FF7 no slots (ps4) aps setup
3 years ago
Hampshire, England

Ive been having an issue where i have followed the step count guide (in guides) and not got the preemptive for aps but the encounter after is a preemptive am i doing something wrong or is there something different i need to do?

Portland, OR, USA

hey there. You will get the pre-emptive encounter after Aps assuming you are on step count, it isn't an indication that you did the Aps set up correctly. The pre-empt set up for Aps is precise and perfect movement (on console, not quite as perfect on pc) so you are likely doing something wrong on either part 1 in the reactor or part 2 in the sewers prior to the Aps encounter.

Portland, OR, USA

I would recommend watching d13sel's tutorial for PC, which can be found here on SRC under Guides, or davesterio's youtube tutorials for console, which can be found on youtube. There are plenty of others as well.

Portland, OR, USA

Just saw you are running on ps4, so use d13sel's tutorial, it should be the same as PC :)

Hampshire, England

Thank you. I have been using his video but if i dont walk more steps before scorpion i dont get the correct battle after the ladder (3 grunts) instead i get a 2 grunts and a bird also extra battles before and after

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I checked your most recent twitch vod and you definitely don't want to be mixing setups together. You have to follow 1 specific setup fully (Reactor + Sewers before Aps). Also, the setups are very precise, so don't try rushing through them or you will miss the pre-emptive Aps fight by a little bit. Use the bonks on walls and such to make sure you are wasting enough steps (running/walking earlier than intended will break the setup).

The setup I would use for the PS4 version is this:

Reactor Setup:

  • After freeing Jessie, force encounter after the gap (which you do)
  • Walk Left off screen
  • Run Right until you bonk at the end
  • Release all buttons
  • Press L1 + Up to Walk until stopped
  • Add O + Left (so it would be L1 + O + Up + Left all together now)
  • After getting around the corner at the next staircase, switch from Up-Left to Up-Right (while holding everything else) to run into the elevator
  • Run Left and mash Confirm to talk to Jessie
  • Run Down and mash Confirm to talk to Biggs
  • Run Down until past the doorway, then add R1 while Running Down (if you bonk on the railing, just let go of R1 for a split second to get around it, but you want to stay close to the railing while exiting the Reactor)

Sewers Setup:

  • While falling, hold O + Down + Right and talk to Tifa once you bonk on her
  • While clearing the dialogue, hold O + Up + Left until bonking on the wall
  • Release O (to Walk a little bit)
  • Add O and Release Up (so it should just be O + Left) until you bonk on the wall
  • Switch from Left to Right (so O + Right) until bonking Aerith, then talk to her to start Aps fight

If you followed all that correctly, it should work, but you have to follow it exactly from the forced fight in the Reactor up to Aps or else it won't work (any deviations in movement from what I wrote will likely break the setup completely). And like I said, don't combine different setups with each other; just choose one and use it for Reactor + Sewers.

Hope this helps!

ptownrock curtiram isso
Hampshire, England

Thank you i got it for the 1st time today!!!!!

RJTheDestroyer curtiram isso
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