Postado 6 days ago por

Hi everyone, ILs are going to be added to leaderboards after today's poll ended with a large majority voting in favor of adding ILs. To finalize how they will be timed, I've created another poll with two main options:

  1. Start of the game → X Saferoom
  2. X Saferoom → X Saferoom (1-2, 3-4, etc.)
  3. Both of the above

Poll concluded

If you have any questions or even suggestions please comment them below and I'll answer them! Thank you all for your input!

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Postado 6 days ago por

Due to the rules having hardly any effort, I decided to reformat the rules to make it easier to look at

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Postado 7 days ago por

Hello everyone! I've created a poll, which is open to all runners to see if the community would like to have individual levels. If you have any questions or suggestions for the ILs comment below and I'll make sure to read all of them. The poll is now closed will close on December 6th 12 PM (Noon) EST.

Note that using a VPN will not allow you to vote so make sure you don't have one enabled and you should be able to vote!

Vote here! You can view the the results here


  • Q: How would Individual Levels (ILs) work?
  • A: There would be individual levels for each saferoom starting from Saferoom 0 going to Saferoom 5 (the final room where new entities are introduced).
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Postado 7 days ago por

To make this more fair for everyone, we are changing the damage% timing methodologies.

Time now starts when the red timer becomes white.

Time now ends when the white screen appears after you are killed by said entity (Coronation, Goatman, whatever.)

This is the best way to retime it because currently, the timer is glitched with some room generations, giving people benefits and basically giving free world records.

All current runs will NOT be rejected, instead they will be out of queue temporarily as the moderators redo the times (mostly me lmao)

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Postado 9 days ago por

go crazy i guess?

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POLL CLOSED: How should ILs be timed?

Hi everyone, ILs are going to be added to leaderboards after today's poll ended with a large majority voting in favor of adding ILs. To finalize how they will be timed, I've created another poll with two main options:

  1. Start of the game → X Saferoom
  2. X Saferoom → X Saferoom (1-2, 3-4, etc.
6 days ago
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