United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

I think there should be a category starting from fresh. Right now, only NG+ exists and there is no any%. The result is only those who have invested massive amounts of time into the game have a chance at getting good times, because you need all the best cats. Please add a normal any% where the levels must be played as intended, from a fresh save file. I will do a run if need be to get the leaderboard started.

tópico: Color Switch
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

has anyone here actually played colour switch recently? there's been a lot of changes and basically all these categories are obsolete. Someone please update them. If you want, I'm completely willing to do so if you make me mod, but seriously, none of this stuff is in the game anymore. If you all aren't gonna keep it up to date thats kind of annoying

JoshuaBeesley e Mcguy215 curtiu isso
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

I agree with Reggae

XxLucaBossxX curtiram isso
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

How does one get 5 boxes to the final room? My understanding was that there are only 4 in the game... I've been messing around with taking out a box and then returning to a certain room and pressing restart room to no avail...

United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

Thank goodness! Beating level 5 with just regular bullets is really rather tough. Is it possible to have all health upgrades without using triple jump?

United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

Hey! In the category regular bulletsw only, can you have upgrades like additional health that don't effect ur gun/bullet? Same goes for limited and unlimited story mode. Thanks!

United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

Hey all-

Being reasonably close to casually 100% the game right now, I'm at about 30 hours. Given that a 100% run would contain a full any% (abt 5 hrs) and freeplay% (abt 3 hrs) then I think a 100% run would take about 8 hours + doing all the Chronopolis missions. Any idea how long all the Chronopolis missions would take? Cuz I feel like it couldn't be more than like 6 hours but my Steam stats seem to imply differently.

Just wondering! Also, has anyone even attempted the category before? Thanks!

rapidfrezze e WiiSuper curtiu isso
tópico: Rocket League
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

Yeah, I've been doing a lot of thinking about it. I would definitely do it with a friend, and I play it on Steam so I would be doing those achievements. I think I've found a way to effectively reset progress in terms of achievements, but alternatively we could just keep track of if the achievements would have been unlocked, if they didn't have the achievement yet. I have no estimate as of yet, but given that it is guaranteed to take 30+ games, I see it taking at minimum 2.5 to 4 hours. I have started plans here:

I have no idea if I'll be able to pull it off, but I am willing to give it a go! I'll keep you posted, and if you have any tips or tricks let me know!

tópico: Rocket League
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

I've been doing a lot of research into how to most quickly and most easily get all the achievements, and I think it is possible to get all Steam achievements in a single play session. I have yet to actually do a run, but I am willing to do so to prove it possible once I have perfected all the strats. Therefore, I propose a new category, All Achievements. The hardest part of this achievement will definitely be unlocking items, since I am rather confused on how the new blueprint system works (I just started playing again after quitting for a year) so I need to do some tests on the achievements that require unlocking certain items, but I think this could be an interesting and very high difficulty run. I'm not sure what the protocol for this game is to create a new category, but if you want an example run before creating the cateogry, just let me know.


Plumato e monkinsair curtiu isso
United StatesHerbs1114 years ago

Something I find weird is that a lot of the main categories for this game are IL's, and should honestly be in the ILs tab. Here are three propositions for full-game runs, and I am willing to do all of these runs myself if you want proof they can be done. All ought to be done from a fresh game, as they recently made an option to reset all your in-game progress.

  1. Play all maps. Finish at least one game on every map. This means unlocking and playing every map. Run ends when you finish a game on ballroom. There could be four subsets. Any% Defaults, where you unlock all maps one by one and play on all default game settings. Any%, where you play from the start, but can change the game settings. This means increasing point values to all the way, and decreasing maximum game score to the lowest possible, etc. All settings must be at the defaults at the beginning of the run, and changed to the desired ones after timer begins. Then there would be NG+ Defaults, where you must play all maps having already unlocked them all, and NG+, where you must play all maps having already unlocked them, and may change the game settings. If you want you can make separate categories for different numbers of players, but the fastest way to do this would be 4 local players on the same account, so I don't think it's neccessary.
  2. All Unlocks. Starting from a fresh game, unlock all costumes, characters, and maps. This would also be split into defaults and non-defaults. It may also be divided based on how many players, but again, I don't think its neccessary.
  3. All Achievements. This is the one I look the most forward to. Starting from fresh, unlock all Steam Achievements. This would also be split into custom and defaults, but since defaults would take ages, most likely only custom would be popular. This would be WAY faster with 4 local players on the same account, so making separate categories for different numbers of players would probably just result in the 1, 2, and 3 player categories being empty.

I hope you like these ideas! I really love the game and feel strongly that it deserves to have some actually decent length full-game runs, and not just ILs. Let me know what you think, and if you want me to submit a run to a) prove these are possible or b) get the leaderboard started off, just let me know

Also if I get no response in a week, I will assume all mods are inactive and apply for mod position :)

tópico: Google Snake
United StatesHerbs1115 years ago

There is a mobile version different from the online one. Can we make a separate category for running mobile?

KilleDragon curtiram isso
tópico: Wii Play
United StatesHerbs1115 years ago

May I use an emulator to do my runs? For economic reasons I probably won't ever be able to get a wii any time soon and there are a few good wii emulators out there. Surely if I just prove that I did not enable any cheats or anything then its ok if I play on an emulator?

Sobre Herbs111
7 years ago
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