Butt scoot: Crouch and uncrouch REALLY QUICK while sprinting
Stair skip: On stairs jump and press crouch, bringing you down
Quick saferoom 0: Run past first Carnation and get inside the saferoom, which is REALLY GOOD.
Edit: (The third strat is also REALLY risky lol)
these are all really useful in runs
i have to test if just sliding down or stair skipping is quicker, since you gain speed while sliding down slopes, also butt scooting (nice name) would also need some comparisons
quick sr 0 could also be viable but it takes some speed and luck- saves a good chunk of time
Keeping momentum after stair sliding is very important, after a stair slide you have to stay sliding so you don't loose all your speed immediately and you can still jump while sliding. Usually you can zoom through almost all the rooms when you stair slide but the only bad room is some of the parkour rooms with drop downs which require you to unslide and slide again so you don't hit a wall, which would make you normal speed again but I think you can just trimp past the entire room if you have enough speed although I haven't tested it yet.
I heavily recommend using spam-sliding for lever rooms and whatnot, but what's REALLY good is slide-jumping. Basically it's jumping, then holding crouch while in the air until you hit the ground, then jumping again, all pretty quickly. I found out it's slightly faster than spam sliding, and can let you breeze through those long rooms with the various walls. You just have to get good at adapting to what's coming up
somehow i survived carnation in opened door. (im checking it rn and idk how it works)
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