3 years ago

All E.M.M.I. bosses


Stitastic, bleg e 8 outros curtiu isso
Michigan, USA

%100 no funny business

cakejerry, CircleGuy e 2 outros curtiu isso
Toronto, ON, Canada

low %

iZAN e LJMags9 curtiu isso
Devon, England
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

All E.M.M.I. Bosses are part of an Any% run, so I wouldn't say that would work. I do not know if all upgrades are needed in an Any% run, but if not, then Any% could be split into Any% and Any% All Upgrades (or Upgrade%) We don't know what a Low% run would be like, but I guess it might be possible to beat the game with no E Tank upgrades and maybe no Missile Tank upgrades either in theory. And of course, we do need to tell apart runs on Normal from runs on Hard, as that does affect the ending images you get.

New Jersey, USA

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

He came to town like a midwinter storm He rode through the fields so handsome and strong His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun But all he had come for was having some fun

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

He brought disaster wherever he went The hearts of the girls was to hell broken sent They all ran away so nobody would know And left only men cause of cotton-eyed Joe

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

If it hadn't been for cotton-eyed Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton-eyed Joe?

Seagull, An_D e 7 outros curtiu isso
United States

Going from my first playthrough: There are bosses that require either missiles or a charged shot to take damage. There are bosses that do NOT require missiles or charged shots to damage. There are bosses that can one shot you with at least 2 full tanks with the gravity suit (on normal). All the primary upgrades at this point in time do not seem skippable, since they are either tied to the EMMIs, or are required in some other way (such as varia/gravity being required simply due to heated and cold rooms doing more damage the longer you stay in them). This game is geared heavily towards preventing sequence breaking, with the limitations imposed on underwater movement especially (you can not get higher than your initial jump height with space jump, can't wall jump, can't bomb jump higher than your initial jump height). There's currently no known way to short charge the speed booster.

With all this, and more, in mind, I wouldn't be worried about niche categories this early on. There should be 100%, and any% for both (assuming there's nothing for beating hard mode). That gives 4 categories to start, and lets people get started submitting runs. Mark them glitchless in the rules, forbid all forms of cheating, etc. As ways to break the game get found, then add new categories that allow glitches for the same types of runs. Bare in mind that this is the first metroid game that is in the age of updates, and anything found may be patched out. Runs for this game may come down to optimizing "legit" playthroughs vs finding ways to break the game - especially given this game just came out a few days ago. Also, any% != low%. Any% just means anything not 100%, it shouldn't mean a specific route is required.

cakejerry curtiram isso

I just want some memetastic categories like 100% Map (Borders) and 100% Map Colored In (call it "Color%"?), Bounty Hunter Challenge (enter Dairon the first time, might be a good race goal too), things like that.

Samus Returns was also released in the "age of updates", but they decided to not patch anything in it. We might get a patch that fixes things like that weird softlock with the final boss, but that'll be it I think.

JustinBailey, cakejerry e 2 outros curtiu isso
Western Australia, Australia

Surely we get some serious categories obviously, but also like some fun, meme kinda runs. Like the 2 players 1 controller type deal.


Could be cool to have a short beginner-friendly run. Like how GTA V has Trevor% that's roughly 1 hour, Dread could have a Run that stops once you kill the Second White EMMI (the first one is tutorial). Just my two cents on this

Lesnik e Despatche curtiu isso
Michigan, USA

You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Ridley the wise? I thought not, it’s not a story the Chozo would tell you. Darth Ridley was a space pirate so powerful and so wise he could use beta rays to make the metroids into more Metroids.

An_D e Despatche curtiu isso

Having a category for second EMMI would be part of the Bounty Hunter Challenge, it was one of the stars. My only thing about that is, how many stars of BHC would be allowed? I feel like some are too close to other stars or too simple, the first EMMI for example. BHC 5 (for Dairon) is already kinda short at this point. I don't know if anything shorter is such a good idea.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
UsernamesNull curtiram isso

All monsters killed at least once

United States

Any% Normal, Any% Hard, 100% Normal, 100% Hard, Bounty Hunter Challenge (get to Dairon as fast as possible)

Bavaria, Germany

I would love to see a Any% Emu Catagory

kimniev curtiram isso
South Carolina, USA

The issue with making a bunch of categories is that you end up with a leaderboard with a few runs on a few different categories, then a bunch of blank categories because no one runs them. The best option is to be very basic like SirGouki mentioned above. The easiest way to get runs on the board is by keeping it simple. I personally like the idea of a "No Skips" category, but just doing a basic "Any%" and "100%" should suffice until more runners start to submit more runs that justify more categories. If major skips or glitches are found (and not patched out) then the leaderboard can be divided into glitch/glitchless or whatever.

brownsquirrel curtiram isso
United States

Separate 0% from Low%



erinexplosives curtiram isso
Massachusetts, USA

Petition to have a glitchless category, for those who want to do a run (any% or otherwise) without having to rely on the seam/clip shots for fast times? A glitchless run, in practice, is a different route than what's standard for the faster times, and also wouldn't skip a whole boss fight (Drogyga, in this case). Of course, this assumes they never patch out the seam/clip shots at any point in the future. Even if they did, couldn't we just not update the game when playing the current any% routes? Some food for thought.

Double_Jumper, RabidBeave e 2 outros curtiu isso

One category that came to mind is Corpius. Similarly as super metroid has spore spawn and crocomire. Faster category and would be good practice for that emmi skip. And because you normally don't go there right away, it has some deviation to the early game

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