HWRL 2024 Official Announcement
HWRL 2024 Official Announcement
Postado 8 months ago por

Once again this summer we're hosting Happy Wheels Racing League for the 2nd time! In this post I'll try to address any questions you might have, more specifically:

1: When and what is it?

2: How do the leaderboards/points work?

3: PRIZE POOL! (What do the winners get?)

1: When and what is it?

The event will be held weekly every Saturday from June 29th to August 31st at 4pm GMT. Conversions to each of your local timezones can be found via googling (ex. "4pm GMT to Greece").

We'll compete in levels made by the community specifically for HWRL. One level per week, that gets published at the exact time the event starts (4pm GMT). People outside the discord can participate and be listed on the leaderboards via saving replays on TJF, but they can't receive any prize (listed later in the post). The hub for HWRL is the discord server (which you can join here: https://discord.gg/j8869puaMH) and it's good practice to enter VC for the first hour from publication of the level, which is when most of the fun and strat sharing take place!

2: How do the leaderboards/points work?


There are 2 leaderboards in which you can compete for each level, the 1-hour leaderboard and the 1-week leaderboard. The former takes place exclusively during the first hour from publication of the level (so if everything goes well, 4pm-5pm GMT). At the end of the one hour we write down the times listed on the in-game TJF leaderboard, and give out points accordingly. The second leaderboard can be participated in until the next level rolls around, so the next Saturday at 4pm GMT (1 week since publication).


This is the model for how points are given out on each leaderboard by placement:

1st - 5 points

2nd - 4 points

3rd - 3 points

4th - 2 points

5th- 2 points

6th - 10th - 1 point

11th - ? - 0 points

The points are calculated throughout the event and the combined points from all leaderboards make up the final leaderboard which dictates the winners. There are some exceptions to the above giving of points, however, and that has to do with the level creator EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE 1-HOUR LEADERBOARD

The level creator gets 3 points regardless of placement, unless they are 1st place, in which case they receive 4 points. This effectively means the level creator has to work harder to receive the higher-end points to balance the knowledge of the level that the rest of the competitors don't have, but also automatically get 3 points even if they place low as a reward and a thank you for contributing a level. Again, this ONLY counts for the 1-hour leaderboard, as by the time the 1-week leaderboard rolls around the rest of the players should have had enough time to catch up.

3: PRIZE POOL (What do the winners get?)

There's been an upgrade from last year, we now have MONEY! **Must be funny, in the rich man's world! Now alongside the designated roles that are given out (for level creators, participants, and seperate roles for winner, 2nd place and 3rd place) the top 3 will also receieve a cash prize. What Michael and I can provide is the following:

1st place - 15€

2nd place - 10€

3rd place - 5€

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: If anyone wants to "sponsor" HWRL and contribute to this prize pool you'd be more than welcome to, and thank you in advance! Even an extremely slight donation to increase the prize pool would be great and all of it will go to the winners.

If Michael or I end up in the top 3 we will donate our would-be earnings to a charity of our choice.

And that's basically it! If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask in the discord and @ either me or Michael so we can promptly answer. See you VERY soon!

June 29th 2024, 4pm GMT FIRST HWRL 2024 LEVEL

Estatísticas do jogo
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