Hello folks!
A new major glitch has been discovered that allows skipping to the game's finale immediately after reaching Floor 5: Mansion Skip. While initially thought to be a TAS-only glitch, means to make the trick humanly viable were found shortly thereafter, but only on a controller. The way to perform the trick is as follows:
After reaching floor 5, go into the mansion hub secret
Then, drop back down into the floor 5 hub while charging up a superjump, and as soon as you go through the screen transition, begin doing frame-perfect pause buffering. Frame-perfect pause buffering has a number of peculiar effects and properties. This can be made humanly viable on controller only by holding pause, then unfocusing the game. This causes the game to apply the input every frame, effectively creating a bootleg turbo button.
You must start the pause buffer after entering the room, but before the fade-in from black finishes. Pause buffering will cause this fade-in to never end, which is important.
Once you land from the drop, release the superjump while continuing the pause buffer. You should faintly see Peppino fly back up from behind the pause screen.
If performed correctly, Peppino will now be stuck inside the transition trigger, but not actually enter the Mansion hub secret, all the while gaining vertical velocity from the superjump.
Our goal is to build enough speed to move past the transition is one frame (minimum 92 speed?), but not so much that you overshoot and trigger a void-out.
Build up enough speed to clip past the transition, then focus back into the game and quickly shoulder bash. Then maneuver your way through out-of-bounds into the finale.
Not too long ago we discovered Pizzaface Skip, but deemed the trick not significant enough to warrant a category split, but this is very different. This glitch is a game changer for Any%, allowing runners to skip a total of 30 toppins. True Ending and All Secrets will also be significantly affected.
Staff is currently planning on making a category split: A true Any% where anything goes, and a more restricted category that bans Mansion Skip. We are also considering to remove Pizzaface Skip from this more restricted category as well.
We have not yet named this restricted category something like "No Major Glitches" or such- this is a deliberate choice. We want to enable you guys to compete however you like best, not argue over semantics of what should technically be allowed. Would you like Pizzaface Skip to also be banned from this more restricted category?
We also plan to make a similar split for True Ending and All Secrets. Would you guys be good with that?
Currently we're letting the glitch simmer down a bit and letting people discuss on the Discord server. We will also be throwing some polls there in a few days to decide some of the specifics of how we decide to handle this. If you would like to participate in those, feel free to join!
after the shocker that was today, we'd oughta bring you up to speed (lol pun) what's been happening the past day for Swap Mode.
A major trick was discovered for Swap Mode (1P and 2P) titled
In short on how it works: In Swap Mode,