Verificação rejeitada
Este jogo requer que as corridas sejam verificadas e um moderador rejeitou esta corrida.
Motivo: you need to verify that you are the owner of this totaljerkface account. Please message me a replay link of you completing the level "Pogo" by ilikejacksepticeye
Android in 0m 03s 330ms by
Real-time recording requirements expanded, Audio for PC WRs, and more rule changes
Hey everyone! In this post we will be announcing some very major rule changes for the SRC leaderboards. Incase you just want the summary, here they are very briefly:
NOTE: None of these rules will be enforced retroactively, just from this point (January 3rd 2025) onwards.
**1. Every mobile WR o
Runs recentes
Nível: Renaissance Ravager
Nível: Cursed Mountain
Nível: Crimson Forest
Nível: Classic Happy Wheels
Nível: Rope Swings