could we add ng+ any?
ng+ could be intresting cause then you could acess more of the weapons that you dont have time to grab in ng runs.
we can still have the requirements to grab 2 fragments cause you need 2 fragments to beat the game
no you can rush to corvus directly , but you need 2 fragments to get an ending . but since you already have themyou can rush to the final boss, the speedrun can be really quick. probably can beat the game in 2 mins. any % ng+ with mutaded odur and Urd would have been such a cool run . cause you dont do them in ng runs. you can also do ng+ reversed all memories which means you beat urd first and finish on odur.
any % no double claw or any % no sword could also be fun categories. i remember any % no double claw was discussed and lv1 any % there is also a defense mode that change the games completley you cannot parry anymore when you chose that perk