Verificação rejeitada
Este jogo requer que as corridas sejam verificadas e um moderador rejeitou esta corrida.
Motivo: Please upload the IGT proof to imgur and link the image in the video section.
Any% in 1h 34m 09s by
I don't have a video link since OBS stopped halfway through thanks to my computer running out of storage space. However I have two screenshots of my in-game time and the race where I got my personal best, so if you guys need that as proof, feel free to message me on Discord: Manijure#9250
Feedback Form
Hey everyone!
As promised, we're following up on the recent turbo ruling with a feedback form. We're asking for feedback on the turbo ruling specifically, as well as general feedback. The results of this will be used to inform the next CM team's process going forward. You'll need to provide your sp
Runs recentes
Nível: Experiment No. Z-57
Nível: Robot Chozo Soldier