, then I am almost in favor of allowing and using this. I certainly welcome the idea.

A single simple additional D press can do so much: It can prevent you from driving into a pole, or a car, or a pedestrian. If that very same D press also is the last of a cheat string, it should activate a cheat. If person A modded their game so that cheats are disabled, then that will give person A an unfair advantage over people who did NOT mod their game, as person A is now able to dodge that pole/car/ped whereas others are not. Yes, it's only relevant in very rare and very specific circumstances, and it's only a very minute advantage, but it's an advantage nonetheless, and it happens often enough to spark up discussion about it every so often.

Typing DDDDDDDAAAAAADWD should not be allowed, ever, whether it will activate a cheat or not (Unless R¤ comes with an unlikely official patch for it, which we wouldn't use anyway since it'd probably patch shit we don't want patched as well)

Here I am writing before I read other posts. It turns out I have repeated here what hdc0 already said, which means I pretty much agree with her. I'm fine with people using this tool. I'm not fine with people blocking cheats without blocking the input as well.

Here I am calling it a 'tool' when it appears to be an actual 'mod', and this is my problem with it. I think you/someone should make a non-mod version instead: A tool running in the background that doesn't modify the game or write into the game's memory, and instead just checks the input externally and blocks the input altogether in some way (system wide?), not just game-wide.

Derpeth, Gaël e 3 outros curtiu isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Will this block my keyboard's D input, or block the D input in the game?

For example, if I input DDDDDDDAAAAAADW ingame, then hit alt tab and go into notepad, will I be able to type a D?

edit: I dont think it will matter anyway thinking about it, but Im curious to know how this works anyway.

@cooller, explain why it isn't a good argument please. You just said it isn't, but didn't come up with a reason why. Why would fixing X be okay but fixing Y not? What makes this different from other cases?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

As I said, if a category is cared about, it can be added / kept. Lots of submissions in the past hours of silly categories. You're going to have to convince yourself first that you care about those before trying to convince others.

I don't understand why the sudden decision to take the piss though? We've agreed to remove the categories nobody cares about, as per your request. But seeing as you still seem to be unsatisfied, I don't think further action needs to be taken, as there is no point in trying to satisfy people who cannot be satisfied.

Zachoholic curtiram isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

If nobody really doesnt care about 69 HP then sure remove it. But 4 people did a run of it (or a similar dumb category) so it must mean something I guess.

I dont recall who made me add it in the first place. I guess it could be removed until someone talks about it

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

I'd like to know why SWAT4 was cut

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

If you don't like the leaderboards. Don't look at them. That's why they were hidden. Unenjoyable categories do no harm being here. Some people do care about this shit. Let them have their fun.

This is a meme board, where dumb pointless meme runs are posted so they DONT clutter the main ones. Let memers have their fun, here, so they don't shit up the actual leaderboards.

Cant wait until Gael starts complaining about there being no IG hundo board, and we're going to have the same fucking discussion again. People didnt want it on the main VC board, so we put it on HERE. Yes, it's still going to be as fucking pointless as it was before, but at least it wont be in the fucking way. Also where else would you link to it? A google doc? Way to go back to living in 2010. Putting it in the 100% rules, again, only clutters up the actual proper leaderboards. We wanted to keep it away from there, so fucking goddamn keep it away from there.

"I fully believe they have no place on a board like this, and that the board should be reserved for categories that could possibly deserve a spot on this website, but aren't good enough to make it to their respective games' boards. " These boards were made specifically for those stupid gimmicks. If a run is too good for this, then put it on the main boards. If it's not good enough to be on the other board, then it is no better than stupid shit like 69HP. I disagree with long runs being 'worth' more than short ones. GTA5 hundo+ would take like 24 hours, and I'd see no better place to put it than to put it right here among the other stupid runs, short or not. (Provided I am actually going to do a run of it)

I would recommend everyone who does not give a fuck about these leaderboards to actually do just that: Not give a fuck. It's hidden away now so it shouldn't be an eyesore anymore. If it is, then I'd like to see a screenshot of where it is being an eyesore.

Heck, I dont even give a damn about any%, but it's sitting there on the main boards like an eyesore to me. I just want to look up 100% dammit. You know what my solution to this problem is? I click the 100% button and look at those boards. But somehow even bloody All Missions gets precedence. My life is so tough.

Just because YOU don't care about some of these, doesn't matter that others dont. Heck, I dont even give a damn fuck about most of these myself. The categories that have people care about it can stay, the ones that don't can be removed.

Maybe sort the runs by length if the clutter of shorter categories is such a big deal. That'll push the short, more trivial, runs towards the end of the list, making them even easier to ignore. And it'll give the long runs, that do require a little more effort, to have a more prominent spot in the list.

27, Lxthvl e 4 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Please set the GTA category extensions ( as a ROM Hack or whatever for "Multigta", so it doesn't clutter the main series page with the nonsense

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Yes. Although Joe brought up good points and we need to draw a line somewhere. Although I think once SRR mods do what I would've done myself if I could, but can't for some reason, and this is put on the background, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Zachoholic curtiram isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

We've added "GTA Category Extensions".

All your 'meme' runs go in here. This is only for true memers. Somewhat serious non-game-beating categories should still go on their proper game (like all collectibles etc)

Derpeth e EBen curtiu isso
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Don't lock up the room with the fridges the day before the event is over. All the food I had prepared to eat that evening was spoiled because we had to clean out the fridges, so I had to eat shitty Max anyway.

It should be the very last room to be cleared/cleaned/locked, even after the main hall/streaming area (with the exception of maybe the toilets).

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago


Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Games begin when initial loading is done. Start there. Exceptions can be made, but GTASA is not one of the games that need it.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

That should already be available somewhere

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

@joe: not just any 1/3rd of it; the worst 1/3rd of it

beastlukas e Zachoholic curtiu isso
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