Trouble in paradise!
1 year ago

Uh oh... seems like we got another troublemaker in the SRC! Better ban 'em since the mods can do no wrong!

Kitkatbars curtiram isso

there's a great world. outside. away from your computer. should check it out. instead of wasting your time like this and in turn causing me to waste my time. anyways im leaving my computer. to go outside. you really should try it (:

NKNNM curtiram isso

Just came back from outside. Was great. Still didn't end the trouble in paradise. Maybe go fix the src instead of wasting my time replying something that has nothing to do with the src in a forum specifically about it.

Also we both know you don't go outside. 7 hour runs, on top of 2 hour runs, on top of 5 hour runs. Glad your keeping the game alive but really?


i run maybe once or twice a week. what the fuck do you know lmao also...who are you? you seem like just a forum troll to me. sorry my full time job gets in the way of me wasting away at my computer. god the internet is full of idiots. grow up. also i have no control over SRC or the leaderboards, so i can't fix shit and honestly I don't have any problems with how it's run, but hey ptown stans are real and y'all very jaded. gl with life, but worrying about a speedrun leaderboard that people fuck around with on their spare time wont get you far.


ahh joined 24 days ago and 0 runs. yep that explains everything. alright bye. i've wasted enough time on you.

I'm a luzbel fan but go on. You keep coming back to reply but every internet troll knows when you respond with "I have a wife, a job, a car, and a house" they are coping. But why cope sir? You are a part of a src that is rife with censoring, random bans, biased world records and 0 accountability. Just get into the circle of friends and ​maybe you can focus more on job and grass than to worry about a no body who cares about fair play in speedrunning.

And clearly I know enough to speak on the issue, which is more than you since you, the speedrunner, came into this thread with no solutions or impact, and just a lot of hateful comments that you worry apply to yourself.


lol I don't run FF7, but I am pro banning people clogging up my notifications with this garbage.

Ganordan curtiram isso

Need more substance.

@DJhinn dude just shut the god damn fuck up honestly, go with your Jehovah's witnesses and become one with the planet. Everyone thinks they can do a better job till they are actually in the moderator position. Ultimately the whole purpose of these forums and the discord is to discuss strats, skills, optimisations etc. Then there is people who literally put no input into this game other than toxicity. You are part of the problem - not the solution.

Utah, USA

First of all, Luzbel wasn't banned, he left of his own accord.

Secondly, I don't think anyone believes that the leaderboards/mods are perfect, but constantly launching personal attacks at each other isn't helpful. If there are actual issues, then we should discuss them civilly, or else people are just going to think you're looking for drama.

I think I'm the only one here who's been civil. The constant excuses I hear are "it's a free, thankless job so be nice" "no one's perfect" "everyone quit because they wanted to" "everything is fine"...

But none of this makes sense. Is luzbel now considered a troublemaker, a term used by a mod? Anyone who brings up issues or concerns is considered a trouble maker? Legit this community gets so upset when someone shines any light on an issue, they attack your character and personality while completely brushing aside any issue. It's called accountability and when you grow up you have to learn to accept it.

I've brought up numerous complaints and had solutions to them that were outright ignored. I never said luzbel was forced out. But luzbel themselves said they were going to be ignored because they aren't liked. That tells you the community is kind, and appreciative? What fantasy world do you all live in.

You create leaderboards for individual runners, leader boards for people who don't play but want it, mods verifying themselves, mods rewriting history to fit their own agenda, and bans to anyone who speaks out. WHY would anyone with an ounce of integrity do these runs for these mods if that's the case?

Heck even one of the runners got banned from the src for his toxic nature.. and it wasn't ptown! The toxicity is from the leadership... it comes from the brain.

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Utah, USA

Re: niche leaderboards—Speaking as a niche category enjoyer, no category gets made without multiple people agreeing that they'd like to run it. Nobody complained about the snowboard category until it was already made, and the one person who did admitted that he didn't actually care and just wanted to rile people up. The category exists, people run it, no big deal.

Re: self verifications—As far as I'm aware, that was an isolated incident for the sake of filling out a new leaderboard. Maybe he should have gotten someone else to verify the runs for authenticity's sake, you're probably right about that, but the person who did it has since taken down those runs and left the mod team, so continuing to argue the point seems moot.

Re: rewriting history—I don't believe that anyone was intentionally trying to do that, and even if they were... I feel like most people don't really care? The history stuff is nice to know, and it's good to credit people as best we can, but who found exactly which strat at which time doesn't affect the actual speedrun.

Re: bans—So far as I've seen, people only get banned when they've been persistently causing issues in the community for a long time, not because they were "speaking out." Also, the person who I believe you're referencing was banned by SRC staff, so take it up with them.

Anyway, I imagine none of this is going to change your opinion, so I'm just gonna leave it at that, lol.

I wasn't really even talking about the snowboard category here. I was talking about Chefbaum running against himself in his own category because his hardware can't run a category 99% of the rest can. But yes snowboarding also fits as only 2 (3 if you count the self verifier who deleted his own WR to prove he didn't want it) run it. But the entirety of your take is more moot than arguing about a leadership team that accepted another leader verifying their own runs without questioning it. Or like making new categories for people with better hardware, but then not making new categories for people with different hardware. The game is slowly becoming P2W based on what hardware you have. Imagine new players coming in and reading a guide to get gud, then realizing they dont have sonic disks but theres no category for that. Or that sonic disks arent banned but they cant be found easily anymore. Or you need a different ps2 to play. Or any of that. The game is so spread apart some runners run against themselves and put it in their bio as a WR holder. Here hold my beer as I run a solo game of tennis and call myself a professional.

Again your following the same excuses as mentioned above. Its an excuse. Now your saying the people banned are banned for "causing trouble" but you fail to acknowledge all their points are completely valid. Rewriting history is not "its not intentional" when you constantly ban, or ignore the people that actually HAVE THE INFORMATION. I'd imagine you are the guys who'd crash the Titanic because the info being relayed to you would be thrown away as the person giving it to you is a "troublemaker." Colin was actually banned from the SRC because he was toxic and promoting hate toward another player. Kitkat, Ptown, Hypeghost, and now likely Luzbel speak out against this corrupted leadership type to simply be ignored or disliked because "damn.... how dare they say we are wrong!"

Really shouldn't speak to a subject if your knowledge on the subject is so superficial. You see a rash breaking out all over the skin, but instead of asking why... you blame the doctor for being a troublemaker. But of course you and the community don't care. You are all part of the reason it is the way it is. If you don't care and like the free WR categories to everyone then just ignore me and move on. I just like truth and fair, if you don't... then you don't have to.

Editado por o autor 1 year ago

For context, I wouldn't call myself active in this community for some time since I got side-tracked with retroachievements but am looking at coming back to speedrunning a FF game for myself and maybe for tournaments like the relay that just happened.

That being said, the last two times I've visited this specific community, there's been a thread like this. While I've not been wading through the thick of it I can say that as an outsider @DJhinn you're opening remarks were not civil and then for you to say that you're the only one being civil? Again, as an outsider, no it's you that's being uncivil and people have either chosen to be uncivil back and taking no nonsense from you or tried to be civil and not exacerbate the situation.

Whatever issues you may have, if I was a moderator (and I'm certainly not asking to be) I'd have done my best to avoid this situation to begin with but failing that I'd be far less inclined to be supportive towards you given your behaviour. I'm on no one's side so take this as advice that if you want people to be supportive of your cause or make things better, please don't come across so confrontation and adversarial. Now you can take this and reflect and work with the community to address the issues or start attacking me as well, take your pick.

I want you to explain in detail to me where in my opening statement I was uncivil. The moderator team has a tendency to only respond in either deletions, bans, or in their discord where they have full authority to ban as they please, which has been proven in the past. Ive had 5 different members of this community attack my character without substance and you want to claim I am uncivil? I bring facts, truth, and fairness and throughout this forum all I've seen are excuses and hypocrits. I even have proof of Amy claiming the past is important and yet she tells me here no one cares. Its just a lot of hypocritical nonsense that I have to accept because not a single runner here has the ability to counter my arguments.

Even now you came here with nonsense. "You are uncivil because your facts and truth bare more damage than the taunts from the community." How absurd. Your on no ones side fine... but I side on truth and honestly anything less speaks to your character. If it sounds harsh well sometimes the truth is as such. I won't simply back down and reflect on what is right because the community in whole is blind to the obvious. And the reason any of you speak up is not to correct the action or dismantle the issue, but to silence me because "oh boy... his very real complaints are unpleasant and it is far easier to say hes a big fat meanie than it is to actually care about my own community."

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
United Kingdom

'I even have proof of Amy claiming the past is important and yet she tells me here no one cares. Its just a lot of hypocritical nonsense that I have to accept because not a single runner here has the ability to counter my arguments.'

You clearly have a strong opinion on many things but unfortunately have a complete lack of logical thinking. This isn't me trying to be disrespectful but truthful. The fact you think claiming the past is important but that no one (she actually said 'most,' which is an important distinction that changes the statement from incorrect to correct - you should be more careful when quoting people) cares is 'hypocritical nonsense' tells me there's nothing of substance behind your statements.

Here's a brief example before concluding my part in this discussion that appears to be largely unproductive. In the past, the discovery of electricity was undoubtedly significant. However, today, the majority of people don't care who discovered it. While some may still find it important, 'most' don't. The same can be said of FF7 speed runs (the point Amy was making - that you were clearly unable to understand).

Have a nice day.

There are several who care about the sentiments on the past. Even you came into the discord upset about the lack of integrity of the history of it. Now its Luz. I understand it is far easier to ignore a problem and pretend it doesn't exist but even you wanted it fixed. I don't know if you are white knighting for Amy but the fact she said most is irrelevant. You can't claim the past is needed to grow or build upon but then openly say people dont care. I can name 5 right off that do.

And its not an opinion when its actually happening. Again I refer to the train on the tracks and you saying "oh well its not going to come" as its actively coming at you. In fact, ALL of you have ignored every claim and just instead picked a fight, and had to spend your time defending your own positions that you put yourself in... and to no avail. History is being rewritten, there are people upset about it, there are categories being made for speedrunners so they can run their own categories, there was a mod who self verified, there are hardware discrepancies that are unfair to any new players, the speedrunning community is becoming more p2w as better hardware and devices means better times. And there is a standing ovation for hypocrisy and censoring. This is all fact and has been proven just by clicking a leaderboard, reading a forum, or listening to a "troublemaker".

Also its cool to see you still around HG. Im sad your trying to white knight for someone using semantics on wording but I honestly thought you poofed. Good to see your still here.

United Kingdom

First - I'm not Hype_Ghost, I thought that would have been fairly obvious...Second - no one said that the past isn't needed to grow or build upon, you seem to have pulled that from thin air to fit your argument. And third - 5 is a small minority and clearly isn't 'most' so you're proving my point.

From reading the comments no one here seems to care about the history of FF7. If you are upset about history being rewritten I would advise you or the people who do care about it to document it yourselves rather than leaving it to the people who clearly don't.

You seem to make wide generalisations but don't provide any evidence. We can go through your points as you have laid them out though:

Categories being made for speedrunners so they can run their own categories - I assume based on an earlier comment this is in reference to Chefbahm and his problem running SCM on PC. The categories weren't split because Chefbahm had issues running SCM, a vote was had within the community and the majority ruled to split the categories. It may have influenced Chefbahm's own vote of course but every personal vote is subjective.

Mod who self-verified - I'm not sure why this is an issue. SRC could easily implement a way to prevent mods from verifying their own runs but they don't. If it's not an issue for SRC then why should it be an issue for mods on the SRC platform. Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but it is just that, an opinion.

Hardware discrepancies that are unfair to new players - Okay a valid argument, unfortunately it's just the nature of the beast when running on hardware. You seem to be against lots of 'free' WRs yet the only way to solve the problem would be to make lots of 'free' WRs for different hardware configurations, it's a little bit contradictory. I guess you could arbitrarily ban sonic discs (not hard to get a hold of) or the faster console, but it's not like they're rarer than other versions. A new player could quite easily already have the fastest ps2 or a sonic disc and then have to buy more hardware, it has no effect on the fairness to a new player.

Standing ovation for hypocrisy and censoring - you'd have to provide specific examples of this rather than a general statement and just call it a fact, otherwise, again it's an opinion with no evidence.

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
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We are pleased to introduce a new tool for PC runs intended to better solve the issue of fairness between runners with regards to hardware differences as well as greatly simplify the process of running.

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