World first duel final fantasy vii speedrun (stopwatch 23:19:16) Note I've got to add 3mins to stopwatch ! Involving two FF7's being played with one controller's inputs. You need to have a hdmi 4 in 1 quad multi viewer to do this speedrun ! PS3 needs to be wired to playstation 4 controller usb for this to work. It is much harder to do this speedrun with two playstation consoles at the same time. This is my personal research of Final Fantasy 7 Keep a eye on the damage to monster as they are not the same on both consoles.
final fantasy 7 duel consoles ps3+ps4 English ps4 German ps3 It is possible to play two playstation console with two different language at the same time. final fantasy 7 duel consoles ps3+ps4 English ps4 German ps3 Involving two FF7's being played with one controller's inputs. You need to have a hdmi 4 in 1 quad multi viewer to do this speedrun ! PS3 needs to be wired to playstation 4 controller usb for this to work. It is much harder to do this speedrun with two playstation consoles at the same time.
World first duel final fantasy x speedrun (stopwatch 31:46:41) Involving two FFx's being played with one controller's inputs. You need to have a hdmi 4 in 1 quad multi viewer to do this speedrun ! PS3 needs to be wired to playstation 4 controller usb for this to work. It is much harder to do this speedrun with two playstation consoles at the same time. This is my personal research of Final Fantasy x Keep a eye on the damage to monster as they are not the same on both consoles !
Hello PC runners!
We are pleased to introduce a new tool for PC runs intended to better solve the issue of fairness between runners with regards to hardware differences as well as greatly simplify the process of running.
***Download, Install, and Usage guide:
The tool is called SpeedSquare, creat