Category Questions!
Hey! In the category regular bulletsw only, can you have upgrades like additional health that don't effect ur gun/bullet? Same goes for limited and unlimited story mode. Thanks!
Thank goodness! Beating level 5 with just regular bullets is really rather tough. Is it possible to have all health upgrades without using triple jump?
Overhaul To The Categories
Massive category changes have been made, don't worry, all your runs are saved and resubmitted. Here's what's changed:
- Removed the Regular Bullets Only category as it was redundant and mixed all RBO runs with Limited
- Added categories for the new Underground levels
- Added an Aim Assist categor
Runs recentes
Nível: Story Mode Level 4
Nível: Story Mode Level 3
Nível: Story Mode Level 1
Nível: Story Mode Level 2
Nível: Story Mode Level 6